
Second Coming of Jesus



Can We Enter God’s Kingdom After We Have Our Sins Forgiven?

By Qiao Ning

Editor’s Note: Many Christians believe that the Lord has forgiven our sins and we are therefore no longer sinful, and they all look forward to the Lord coming to raise us immediately up


Can Justification by Faith Bring Us Who Still Often Sin Into the Heavenly Kingdom?(PART 2)

There are old prophecies in the Bible concerning the path to stop sinning and enter into God’s kingdom. Let’s take a look and see what the Bible says. “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of m


Can Justification by Faith Bring Us Who Still Often Sin Into the Heavenly Kingdom? (Part 1)

Can Justification by Faith Bring Us Who Still Often Sin Into the Heavenly Kingdom? (Part 1)

Nowadays, earthquakes, fires, floods, plagues of insects, epidemics and other disasters are growing ever g
