
米メディア、"Black" の "B" を大文字表記に変更③:さらにNY Timesから

"Black" の大文字表記をめぐるニュースについて、さらに続き。

こちらもNew York Timesから。

The capitalization of black, which has been pushed for years, strikes at deeper questions over the treatment of people of African descent, who were stripped of their identities and enslaved in centuries past, and whose struggles to become fully accepted as part of the American experience continue to this day.
長年求められてきた black の大文字表記は、アフリカ系の人々の扱いをめぐるより深い疑問を投げかけている。彼らは過去何世紀にもわたりアイデンティティを奪われ奴隷として扱われ、またアメリカの経験の一部として完全に受け入れられるよう求める彼らのたたかいは今日に至るまで続いている。
The debate over racial vocabulary is unfolding amid growing recognition across society of the need to tackle racism after several high-profile police killings of black people incited mass protests nationwide.

The acceptable terms in America for identifying black people have evolved over generations, from colored to Negro to black and African-American. Also commonly used is “people of color,” an umbrella term used to include many ethnic minorities.

In the aftermath of the George Floyd killing, which has unleashed a national conversation on questions of race and racism, many say the country is long overdue to standardize the use of the uppercase B in black, which has been commonly used at black media outlets for a long time.
