外国人長期収容で国外退去拒否に罰則提言 入管庁、法改正検討へ The Immigration Services Agency consider legal change to stop long term detention. They think about punish for detainees in the detention center.

外国人長期収容で国外退去拒否に罰則提言 入管庁、法改正検討へ The Immigration Services Agency consider legal change to stop long term detention. They think about punish for detainees in the detention center.

2020年7月14日 13時54分
https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/42440 20200714参照


The minister of justice had own round table conference about the issue of long term detention in the immigration bureau. They think it is important to prompt for detainees to go away from Japan. And they consider about punish for detainees who want to live in Japan. The Immigration Services Agency consider such legal change.


The detainees who asylum or have family in Japan are deniting to go back their motherland. So they are detaining long in the immigration bureau. The man, from nigeria detained in the Omura immigration center(Nagasaki), died at June 2019. He did hunger strike for his freedom(karihomen). His death moved Japan gov and now Japan gov try to punish the detainees who denite to get out from Japan.


If the foreign who get Departure order will get out quickly from Japan, his or her period of no re-landing will be shorter. But he or she will deny to get out Japan, they will be punished.


The round table conference talked about the system of temporary release. It is called Karihomen. They think it is necessary to be clear about the standard of karihomen. And if the foreign who had karihomen will run away from under management of government, they will be punished.


Some members of the round table conference insisted it is necessary to determine the limit of long term detention. But they denied the insist because of they worry about the foreigner who had karihomen will be run away. But the detainee who detained so long will be considered to keep his or her detention or  not by the immigration bureau.


Japanese gov has a duty for Non-refoulement. So Japanese gov should not gone the asylum seekers back their motherland. They think the asylum seekers are not refugees but the immigrants who want to get visa to work in Japan. The round table conference think so too. They think the asylum seeker who applied again and again the  same reason should be exiled from Japan.

◆長期収容解消のムチに疑問 支援者「外国人苦しめる」

Punishments are not the answer to solve the long term detention in the immigration bureau.


The immigration Services Agency consider to legal change that the round table conference suggested. The suggestion has two face. If the foreigner are obedience for Japanese gov, he or she may get chance to come back Japan. On the other hand, if he or she couldn't go back motherland, punished. The human rights activists point out the punishment is no meaning. It is just for tortment to the foreigner who have the reason to be in Japan.


The detainees were 932 at 2014 in the immigration bureau. The number of detained are increased a few years, there were 1246 detainees at 2018. The detainees who detained over 6 months were 290 at 2014 to 684 at 2018. Many detainees did hunger strike at 2019.Then a detainee died by hunger strike. So Japanese govt was forced to solve the problem about the immigration detention center.


”The long term detention is burden for the foreigner and the staffs of the immigration detention center. We have to solve the problem quickly. We can the advice well balanced.”

The executive of the Immigration services agency agree about the advice of round table conference.


On the other side, the human rights activists oppose the advice from the round table conference. They said "the punishment is not the answer." Some member of the round table conference oppose the punishment too."If we punish for the foreigner who have to be in Japan, he or she will go jail and go back the immigration center. Going jail and coming immigration center. The punishment no meaning."


The human rights lawyers who be involved the problem of the immigration bureau insist "The round table conference think the foreigners are bad exist. They decided unfairly."

The foreigner who live in Japan with no visa have their own circumstance. Someone have family in Japan, others ran away from persecution in their motherland. "Never should legal change easily."
