
学習コンテンツ Peppa のキュレーション _10/26_

【1__起】 [学習コンテンツ Peppa のキュレーション _10/18_(テキスト・ノート)]がいかにも膨大に成り過ぎたので、英語版のダイジェストに検索をかける版をテキスト・ノートのコピペを作る要領でやってみよう!



さて、編集へ行こうとして、このメッセージが何を意味するのか思い当たらなくて、多分そのせいでコピーミスが起きて、_10/18_ の古い方を作りなおした。

【2__承】さて、こうしたやりなおしのどさくさまぎれではありますが、以下に「使い方ビデオ」を貼ります。色々難点ありですが~ 我らの研究所独自のノウハウが物を言いたいようで~

さて、ここで、とうとう本題!                    「英語の名詞の複数形-s」と「動詞の三人称単数現在形の-s」を当テキストノート内でシステマチックに検索してみると、どうなるでしょう?! やり方は「使い方ビデオ」でしつこく言ってますから、ここでは当テキストノート内を検索中の画像を何枚か枚貼るだけにして先へ進みますw

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's ▽

as ▽ △

bs ▽ △

cs ▽ △

ds  ▽ kids friends seeds

   △ finds lends needs pretends reads

es ▽ △

fs ▽ △

gs ▽ △


is ks  ls  ms  ns  os  ps  qs  rs  ss

ts  ▽ adults  ants  boats  carrots  coats  counts  events  experiments gifts  footprints  heights  pets  plants  presents  Rabbits  rackets  regrets sports  talents  tents  treats

 △ converts  gets  insists  puts  sheets  starts  visits  wants

lots its

us  vs  ws  zs


【4__結】 ◎ [2歳児と共有できる学習コンテンツ]として、Peppa Pigの英語ビデオを見ながら、英語の -s終わりの秘密に迫る! 

◎ 実際に、2歳児とこれを見ている方々のコメントを首を長くしてお待ちしております! 3歳児はどう反応するか? 4歳児は? 5歳児は? といった情報が上がってきたらすばらしい! 文字ではなく音で検索ができるかどうかは考慮中だけど、「こども研究員」にまかせよう、我らは「記者」で、とか。

◎ 「オムレツは1日に10個試せるけれど、稲作は10年かかる」Yuki(有機)さんの《「リタイアして農業」のトラップ》を拝見して、「英語の -s終わりの秘密の研究」や「チーム・リーディングの研究」は「1年で成果が出る」のよ! なぜやらないの?!と、相応の覚悟を決めました!

研究資源としてのPeppa Pig バイリンガルタイトル-1

Series 1

Peppa Pig Season 1 All Episodes Compilation in English (2004)

1_1 "Muddy Puddles" §§ (Les Flaques de boue) 31 May 2004 01 ペッパと楽しいどろんこ遊び

It's raining and Peppa is sad because she can't go outside. When the rain stops, Peppa and George get to play one of their favourite games - jumping in muddy puddles! Things get very muddy indeed when Mummy and Daddy Pig join in.

2_2 "Mr Dinosaur is Lost" §§(À la recherche de Monsieur Dinosaure) _02 探偵ペッパとジョージの恐竜くん

Mr Dinosaur is George's favourite toy. When Mr Dinosaur goes missing, George is distraught. Daddy Pig helps Peppa to become a detective and together they track down Mr Dinosaur, making George a very happy little piggy again.

3_3 "Best Friend" §§(Ma meilleure amie) _03 なかよしのスージーが遊びにきた

Peppa's best friend, Suzy Sheep, comes to play. George wants to play too, but Peppa won't let him join in their games, which makes him sad. But when Peppa and Suzy want to play doctors and nurses they discover they need a patient. George is happy to join them and play the patient.

4_4 "Polly Parrot" §§(Polly le perroquet)

Peppa and George visit Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig's house, where they meet Polly, their new pet parrot, who repeats everything that's said.

5 5 "Hide and Seek" §§(Cache-cache)

Peppa and George are playing hide and seek. Peppa is very good at hiding but George is too easy to find so she doesn't want to play with him any more, so Daddy Pig helps him hide.

6 6 "The Playgroup" §§(La Pièce de théâtre)

Peppa and George are going to playgroup. It's George's first day there, and he shows the class his interest in dinosaurs.

7 7 "Mummy Pig at Work" §§(Maman Cochon travaille)

Peppa and George accidentally break Mummy Pig's computer, so Daddy Pig tries to fix it.

8 8 "Piggy in the Middle" §§(Le Cochon du milieu)

George runs out to the yard to play with his ball, but does not catch it properly. One-by-One the rest of the family appears and teach him how to catch it (with the help of a game called Piggy in the Middle), but Peppa often teases George with the ball.

9 9 "Daddy Loses his Glasses" §§(Papa Cochon a perdu ses lunettes )

Daddy Pig is a little upset because he's lost his glasses, so Peppa and George try to find them.

10 10 "Gardening" §§(Le Jardinage)

Peppa and George go to Granny and Grandpa Pig's house and look at their garden.

11 11 "Hiccups" §§(Le Hoquet)

George gets hiccups when he drinks his juice too quickly, so Peppa tries to cure him.

12 12 "Bicycles" §§(Les Vélos)

Peppa teases George for having a baby's bicycle, but the others point out that, with stabilisers, her bike isn't grown up either.

13 13 "Secrets" §§(La Boîte à secrets)

Mummy Pig gives Peppa a box, which has to be kept a secret. Peppa puts a secret toy inside the box. Mummy Pig then makes a secret box for George, so he can also have a secret toy.

14 14 "Flying a Kite" §§(Le Cerf-volant)

Peppa and George go outside to fly their kite, but the kite gets stuck in a tree.

15 15 "Picnic" §§(Le Pique-nique)

Peppa and her family go for a picnic. Daddy Pig falls asleep after eating so much, but then gets some exercise being chased by a wasp!

16 16 "Musical Instruments" §§(Les Instruments de musique )

Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig find a box of instruments in the attic, and Peppa and George try them out.

17 17 "Frogs and Worms and Butterflies" §§(Grenouilles, Vers et Papillons)

Peppa and George discover frogs, worms and butterflies in Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig's garden, and they play with them.

18 18 "Dressing Up" §§(Les Déguisements )

Peppa and George make everyone laugh when they dress up as Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig.

19 19 "New Shoes" §§(Les Nouvelles Chaussures)

Peppa loses her shoes, but she gets new red ones. She likes them so much she now won't take them off.

20 20 "The School Fete" §§(La Fête de l'école)

Peppa and her family go to the school fete. and do lots of stuff while they're there.

21 21 "Mummy Pig's Birthday" §§(L'Anniversaire de Maman Cochon)

It is Mummy Pig's birthday, and Peppa, George and Daddy Pig are planning a surprise.

22 22 "The Tooth Fairy" §§(La Fée dent de lait)

Peppa loses her tooth, so she puts the tooth under the pillow for the Tooth Fairy.

23 23 "The New Car" §§(La Nouvelle Voiture)

The family car breaks down, so Peppa and her family get a new one, but it starts acting crazy.

24 24 "Treasure Hunt" §§(La Chasse au trésor)

Grandpa Pig hides some treasure in his garden, and when Peppa and George come, they have to look for it.

25 25 "Not Very Well" §§(Pas très bien)

Peppa is ill and has red spots all over her face. Dr Brown Bear tells her she will be fine but she must stay in bed.

26 26 "Snow" §§(La Neige)

It is snowing, so Peppa and George go outside to play and have fun in the snow.

27 27 "Windy Castle" §§(Le Château aux quatre vents)

Peppa and her family go to Windy Castle, and when they get there, they see Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig's house.

28 28 "My Cousin Chloé" §§(Ma cousine Chloé)

Peppa and George's cousin Chloé comes to their house. Peppa tries to show Chloé that she is a big girl, but it is very hard.

29 29 "Pancakes" §§(Les Crêpes)

Mummy Pig makes pancakes, and Peppa and George help, but Daddy Pig flips his pancake so high it sticks to the ceiling.

30 30 "Babysitting" §§(La Garderie à domicile)

Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig look after Peppa and George while Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig go out for the evening. Peppa and George are too excited to sleep and Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig play games with them to tire them out.

31 31 "Ballet Lesson" §§(La Leçon de danse)

Peppa goes to her first ballet lesson, and meets her friends there. She decides to teach Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig to dance but finds out they have some moves of their own.

32 32 "Thunderstorm" §§(L'Orage)

Peppa and George are having a picnic, when a thunderstorm starts. They go inside the house but Daddy Pig has to go back out to get Peppa's teddy as she has left him in the garden. Peppa decides she loves thunderstorms as they leave behind lots of muddy puddles.

33 33 "Cleaning the Car" §§(Le Lavage de la voiture)

Peppa and her family clean the car because it has got so dirty.

34 34 "Lunch" §§(Le Déjeuner)

Peppa and George visit Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig's house for lunch. Granny Pig has made a salad but George doesn't like vegetables, so Grandpa Pig makes the salad into a dinosaur shape to help George eat his salad.

35 35 "Camping" §§(Le Camping)

Peppa and her family go camping, but Daddy Pig is too big to get into the tent. Daddy Pig likes sleeping under the stars, until it starts to rain.

36 36 "The Sleepy Princess" §§(La Princesse fatiguée)

Daddy Pig tells Peppa and George a story about a princess who needs sleep. In the story, Peppa is the princess, George is the prince, Mummy Pig is the queen, and Daddy Pig is the king.

37 37 "The Tree House" §§(La Cabane dans l'arbre)

Peppa and George visit Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig's house, and Grandpa Pig builds a treehouse.

38 38 "Fancy Dress Party" §§(Les Déguisements)

Peppa and George are having a fancy-dress party. Peppa is a fairy princess, and George is a dinosaur. Peppa has to pick which of her friends is wearing the best costume.

39 39 "The Museum" §§(Le Musée)

Peppa and her family go to the museum. Peppa imagines herself as a queen in the king's and queen's room. George imagines being a big dinosaur in the dinosaur room.

40 40 "Very Hot Day" §§(Une chaude journée)

It is a very hot day, and all the muddy puddles have dried up, so Peppa and George play in the paddling pool.

41 41 "Chloé's Puppet Show" §§(Les Marionnettes de Chloé)

Peppa and George visit their cousin Chloe's house, where they put on a puppet show about a pig who snores a lot. Daddy Pig and Uncle Pig miss the show as they are too busy snoring.

42 42 "Daddy Gets Fit" §§(Papa fait de l'exercice)

Peppa tells Daddy Pig that he needs to do some exercise and get fit rather than watch television, as he is a bit fat. Daddy Pig is horrified to learn that this means he'll have to exercise every day!

43 43 "Tidying Up" §§(Le Rangement)

Peppa and George are told to tidy their bedroom, as it is very messy. After a frenzy of activity the room is cleaned and tidied, but it doesn't stay that way for long!

44 44 "The Playground" §§(L'Aire de jeu)

Peppa and George go to the playground. Peppa's friends are also there. Peppa likes going on the swings but George does not because he's scared of heights. George also thinks the slide is too high, so Daddy Pig helps him to go down it and ends up getting stuck.

45 45 "Daddy Puts up a Picture" §§(Papa accroche une photo)

Daddy Pig offers to put up a picture of Peppa and George on the wall while Mummy Pig is out. He accidentally cracks the wall while doing it, so Peppa and George help Daddy Pig fix the wall before Mummy Pig comes home.

46 46 "At the Beach" §§(À la plage)

Peppa and her family go to the beach, and they do lots of things there including burying Daddy Pig in the sand. When it's time to go they almost leave without Daddy Pig as he has fallen asleep.

47 47 "Mrs Skinny legs" §§(Madame pattes géantes)

George finds a spider in the bathroom sink, but Peppa is really frightened - until she realizes that it doesn't want to hurt her.

Note: This episode was banned from airing in Australia because it said that "spiders were not to be feared".[2]

48 48 "Grandpa Pig's Boat" §§(Le Bateau de grand-père)

Peppa and George go for a ride in Grandpa Pig's boat. Danny Dog and Granddad Dog are also out sailing. Grandpa Pig and Granddad Dog race their boats to see which is fastest.

49 49 "Shopping" §§(Le Supermarché )

Peppa and her family go to the shop for some tomatoes, spaghetti, onions and fruit, but Daddy Pig gets some chocolate cake too.

50 50 "My Birthday Party" §§(Mon anniversaire)

It is Peppa's birthday, and Peppa wakes very early so as to miss as little as possible of her special day.

51 51 "Daddy's Movie Camera" §§(La Caméra de Papa)

Daddy Pig gets a new movie camera, but has some difficulties using it so Peppa has to show him how.

52 52 "School Play" §§(La Halte-garderie)

Peppa and her friends take part in a school play. Peppa plays the part of Little Red Riding Hood.


Series 2

Peppa Pig Season 2 All English Episodes Compilation (2004-2007)

Episode number Total episodes Title Original UK broadcast by Original UK airdate DVD reference

1_53 "Bubbles" §§(Les Bulles)

Peppa and George are playing with bubbles. Daddy Pig shows them how to make really big bubbles with an old tennis racket.

2_54 "Emily Elephant" §§(Emilie Éléphant)

A new child visits the playgroup, and is a bit shy. Her name is Emily Elephant.

3_55 "Polly's Holiday" §§(Les Vacances de Polly)

Peppa and George look after Polly the Parrot while Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig go on holiday, but when they get ice cream, Polly flies away.

4_56 "Teddy's Day Out"§§(Le Jour de sortie de Teddy)

Peppa and her family share a picnic with Mr Zebra the Postman and Zoe Zebra. But when it's time to go home, Peppa leaves her teddy behind.

5_57 "Mysteries" §§(Un mystère (Mysteries)

Inspired by their favourite television show, Inspector Potato, Peppa and George want to be famous detectives too. Daddy Pig gives them a mystery to solve.

6_58 "George's Friend" §§(L'Ami de George)

Rebecca Rabbit has a little brother named Richard who is the same age as George. At first, George and Richard do not get along with each other.

7_59 "Mr Scarecrow" §§(Monsieur l'Épouvantail)

Peppa and George visit Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig's house, and Grandpa Pig makes a scarecrow because the crows are eating his crops.

8_60 "Windy Autumn Day" §§(Un vent d'automne)

On a windy autumn day, Peppa and her family go to the park to play football.

9_61 "The Time Capsule" §§(La Capsule de temps)

At playgroup, Madame Gazelle tells the children what a time capsule is, and buries one.

10_62 "Rock Pools" §§(Les Flaques d'eau de mer)

Peppa and George go to the beach with Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig, and find rock pools. Peppa rescues a little fish and puts it back in the sea. Then she decides to make a rock pool of her own.

11_63 "Recycling" §§(Le Recyclage)

Peppa and George help Mummy Pig clean up after breakfast. Mummy Pig teaches them how to recycle the bottles and newspapers.

12_64 "The Boat Pond" §§(La Mare aux petits bateaux)

Mrs. Duck and her friend's relaxing little time in their pond is interrupted by Peppa, her family and friends arriving and playing at the pond with their toy boats. Everyone has a boat to play with except Rebecca Rabbit.

13_65 "Traffic Jam" §§(L'Embouteillage)

Granny and Grandpa Pig have invited Peppa and her family to lunch. On the way, Peppa's family get caught in a very long traffic jam. They still haven't arrived by the time lunch is ready, so Grandpa Pig decides to bring the lunch to them - in his wheelbarrow! There's enough delicious food for everyone stuck in the jam.

14_66 "Bedtime" §§(Le Coucher)

It's nearly bedtime. Peppa and George play outside then they are called in for their bath. After that they brush their teeth and get into bed so Daddy Pig can read them a story. Soon they are fast asleep. Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig finally sit down to watch television, but it's been a long day and they are very sleepy too.

15_67 "Sports Day" §§(Jour de sport)

It is Sports Day at Peppa's playgroup and lots of special events are due to take place. Daddy Pig tells Peppa that winning is not important - it is taking part that counts.

16_68 "The Eye Test" §§(L'Examen de la vue)

Peppa's friend Pedro wears glasses. Peppa thinks she might need glasses too, so Mummy Pig takes her to the optician for an eye test.

17_69 "Granddad Dog's Garage" §§(Le Garage de Papy Dog)

Daddy Pig's car runs out of petrol but Granddad Dog's garage is not far away. With one phone call, Granddad Dog is on his way.

18_70 "Foggy Day" §§(Jour de brume)

Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are taking Peppa and George to play in the playground. On the way it gets a bit foggy, and soon it is so foggy they can't see anything. They decide to go home, but that in itself proves problematic.

19_71 "Jumble Sale" §§(La Vente de charité)

Peppa's playgroup is holding a jumble sale to raise money for a new roof. Madame Gazelle asks everyone to bring something to sell. Peppa, and each of her friends, bring in an old toy, but they find it hard to part with them.

20_72 "Swimming" §§(Tous à la piscine (Swimming) 2007

Peppa and her family are at the swimming pool. George is a little worried at first but is soon splashing happily with his friend Richard Rabbit.

21_73 "Tiny Creatures" §§(Les Petites Bêtes)

Peppa and George are playing in Grandpa Pig's garden when they find a little snail. Then Grandpa shows them his beehive.

22_74 "Daddy Pig's Office" §§(Le Bureau de Papa Pig)

Peppa and George visit Daddy Pig's office and meet his colleagues. Mr Rabbit works with numbers and Mrs Cat draws shapes on a computer.

23_75 "Pirate Island" §§(L'Île aux pirates)

Grandpa and Granny Pig take Peppa, George and all their friends on a fun boat trip to Pirate Island. On the island, Grandpa shows everyone how to use his metal detector to find treasure, and they all build a big sandcastle.

24_76 "George Catches a Cold" §§(Georges attrape un rhume )

Peppa and George love jumping in muddy puddles, even when it's raining - but when George takes off his rain hat, he catches a cold. After some warm milk and plenty of rest, George feels much better.

25_77 "The Balloon Ride" §§(Le Voyage en montgolfière)

Peppa and her family are at the school fete where the top prize in the raffle is a trip in a hot air balloon.

26_78 "George's Birthday" §§(L'Anniversaire de George)

Today is George's birthday and Mummy and Daddy Pig have a special day planned. George gets a new dinosaur toy and the family go to the museum to see lots of different dinosaurs, including a robot dinosaur that actually moves and roars! At first George is a bit scared, but soon likes it. The special day ends with a big cake and all of Peppa and George's friends having fun together.

27_79 "The Long Grass" §§(Betsy la tondeuse)

The lawn has grown so tall that Peppa and George's ball gets lost in it. Grandpa saves the day with Betsy, his motorized lawnmower.

28_80 "Zoë Zebra the Postman’s Daughter" §§(Zoé Zébra, la fille du facteur)

Zoe Zebra delivers a very special letter for Peppa and George - an invitation to her birthday party.

29_81 "Painting" §§(La Peinture)

Peppa, George and Daddy are in the garden painting a picture of a cherry tree when the ducks turn up and run through the paint - and all over their masterpiece.

30_82 "Cuckoo Clock" §§(La Pendule à coucou)

Daddy Pig winds up the old cuckoo clock in Peppa and George's bedroom. When the clock strikes the hour, a wooden bird pops out, flapping its wings and singing 'Cuckoo!'.

31_83 "The Baby Piggy" §§(Alexandre le petit cousin)

Peppa and George are visiting their cousin Chloe and will get to meet Chloe's new baby brother, Alexander, for the first time.

32_84 "Grandpa's Little Train" §§(Le Petit Train de Papy Pig)

Grandpa Pig has built a terrific little train called Gertrude. When he takes Peppa and George for a ride on Gertrude, they meet their friends along the way. There is plenty of room on the train for everyone, so they all hop aboard.

33_85 "The Cycle Ride" §§(Une promenade à vélo)

Peppa and her family go for a day's cycle ride. Peppa rides her little bicycle, while Mummy and Daddy Pig ride their tandem with George on the back. Peppa loves going downhill but she is not so keen on cycling uphill, so she insists they should have a downhill race.

34_86 "Ice Skating" §§(Le Patin à glace)

Peppa and George go ice skating, but they have never been before and Peppa keeps falling over, but she soon gets the hang of it!

35_87 "The Dentist" §§(Chez le dentiste)

When Peppa and George go to the dentist for a check-up, Dr Elephant says their teeth are nice and white - but George's toy dinosaur is in need of a tooth-clean.

36_88 "Dens" §§(Le Château)

Peppa decides that only girls can play in her treehouse, so Grandpa Pig builds the boys their own den. But when it starts to rain, the boys and girls rush out to play together in the muddy puddles.

37_89 "Pretend Friend" §§(L'Ami imaginaire)

Suzy Sheep has come to play with Peppa, and has made up a pretend friend called 'Leo Lion'. Peppa cannot see Leo but Suzy announces that Leo likes roaring and he likes playing dressing up. Peppa decides that now she can see Leo. Even Mummy and Daddy Pig play along with the game. But Peppa's little brother George cannot see Leo and feels a bit left out.

38_90 "School Bus Trip" §§(Excursion en montagne)

Madame Gazelle takes Peppa and her school friends on a bus trip to the mountains. From the top of the mountains, there is a fantastic view and Peppa and her friends have fun hearing echoes.

39_91 "Rebecca Rabbit" §§(La Maison de Rebecca Rabbit)

Peppa and George go to Rebecca Rabbit's house where, instead of stairs and corridors, there are tunnels! Then it's time for lunch. George learns that the Rabbits like to eat carrots. George does not like carrots, but he does like carrot cake, which is what they have for dessert!

40_92 "Nature Trail" §§(Le Sentier de randonnée)

Peppa and her family go on a nature walk in the forest and find footprints left by little birds and ants.

41_93 "Pen Pal" §§(Le Correspondant)

Peppa has a new pen pal, a donkey from France, named Delphine. Peppa receives letters from Delphine Donkey and speaks to her on the telephone. Although Peppa speaks English and Delphine speaks French, they discover that they love lots of the same things, especially jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

42_94 "Granny and Grandpa's Attic" §§(Le Grenier de Mammy et Pappy Pig)

Peppa and George are helping Granny and Grandpa Pig tidy their attic, but they have trouble deciding what to throw out, because Granny and Grandpa want to keep everything. Amongst the clutter, Peppa finds an old record player and some funny old records. The record player still works and soon everyone is dancing.

43_95 "The Quarrel" §§(La Dispute)

Peppa and Suzy Sheep are best friends. But one day they have a quarrel over a game of cards and decide they are not best friends anymore. As time goes by they really miss each other but still they refuse to make up. Will they ever say sorry?

44_96 "The Toy Cupboard" §§(L'Armoire à jouets)

Peppa and George's toy basket is full and their beds are covered in toys, so Mummy Pig decides it is time to order a new toy cupboard. The cupboard arrives in the post but it needs to be assembled - and Mummy and Daddy Pig are not very good at DIY. Luckily help is at hand, as Mr Zebra the Postman loves assembling flat pack furniture.

45_97 "School Camp" §§(Vive le camping)

Peppa and her friends go on a camping trip with their teacher, Madame Gazelle. After pitching their tents and collecting sticks, they all sing a song around the campfire.

46_98 "Captain Daddy Pig" §§(Capitaine Papa Pig)

Peppa and her family borrow Grandpa Pig's boat and head out for a day on the river. All is going well until the boat gets stuck in some long reeds - Daddy Pig to the rescue!

47_99 "The Powercut" §§(La Panne de courant)

Peppa and her family are at home when there is a powercut. Peppa makes a pretend television, and enjoys playing with it so much she carries on after the power is restored.

48_100 "Bouncy Ball" §§(La Balle rebondissante)

Peppa and George are playing in the garden with their bouncy ball when Suzy Sheep turns up with two tennis rackets. She uses the bouncy ball to play a game of tennis with Peppa, making George feel left out. Will the job of ball boy cheer him up?

49_101 "Stars" §§(Les Étoiles)

It is night time and the sky is fall of shining stars. Mummy and Daddy Pig let Peppa and George put their coats on over their pyjamas and go outside to look at the stars. With the help of a telescope, Daddy Pig teaches Peppa and George how to find the North Star.

50_102 "Daddy Pig's Birthday" §§(L'Anniversaire de papa)

Today is Daddy Pig's birthday, but he has to go to work. While he is away, Mummy Pig, Peppa and George prepare a special birthday surprise.

51_103 "Sleepover" §§(La Soirée pyjama)

Peppa goes for a sleepover at Zoe Zebra's house with Suzy Sheep, Rebecca Rabbit and Emily Elephant, and are later joined by Zoe's younger sisters, Zuzu and Zaza. The girls are too excited to go to sleep and Mummy Zebra is worried Daddy Zebra will wake up.

52_104 "Cold Winter Day" §§(Une froide journée d'hiver)

It is a very cold winter day, and Peppa and George head to the park to play. All the puddles have frozen over, so the two must think of other ways to entertain themselves.

S1_105 "Peppa's Christmas" §§(Le Noël de Peppa) - épisode spécial


Series 3 (2009)

Episode number Total episodes Title Original UK broadcast by Original UK airdate DVD reference

1_106 "Work and Play" §§(Travailler et s'amuser) 2009

When Peppa and Suzy learn that grown ups must work all day, they decide to play at working in a shop. But they quickly find it is very tiring!

2_107 "The Rainbow" §§(L'Arc-en-ciel)

Peppa and her family spot a rainbow when they go for a drive.

3_108 "Pedro's Cough" §§(La Toux de Pedro)

Pedro gets a contagious cough at playgroup and some of the other children soon catch it. When it's time to go the grown-ups catch it too, including Madame Gazelle. Peppa calls Doctor Brown Bear who gives them terrible-tasting medicine, but who will look after him when he is sick?

4_109 "The Library" §§(La Bibliothèque)

Daddy Pig has a book from the library that he has kept for too long. The family go to the library to return it and find more books to read.

5_110 "The Camper Van" §§(Le Camping-car)

Peppa and her family go on holiday in a camper van. Peppa is surprised to find that at a push of a button the van converts into a mini-house for them to sleep in!

6_111 "Camping Holiday" §§(Vacances en camping-car)

Peppa and her family are on holiday in their camper van. They decide to go to Duck Land, a special park where they can see the ducks in the river, and are surprised when they learn that their van can convert into a boat!

7_112 "Compost" §§(Le Compost)

Peppa and George take a bin of vegetable peelings to Grandpa Pig's compost heap. Worms inside the bin turn the peelings into compost, which Granny and Grandpa use to help their plants grow.

8_113 "Richard Rabbit Comes to Play" §§(Richard Rabbit vient jouer à la maison)

Richard Rabbit comes to play with George, and Peppa invites Suzy Sheep over to play! The boys and girls don't want to play the same games, but they all like jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

9_114 "Fun Run" §§(La Course rigolote)

Daddy Pig finds it hard work when he runs a race to raise money for the school roof, but it's easier to run when a wasp is chasing him!

10_115 "Washing" §§(La Lessive)

Daddy Pig hangs his clean football shirt out to dry, but Peppa, George and Mummy splash it with mud. They put it in the wash, but Peppa puts her red dress in too - which turns Daddy's shirt pink!

11_116 "Polly's Boat Trip" §§(La Croisière de Polly)

Peppa and George go boating with Grandpa Pig and Polly Parrot, but later Grandpa Pig drops his mobile phone into the water.

12_117 "Delphine Donkey" §§(Delphine Donkey)

Peppa's French friend Delphine Donkey comes to stay. Peppa takes Delphine to playgroup for a visit, where they teach her the 'Bing Bong Song', the class' favorite song to sing.

13_118 "The Fire Engine" §§(Le Camion de pompier)

When Mummy Pig helps out at Miss Rabbit's fire station, she is called upon to douse the flames at Daddy Pig's out-of-control barbecue!

14_119 "Princess Peppa" §§(Princesse Peppa)

Granny and Grandpa Pig come for a dinner party with Mummy and Daddy Pig. While visiting their room, Granny Pig accidentally steps on rubber duck, causing Peppa and George to awake. The children are too excited to go back to bed until they are told a story, which Peppa is the best at since she narrates the whole thing to the adults.

15_120 "Teddy Playgroup" §§(Teddy Maternello)

Peppa brings home a teddy from playgroup to look after, but she is worried that he will not have a very exciting time.

16_121 "Danny's Pirate Party" §§(La Fête d'anniversaire de Danny)

It is Danny Dog's birthday, and with the help of Grandad Dog and Grandpa Pig the children take part in a pirate treasure hunt.

17_122 "Mr Potato Comes to Town" §§(La Visite de monsieur Patate)

All the people in Peppa's town are excited to meet Mr Potato when he comes to open a new sports centre.

18_123 "The Train Ride" §§(Le Voyage en train)

Madame Gazelle takes Peppa and her friends on a train ride, where they must tick off what they see on their activity sheets. Meanwhile Pedro keeps losing his ticket.

19_124 "Granny Pig's Chickens" §§(Les Poules de Mamie Pig)

Granny Pig shows Peppa and George her chickens. Grandpa Pig is angry, because the chickens have been eating all his lettuces.

20_125 "Talent Day" §§(La Journée des jeunes talents)

It is Talent Day at Peppa's playgroup. Madame Gazelle wants everyone to show the class their special talent, but some of the other children have the same talents as Peppa.

21_126 "A Trip To the Moon" §§(Le Voyage sur la Lune)

Peppa's family go to the museum's moon exhibition with George's friend Edmond Elephant, but Peppa thinks they are going to the real moon and is worried.

22_127 "Grandpa at the Playground" §§(Le Terrain de jeu)

Grandpa Pig takes Peppa and George to the playground, but does not understand the children's rules.

23_128 "Goldie the Fish" §§(Goldie le poisson rouge§§(Goldie le poisson rouge)

Goldie the Fish does not look happy and is not eating her food, so Peppa, George and Mummy Pig take her on a bus trip to visit Dr Hamster the vet.

24_129 "Funfair" §§(La Fête foraine)

The family go to the funfair, but Mummy Pig is angry when people at the fair tell her that she will not be able to win prizes in the competitions.

25_130 "Numbers" §§(Les Chiffres)

Peppa and her friends learn how to count by playing games at Madame Gazelle's playschool.

26_131 "Digging up the Road" §§(Un trou dans la route)

Peppa and her family are trying to get to the playground, but Mr Bull's roadworks are in the way.

27_132 "Freddy Fox" §§(Freddy Fox)

Peppa and her friends are playing hide and seek, but it is Freddy Fox with his super smelling nose who is the best at playing that game.

28_133 "Whistling" §§(Apprendre à siffler)

Peppa tries to learn how to whistle after she realises that seemingly everyone but her can do it.

29_134 "Doctor Hamster's Tortoise" §§(La Tortue de la doctoresse Hamster)

Doctor Hamster the vet comes to Peppa's playgroup to show the children her pets. Tiddles the tortoise 'runs' away but Ms. Rabbit rescues him.

30_135 "Sun, Sea and Snow" §§(Mer, soleil et neige)

Peppa and her friends and family are looking forward to a trip to the seaside where they can make sandcastles, but when they arrive at the beach there is too much snow!

31_136 "Grandpa Pig's Computer" §§(L'Ordinateur de Papy Pig)

Mummy Pig gives her old PC to Granny and Grandpa Pig. Will they be able to use it?

32_137 "Hospital" §§(L'Hôpital (Hospital)

Peppa and her playgroup friends go with Madame Gazelle to visit Pedro Pony, who is in hospital with a broken leg.

33_138 "Spring" §§(Le Printemps)

Grandpa Pig organises a chocolate egg hunt for Peppa and her friends. Will they track down the treats?

34_139 "Miss Rabbit's Helicopter" §§(L'Hélicoptère de mademoiselle Rabbit (Miss Rabbit's Helicopter)

Miss Rabbit takes Peppa and her family for a ride in her rescue helicopter, except Daddy Pig who does not like heights.

35_140 "Baby Alexander" §§(Bébé Alexandre)

Baby Alexander is too young to talk, until Peppa teaches him his first word.

36_141 "Grampy Rabbit's Lighthouse" §§(Le Phare de Papy Rabbit)

Granddad Dog takes Peppa, George and Danny Dog to visit Grampy Rabbit's lighthouse.

37_142 "Miss Rabbit's Day Off" §§(Le Jour de repos de mademoiselle Rabbit)

Miss Rabbit has hurt her ankle, so her sister and her friends offer to fill in for her at the ice cream stand, the supermarket - and everywhere else she works!

38_143 "The Secret Club" §§(Le Club secret) 2010

Suzy and Peppa start a Secret Club - going on secret missions, and doing secret things. In secret. But soon everyone wants to join!

39_144 "Grampy Rabbit's Boatyard" §§(Le Chantier naval de Papy Rabbit)

Grandpa Pig needs help when his boat sinks, so Grandad Dog gives them all a lift to Grampy Rabbit's Boatyard so that the boat can be fixed.

40_145 "Shake, Rattle and Bang" §§(Secouer, racler, taper)

Madame Gazelle gives the class a music lesson. There's lots of crashing and banging at first, but it's not long before the grown-ups visit and lay down some notes of their own.

41_146 "Champion Daddy Pig" §§(Papa Pig, champion du monde)

Daddy Pig loses his title as Champion Puddle Jumper, until everyone helps him train to win it back.

42_147 "Chatterbox" §§(Le Moulin à paroles)

Peppa Pig talks far too much. Or at least so Suzy thinks. In response, Peppa decides that she is never going to talk, ever again. But this does not last for very long at all.

43_148 "Mr Fox's Van" §§(Le Camion de monsieur Fox)

When Daddy Pig needs a new watch, Mr Fox finds three grandfather clocks in the back of his van. Three clocks are much better than one. Mr Fox has everything in his van - even a chicken!

44_149 "Chloé's Big Friends" §§(Les Amis de Chloé)

Peppa and George go to play with Cousin Chloe and her friends, but the older children don't want to play any "baby" games.

45_150 "Gym Class" §§(Le Cours de gymnastique)

Madame Gazelle takes the children to Grampy Rabbit's gym class, where at first they think all the stuff to do is scary, but Grampy Rabbit tells the kids about how he explored a jungle, helping the children get over their fears.

46_151 "The Blackberry Bush" §§(Le Mûrier)

Peppa and her family collect apples and blackberries in Granny and Grandpa Pig's garden to make a pie.

47_152 "Pottery" §§(La Poterie)

Mrs Zebra teaches Peppa, George, Zoe, Zaza and Zuzu Zebra how to make a real tea set from clay.

48_153 "Paper Aeroplanes" §§(Les Avions en papier)

Some of Daddy Pig's important work papers have gone missing - because Mummy Pig, Peppa and George have accidentally made them into paper aeroplanes.

49_154 "Edmond Elephant's Birthday" §§(L'Anniversaire d'Edmond Éléphant)

Peppa and her friends go to help at Edmond Elephant's birthday party, but the little children are harder to look after than they expected.

50_155 "The Biggest Muddy Puddle in the World" §§(La Plus Grande Flaque de boue du monde)

Peppa and George wake up one morning to find that all the rain has made a flood, and their house is now on an island!

51_156 "Santa's Grotto" §§(La Grotte du père Noël)

Peppa and George and their friends go to see Father Christmas. Peppa asks for a very special doll as a present, but will Father Christmas be able to deliver it to her?

52_157 "Santa's Visit" §§(La Visite du père Noël)

Peppa and George wake up very early on Christmas morning. Has Father Christmas delivered the presents they want?


Series 4 /Quatrième saison (2011-2012)

Episode number Total episodes Title Original UK broadcast by Original UK airdate DVD reference

1 158 "Potato City" §§(Patata-Parc)

Peppa and her family visit Potato City, a new theme park that has a vegetable theme.

2 159 "The New House" §§(La Nouvelle Maison)

Peppa and George are taken to visit the home that Daddy Pig designed and Mr Bull is building. They are excited to find out who their new neighbors are going to be.

3 160 "Basketball" §§(Le Match de basket)

Daddy teaches the children how to play basketball, and it is not long before they are good enough to take on a team.

4 161 "Horsey Twinkle Toes" §§(Dada-Cabriole) 

There is much excitement when Mr Zebra delivers a package from Aunt Dottie for Peppa and George.

5 162 "Naughty Tortoise" §§(Titine la tortue)

Dr Hamster's pet tortoise Tiddles gets stuck up a tree again, but the rescue services all have trouble trying to get Tiddles down from the tree.

6 163 "Mr Fox's Shop" §§(Le Magasin de monsieur Fox)

Peppa and George visit Mr Fox's Shop to buy Granny and Grandpa an anniversary present, but they have trouble choosing which one to get.

7 164 "Shadows" §§(Les Ombres)

Peppa and George realise that they have shadows and no matter what they do, they can't escape from them.

8_165 "International Day" §§(La Fête internationale)

Peppa and her friends at playgroup dress up in clothes from different countries all over the world, but they then have an argument.

9 166 "The Rainy Day Game" §§(Le Jeu spécial jour de pluie)

Daddy teaches Peppa and George a fun game to play while they wait inside for the rain to stop.

10 167 "Mummy Rabbit's Bump" §§(La Bosse de Maman Rabbit)

Everyone is excited when Mummy Rabbit arrives with some big news - she is pregnant! Will it be a boy or a girl?

11 168 "Pedro the Cowboy" §§(Pedro le cowboy)

Pedro Pony pretends he is a proper cowboy, telling everyone stories in the camp he has set up in the garden.

12 169 "Peppa and George's Garden" §§(Le Jardin de Peppa et Georges)

Grandpa Pig pops round with some seeds for Peppa and George. Daddy Pig helps out by being a scarecrow.

13 170 "The Flying Vet" §§(La Vétérinaire volante)

Doctor Hamster is rushed off her feet when nearly all the animals need her help on the same day.

14 171 "Kylie Kangaroo" §§(Kylie Kangourou)

Peppa and George meet Kylie Kangaroo and her brother Joey. Peppa shows Kylie how to jump up and down in muddy puddles, but they soon get competitive over who can jump the higher.

15 172 "Captain Daddy Dog" §§(Capitaine Papa Dog)

Mummy Dog and Danny are very excited! Captain Daddy Dog is home from the sea, and he's bearing gifts! What can they be?

16 173 "Grampy Rabbit's Dinosaur Park" §§(Le Parc aux dinosaures de papy Rabbit)

To celebrate Freddy Fox's birthday, the children go on a trip to a Dinosaur Park. With Grampy Rabbit as their leader, they follow dinosaur footprints to find Freddy's birthday treat.

17 174 "Bedtime Story" §§(Une histoire pour George)

Daddy Pig reads Peppa and George a bedtime story. George wakes up later, so Peppa has to make up another story.

18 175 "Lost Keys" §§(Les Clefs perdues)

After a family trip to a mountain beauty spot, Daddy Pig loses the car keys down a very deep drain. Mr Bull and his road crew dig up the entire beauty spot to retrieve them.

19 176 "George's New Dinosaur" §§(Le Nouveau Dinosaure de George)

When his favorite toy dinosaur loses its tail, George visits Mr Fox's Shop to find a new one.

20 177 "Grandpa Pig's Train to the Rescue" §§(Le Petit Train de Papy Pig)

Miss Rabbit's train has broken down, so Grandpa Pig lends her his miniature locomotive, Gertrude.

21 178 "The Pet Competition" §§(Le Concours d'animaux)

Playgroup is having a pet competition and everyone has brought their pets. Dr Hamster is the judge, but it is so hard to choose the best pet…

22 179 "Spider Web" §§(La Toile d'araignée)

There's a spider in the house, so Mummy Pig tells Daddy Pig to get rid of it.

23 180 "The Noisy Night" §§(Une nuit bruyante)

Peppa's family is staying at Cousin Chloe's house. It's been a long day and everyone is sleepy, but baby Alexander keeps everyone awake with his crying.

24 181 "The Wishing Well" §§(Le Puits à souhaits)

Granny Pig is really pleased with all the plastic gnomes and the wishing well she's got for the garden, but Grandpa Pig wishes they would all disappear.

25 182 "Mr Potato's Christmas Show" §§(Le Spectacle de Noël de monsieur Patate)

It's Christmas, and Peppa's playgroup is going to the theatre to see a special play about the holiday. Some people have never been to a theatre before.

26 183 "Madame Gazelle's Leaving Party" §§(La Fête d'adieu de madame Gazelle (Madame Gazelle's Leaving Party)

The children are sad because their favorite teacher, Madame Gazelle, is leaving Playgroup. They hold a leaving party for her, but find out that Madame Gazelle was only going on holiday.

27 184 "The Queen" §§(La Reine)

Miss Rabbit is to be given the Queen's Award for Industry, and Peppa and her friends are to accompany her to the palace to meet the Queen.

28 185 "Desert Island" §§(L'Île déserte)

When a fishing trip goes wrong, leaving Grandpa Pig, Granddad Dog, and Grampy Rabbit stranded on a desert island, Captain Daddy Dog is the only one able to save them.

29 186 "Perfume" §§(Le Parfum)

After smelling Granny Pig's perfume de lavender, Peppa experiments with the flowers in the garden to create her own special smell.

30 187 "The Children's Fete" §§(La Fête des enfants)

The school roof is leaky again, so the children organise a fair to raise money for a new roof.

31 188 "The Aquarium" §§(Le Grand Aquarium)

Goldie the Goldfish is feeling a little lonely, so Peppa takes her to the aquarium.

32 189 "George's Racing Car" §§(La Voiture de course de Georges (George's Racing Car)

It's a beautiful day, but Peppa, George, Daddy Pig, and Grandpa Pig are sitting inside watching racing on television.

33 190 "The Little Boat" §§(Le Petit Bateau)

Daddy Pig is left behind when everyone takes Grampy Rabbit's boat to the riverside picnic spot.

34 191 "The Sandpit" §§(Le Bac à sable)

Peppa and her friends are busy building a desert island in a sandpit. They are all very proud of it, with its forest, lake, houses, and shops.

35 192 "Night Animals" §§(Les Animaux nocturnes)

It's night time at Grandpa and Granny Pig's house, and Peppa and George have stayed up late to help hunt for slugs and snails.

36 193 "Flying on Holiday" §§(Le Départ en vacances)

The Pig family are going on holiday. Peppa and George pack their favourite toys and Granny and Grandpa are left to look after Goldie the Fish.

37 194 "The Holiday House" §§(La Maison de vacances)

Peppa and her family arrive in Italy. Everyone is talking in a different language and Daddy Pig finds driving on the right a little difficult.

38 195 "Holiday in the Sun" §§(Vacances au soleil (Holiday in the Sun)

On the first day in their holiday villa, Peppa and her family go exploring in the local village.

39 196 "The End of the Holiday" §§(La Fin des vacances)

Peppa has enjoyed her very first holiday abroad, but it is now time to go home. She can't wait to see Suzy and Goldie again.

40 197 "Mirrors" §§(Les Miroirs)

George enjoys seeing his reflection in the mirror so much that he and Peppa try to find other shiny things to see themselves in.

41 198 "Pedro is Late" §§(Pedro le retardataire (Pedro is Late)

The playgroup is going on a trip to the museum. Everyone is on the bus ready to go, except Pedro Pony, who is late for school.

42 199 "Garden Games" §§(Le Terrain de jeu / Les Jeux de plein air)

Peppa and Suzy have nothing to do, so Daddy Pig finds an old box of garden games. But not all the games are easy for George.

43 200 "Going Boating" §§(En bateau !)

When all the families have a boat race at the lake, Daddy Pig soon regrets picking a boat with pedals.

44 201 "Mr Bull in a China Shop" §§(Le Magasin de porcelaine)

While enjoying a tea break, Mr Bull accidentally breaks his delicate teapot. He takes the pieces to Miss Rabbit in the hope that she can mend it.

45 202 "Fruit" §§(Les Fruits)

Miss Rabbit gives George a special 'dinosaur' fruit smoothie to make him healthy.

46 203 "George's Balloon" §§(Le Ballon de Georges)

George finds it difficult to keep hold of his big dinosaur balloon, and everyone is afraid that it will float away.

47 204 "Peppa's Circus" §§(Le Cirque de Peppa)

When Grandpa Pig puts up a tent in his garden, Peppa and her friends put on a circus.

48 205 "The Fish Pond" §§(Le Bassin aux poissons)

Daddy Pig is looking forward to taking Peppa and George to visit a fish pond that he used to visit when he was a piglet. However, a few things have changed since then.

49 206 "Snowy Mountain"§§(La Montagne blanche)

Peppa and her friends are on Snowy Mountain learning how to ski. Their teacher, Madame Gazelle, is very good and was once a world champion. But in the end it is Mummy Pig who impresses everyone!

50 207 "Grampy Rabbit in Space" §§(Papy Rabbit dans l'espace)

Peppa's playgroup are really enjoying Grampy Rabbit's talk about space rockets, until he loses his voice. Doctor Brown Bear helps him get it back.

51 208 "The Olden Days" §§(Dans l'ancien temps)

Mummy Pig shows Peppa and her friend Suzy Sheep some old photographs from when they were babies. Peppa and Suzy don't remember being that young, but they are pleased to see that they have always been best friends.

52_209 "Pirate Treasure" §§(Le Coffre au trésor)

Peppa and her friends are playing pirates. But when they put together a treasure chest and bury it in a marked spot, Pedro soon realises that he needs to follow the trail, because he's lost his glasses.



01 ペッパと楽しいどろんこ遊び

02 探偵ペッパとジョージの恐竜くん

03 なかよしのスージーが遊びにきた

04 おばあちゃんとオウムのポリー

05 ペッパとジョージのかくれんぼ 

06 弟のジョージはにんきもの 

07 ペッパとお母さんのパソコン

08 ペッパとジョージのボール遊び

09 お父さんのメガネをさがせ

10 おじいちゃんとペッパのイチゴ

11 ジョージのしゃっくりがとまらない

12 ペッパ、自転車にちょうせん!

13 ペッパのひみつの箱

14 みんなでたこあげ

15 ペッパたちのピクニック

16 ジョージと大きなホルン

17 ペッパとジョージのお庭あそび

18 ペッパはお母さん、ジョージはお父さん

19 お気にいりの赤いくつ

20 ペッパとみんなでお祭り

21 お母さんのおたんじょうび

22 ペッパと歯の妖精さん

23 ペッパたちと新しい車

24 ペッパとジョージの宝さがし

25 ペッパの顔に赤いブツブツ

26 ペッパとジョージの雪遊び



01 風の城へのドライブ

02 いとこのクロエが遊びにきた

03 お父さんとホットケーキを作ろう

04 おじいちゃんたちとおるすばん

05 ペッパのバレエ・レッスン

06 カミナリなんかこわくない

07 ペッパと車のおそうじ

08 ジョージと恐竜くんサラダ

09 みんなでキャンプ

10 ねむれないペッパとねむたいお姫さま

11 おじいちゃんのツリーハウス

12 ペッパのおうちで仮装パーティ

13 みんなで博物館へ行こう

14 ペッパとジョージの夏の一日

15 クロエの楽しい人形げき

16 お父さんのダイエット大作戦!

17 ペッパとジョージでお片づけ

18 公園で遊ぼう

19 お父さんの日曜大工

20 海水浴と忘れもの

21 ジョージとあしながクモくん

22 おじいちゃん船長は負けずぎらい

23 お父さんのお買い物リスト

24 ペッパのお誕生日パーティ

25 お父さんのビデオカメラ

26 ペッパの赤ずきんちゃん
