
Women are dancing in solidarity with Finnish PM Sanna Marin


Women are busting out their moves on social media to show support for Finland’s prime minister, Sanna Marin — and to remind the world that politicians are people, too.



マリン首相のような若い女性政治家たちは、なぜダンスを踊ったことで批判の対象になるのかー New York Times の以下の記事は、専門家や学者の見解を紹介しながら問題提起している。

Dancing Up a Political Storm

Sarah Crook, the director of the Center for Research Into Gender and Culture in Society at Swansea University, in Wales, pointed out that generally, society struggles to accept dimensionality in women who are in the public eye.
“We have trouble accepting that women can be more than one thing,” Dr. Crook said. “That they can be sexy and a mother. They can be silly and serious. They can be authoritative and a great dancer.”

