
Amulet Pendant Genki: Possibilities from a Quantum Mechanical Perspective

In chiropractic practice, various diagnostic methods are employed. Among them, a diagnostic technique used in some cases involves checking for differences in the length of the legs (leg length inequality) when applying stimulation to specific areas of the body to identify abnormal areas. For example, if applying stimulation to area A reveals a leg length inequality, it is determined that area A has an issue. The author found that this leg length inequality-based diagnostic method can be applied not only to the musculoskeletal system but also to various other areas of the body.
However, this method faces challenges when it comes to examining the finer details and deeper layers of the body. In the search for a method to examine these finer details and deeper layers of the body, it was discovered that applying stimulation to a diagram resembling the human body results in the same leg length inequality as when directly stimulating the human body. In other words, it was found that by preparing diagrams that simulate specific body areas, it is possible to conduct examinations on finer details and deeper layers.
Furthermore, it was discovered that applying stimulation to the diagram can improve abnormalities identified through the examination. Moreover, by using specific substances to apply this stimulation, significant improvements can be expected.

Examination Method Using Leg Length Discrepancy

It is generally known that abnormalities in internal organs can influence factors like facial appearance and pulse. Throughout the world, there are methods to diagnose and treat conditions by observing bodily responses. For instance, chiropractic care, a manual therapy for the spine recognized as a medical qualification in approximately 45 countries and regions, utilizes a diagnostic technique. This technique involves checking for abnormalities by observing bodily reactions such as leg length discrepancy (a difference in leg length). When a chiropractor touches areas of the patient's body, the legs may visibly extend or contract by several centimeters over a few seconds, allowing the identification of abnormal areas. Reports even suggest successful mechanical measurements of leg length discrepancies, such as using rollers to make contact with both legs. By measuring the electrical current generated as the rollers rotate, disparities between the values of the left and right legs can be detected, confirming leg length discrepancies.

Conventional Beliefs Regarding the Cause of Leg Length Discrepancy

Initially, it was commonly believed that leg length discrepancies were primarily due to straightforward skeletal abnormalities.

An Alternative Hypothesis on the Cause of Leg Length Discrepancy

In contrast, the author speculated that leg length discrepancies might arise due to changes in muscle strength. The diagnostic method that utilizes leg length discrepancies could potentially be considered a type of muscle reflex test, identifying abnormal body areas by confirming changes in muscle strength. Notably, one representative method of muscle reflex testing is the "O-Ring Test." The O-Ring Test is conducted as follows: First, the subject is asked to create a loop using their index finger and thumb. The examiner then touches various areas of the subject's body while simultaneously attempting to pull apart the loop the subject has created. The examiner gauges the subject's muscle strength, and if a decrease in muscle strength is detected when applying stimulation to a specific body area, it is considered an abnormality in that area.

A Third Hypothesis on the Cause of Leg Length Discrepancy

Furthermore, the author considered a third possibility regarding the cause of leg length discrepancies: that examiners might unconsciously sense abnormal areas in the subject's body, and this sensory perception might manifest as leg length discrepancies. The reason behind this consideration was an unusual outcome when verifying leg length discrepancies by using laser beams to stimulate specific locations. Marks were initially placed on multiple areas between the knees and ankles on both of the subject's legs. Laser pointers were then arranged to consistently illuminate these marked locations. During this setup, the examiner touched the subject's abnormal area. As a result, three chiropractors present during the experiment visually perceived a leg length discrepancy of several centimeters in the subject. However, the laser beam's point of illumination remained fixed on the marks. While the influence of a physical phenomenon cannot be entirely ruled out, there is also a possibility that leg length discrepancies are not solely due to physical causes. If the phenomenon is indeed a visual illusion or an effect of sensory perception, then leg length discrepancies may be a form of "visual illusion" in humans. However, in the above experiment, all three chiropractors present experienced the same "illusion." Dismissing this as a simple "visual illusion" seems implausible. If this phenomenon is not a mere "visual illusion," then what could it be? The author posited that examiners might unconsciously sense abnormal areas in the subject's body, and this perception might manifest as leg length discrepancies.

Consideration of the Ability to Diagnose Using Diagrams Mimicking the Human Body

If the manifestation of leg length discrepancies is indeed influenced by examiners unconsciously sensing abnormal areas in the subject's body, a method could be devised where examiners question their subconscious minds about "which areas exhibit abnormalities" while observing a human body diagram. In practice, the author verified that leg length discrepancies manifest when stimulating diagrams that mimic the human body, similar to when direct stimulation is applied to the living body. If applying stimulation produces the same results on both the living body and a human body diagram, then the use of human body diagrams might not be necessary. However, when directly stimulating the living body, the areas available for examination are limited, and it is impossible to examine finer details or deeper layers. In contrast, by using diagrams mimicking the human body, examinations of finer details and deeper layers become feasible.

Regarding the Stimulation Material

The stimulus for the living body and human body diagram initially involved using magnets. This was because magnets were observed to have a significant effect. However, if the purpose of the examination is to probe for abnormal areas in the subconscious mind, substances other than magnets should also have similar effects. In reality, other materials like natural stones produced similar effects. Nevertheless, not all substances are suitable, and therefore, a solely subconscious explanation is limited when discussing the mechanism of this examination. Throughout history, various cultures around the world believed that gemstones and minerals possessed healing properties. Specific minerals were thought to adjust energy and improve the balance of the body and mind. Considering this belief, it's possible that the effectiveness of natural stones used as stimulating materials in this examination is related to the broader concept of gemstones and minerals influencing energy and balance.

Consideration of the Effectiveness of Natural Stones as Stimulation Materials

From a spiritual perspective and within certain realms of alternative medicine, it is believed that people, objects, and illnesses emit energetic vibrations. These vibrations, occurring at an energy level not visible to the naked eye, are perceived as oscillations or frequencies. Illnesses, too, are viewed as disturbances in the balance of these vibrations or oscillations. For example, stress or negative emotions overlapping with these vibrations can disrupt the balance, potentially leading to illnesses or discomfort. Consequently, adjustments to these vibrations and energy work are considered to enhance health and support self-healing, aiming to improve conditions. While the concept of vibrational balance and its connection to diseases lacks scientific grounding from a medical standpoint, some argue that it might not be unreasonable to consider a connection. There is evidence from quantum mechanics that matter and energy behave as both particles and waves. When considering the behavior of particles (e.g., electrons or photons) in quantum mechanics, their behavior is sometimes described not just as particles but also as wave functions. Wave functions contain wave-like characteristics, and they probabilistically describe the physical properties of particles, such as their position, momentum, and energy. Wave functions have often been used to explain phenomena that cannot be elucidated solely by treating particles as particles. Diseases might also be related to specific vibrations when viewed from the perspective of quantum mechanics. It's not entirely unreasonable to think that diseases are somehow connected to vibrations. If that's the case, then it might be possible to employ stimulation materials that resonate with these vibrations for the purpose of examinations.

The Possibility of Treatment Using Diagrams Mimicking the Human Body

If diseases are indeed related to specific vibrations, creating opposing-phase waves to these vibrations could hold the potential for improvement. By sending out these opposing-phase waves, the peaks and troughs of the waves may overlap and cancel each other out, potentially assisting in improving one's well-being. In practice, experiments demonstrated that using stimulation materials, such as natural stones, on diagrams mimicking the human body could not only be used for diagnostics but also for improving abnormalities. Notably, the method was effective when using diagrams mimicking genetic structures. This raises the possibility that the method may function at the genetic or even more fundamental levels. Experiments involving marine rotifers, specifically Bdelloid rotifers, confirm the occurrence of quantum entanglement within living organisms.

Possibility of Improvement at the Genetic Level

Certainly, as previously mentioned, phenomena like quantum entanglement are typically observed at microscopic scales and under specific conditions. Hence, it's understandable that critics find it challenging to accept that the effects of quantum entanglement, where objects in separate locations are directly linked, would apply to common objects or living organisms. However, this treatment method has proven effective not only with human body diagrams but also with genetic diagrams.

This suggests that the treatment may operate on a genetic level or even at a more fundamental level than genes themselves. It's worth noting that experiments involving water bears (tardigrades) have confirmed the occurrence of quantum entanglement within living organisms, even at the biological level.

Safety of the Treatment

Fundamentally, there is always a force at work in this world striving to maintain balance. At the biological level, the human body possesses a natural healing power to maintain homeostasis, which is often referred to as self-healing power. Self-healing power signifies the inherent ability of the human body to mend injuries and illnesses without relying on external treatments or pharmaceuticals. We consider the methodology of this examination and treatment as a means to amplify this self-healing power and to uphold the biological equilibrium.
In this regard, we firmly believe that there are no associated risks with this methodology. In fact, we have observed no side effects, and there is no discomfort experienced during the process.

Development of Stimulating Substances

Furthermore, if it is assumed that illnesses are related to specific waveforms, it has been previously explained that we can expect improvements by generating waveforms in opposing phases. Natural gemstones, as a result of experimentation, have been found to contain elements that contribute to enhancing one's well-being. These substances, in combination with specific shapes, have proven highly effective during the treatment procedure. Therefore, the author has designed a tool called the "Good Luck Amulet Pendant," which combines these substances and shapes. The use of this tool is expected to be effective with mere contact with the body, and no special techniques are required.

NPO Natural Medical Science Research and Development Association
14-4 Kaname-cho, Chuo-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba, Japan
