
Second Coming of Jesus



Avoid Being Modern Pharisees and Missing Out on the Lord’s Return

By Liu Xin

After a summer storm, Ke Min opens the window and immediately a cool breeze comes into the room, dispersing the stuffy atmosphere in it. Ke Min goes back to the living room and sits down,


Listening to the Lord’s Voice Is Crucial to Welcoming Jesus’ Second Coming

Listening to the Lord’s Voice Is Crucial to Welcoming Jesus’ Second Coming

By Qianxun, America

Desolation Caused Confusion

As the night fell, Qianxun sat in the yard and enjoyed the cool night bree

Are You Someone Who Obtains Eternal Life?

Are You Someone Who Obtains Eternal Life?

By Zhang Yan

Now is the end of the last days when the prophecies of the Lord Jesus’ return have all come true, and we expect to be taken into God’s kingdom and obtain eternal life more eagerly, becau


What Is Eternal Life? How Does One Gain Eternal Life?

What Is Eternal Life? How Does One Gain Eternal Life?

By Zhang Ying

We believers in the Lord all know that only God has the eternal way of life. The Lord Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and th


What Is the Rapture?

What Is the Meaning of Rapture?

Answer: When it comes to “rapture,” most believers in the Lord think that when the Lord comes, He will lift the saints into the air to meet Him and that this is what b


3 Key Points of Welcoming the Second Coming of Jesus

3 Key Points of Welcoming the Second Coming of Jesus

By Yan Jin

How can we welcome the coming of the Lord? This is a big question for us believers in God. In the last days, whether we can enter the


Have You Find the Key to Welcoming the Second Coming of Jesus?

Have You Find the Key to Welcoming the Second Coming of Jesus?

Feng Min

After dinner, Zhou Zhongcheng came into the study as usual and then he sat down and opened his yellowed Bible which he had rea


Grasp 3 Principles to Discern the True Christ and False Ones and Welcome the Lord’s Return

Grasp 3 Principles to Discern the True Christ and False Ones and Welcome the Lord’s Return | the Second Coming of the Lord

By Kuozhan, Canada

The Lord Jesus said, “And at midnight there was a cry ma


What Is the True Way to Prepare Oil for Second Coming of Jesus?

What Is the True Way to Prepare Oil for Second Coming of Jesus?

By Tong Tong

Jesus Christ said: “Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened to ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to


Can We Enter God’s Kingdom After We Have Our Sins Forgiven?

By Qiao Ning

Editor’s Note: Many Christians believe that the Lord has forgiven our sins and we are therefore no longer sinful, and they all look forward to the Lord coming to raise us immediately up


Can Justification by Faith Bring Us Who Still Often Sin Into the Heavenly Kingdom?(PART 2)

There are old prophecies in the Bible concerning the path to stop sinning and enter into God’s kingdom. Let’s take a look and see what the Bible says. “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of m


Can Justification by Faith Bring Us Who Still Often Sin Into the Heavenly Kingdom? (Part 1)

Can Justification by Faith Bring Us Who Still Often Sin Into the Heavenly Kingdom? (Part 1)

Nowadays, earthquakes, fires, floods, plagues of insects, epidemics and other disasters are growing ever g


Welcoming the Coming of the Lord: 3 Essential Key Points (PART 2)

Knowing Jesus | Welcoming the Coming of the Lord: 3 Essential Key Points (PART 2)


2. God’s Words Are the Truth and Can Show Us the Way

The Lord Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and th


Welcoming the Coming of the Lord: 3 Essential Key Points (PART 1)

Knowing Jesus | Welcoming the Coming of the Lord: 3 Essential Key Points (PART 1)

By Xinjie

All manner of disasters have occurred in recent years, the four blood moons have long since appeared, and
