
BBC英語ニュースmemo | 英ロックバンド「オアシス」が15年ぶり再結成 なぜ大騒ぎなのか

オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan

■ fractious | 短気 / 手に負えない

easily upset or annoyed, and often complaining. 「-ous」という接尾語は「〜でいっぱいの」「豊富な」の意。
Thirteen years before their fractious finale in 2009, they were in August of 1996 at the height of their imperial phase. Over two nights, 250,000 watched them headline at Knebworth in what was the high water mark of Britpop.

■ rest of the bill | 残りもの(単なる羅列)

The rest of the bill: Manic Street Preachers, The Prodigy, The Charlatans, The Chemical Brothers, Ocean Colour Scene, Cast, were just that - the rest of the bill.

■ wary | 用心深い

not completely trusting or certain about something or someone. 「cautious」が「危険を避けるために万全の警戒をする」ニュアンスなのに対し、「wary」は「疑念があるために用心深い」ニュアンス。
A wary fan might be best trying to get tickets for one of the early dates of the tour.

And all the roads we have to walk are winding. And all the lights that lead us there are blinding. There are many things that I would like to say to you. But I don't know how....

