Is coconut oil and MCT oil the same thing?

Is coconut oil the same thing as MCT oil? Should anybody really use coconut oil? What is the best MCT oil on sale today? Let's answer these questions together!


Coconut oil has gone from something only used in parts of the world where coconuts grow naturally to a common household staple across the globe. Amazingly, this has happened in just a couple of years; a decade ago coconut oil was a niche product. You certainly wouldn't have found it in your neighbors pantry!

Today, coconut oil is everywhere.

So are coconut products in general: coconut powder, coconut milk, coconut water, and coconut oil are in just about every supermarket, coffee shop, and vegan fast-food place in the United States (and increasingly across Europe too). 

Why have coconut products become so popular?

There are many reasons (such as a growing awareness of the harm dairy does to the body and the planet). However, we think the main reason people are so keen to consume coconuts now is the presence of MCTs. 

MCTs, or medium chain triglycerides, are fatty acids with some very special properties. 

MCTs are rapidly converted to ketones in the liver. These ketones then quickly cross the blood brain barrier, where they act as ready fuel for the brain. This means that you can maintain energy levels - and cognitive performance - during times of reduced carbohydrate intake (e.g. during fasting, calorie restriction, and so on). 

MCTs also have other effects on the body. Studies have found that MCT consumption correlates with reduced body fat, probably as a result of increased satiety from food while taking MCT oil (as you have more energy afterwards). 

Some early studies have also found that MCT supplementation might promote cognitive function beyond simply providing the brain with energy. Specifically, at least one clinical trial has found that MCTs can increase the number of mitochondria in your cells, meaning more raw horse power in the brain. 

So are MCT oil and coconut oil the same thing?


MCT oils are supplements which provide nothing but medium chain triglycerides. For most of these products, coconut oil is the source of the triglycerides, but they are not identical to coconut oil. 

Coconut oil is a food product; it contains everything you would expect from a plant food - fats, water, and plant material. MCTs actually only make up a small amount of coconut oil's mass, with the rest being other saturated fatty acids, water, and so on. 

If you want an alternative cooking oil, coconut oil is a good option. But if you want performance enhancement, then MCT oil supplements are the way to go.