
Daily Thoughts I

The Greeks had a word called Autoon, Being Itself. This term applied to the One, the Source of all Being. It is to this One that all being belongs, and to which all being returns. It is also the highest Good in the universe, or Autoagathon. Because existence itself is the source of all that is good, it is necessary that existence itself be good. That is to say, the Good favors existence over nonexistence. The Good soul must necessarily be eternal, and return to its creator, while the evil soul must necessarily be finite, and proceed towards decline and eventual demise.

It is for this reason that I believe in reincarnation, the necessary return of the soul to the One and its further emanation into a new body to multiply the Good, because it is natural for the Gods to multiply goodness, or multiply existence, to finite beings. These beings share the One in their essence, but differ in form. As we proceed through our cycle of reincarnation, we change in form. Our goal is to unite in form with the One, which I believe is possible even on Earth, through mysticism and communion with the divine through the arts and sciences.

Mysticism is the knowledge of divine forms, which comprises the main aspects of my religious ritual and endeavors. It is the extrasensual knowledge of the soul, and is stored beyond our physical memory and intelligence. This is why we have no idea whether or not memories are actually stored in the brain, because some of them aren't.

Knowledge of the soul is what gives birth to arts and sciences. It is called philosophy, the love of knowledge. It is necessary to know philosophy to some degree to participate in these sacred arts, whether one knows it intuitively or not.
