【2024 Latest Version】APEX Aim Assist Granting Jitter Macro [Compatible with JoyToKey and Gamepads]

In APEX, using weapons always introduces recoil when firing continuously. The technique to minimize this is recoil control. Neglecting recoil control makes it difficult to hit not only moving enemies but also stationary ones. Moreover, it becomes even more challenging to control recoil at medium to long range or when using high-magnification scopes. For instance, weapons like the "Devotion" with high firepower can be extremely difficult to handle even for advanced players. 💦
The solution to all these concerns is Joytokey's Jitter Macro!
Simply pressing the shooting button will reduce recoil.
It comes with custom settings, and Aim Assist is also available! It can be used with gamepads too!

■What is Joytokey's Jitter Macro?
Jitter Aim is a technique that improves aiming accuracy and recoil control by subtly shaking the aim. It's a trending technique used by pro players worldwide. Joytokey's Jitter Macro allows you to easily implement such a technique with just a left-click while aiming down sights (ADS) in Apex Legends!
It offers the following advantages in Apex Legends:

【High Precision with All Weapons】
When controlling recoil, you usually need to memorize recoil patterns for each weapon and move in the opposite direction of recoil.
However, using Joytokey's Jitter Macro allows recoil control regardless of the recoil pattern!
Therefore, it's not affected by weapon adjustments due to updates.

【Uninterrupted Aim Assist】
Since it subtly shakes, it weakens the Aim Assist, but with our unique method, Aim Assist can still be granted!

【Easier Tracking】
Traditional Jitter Aim requires frequent hand movements, making tracking difficult.
However, using the macro automates this process, allowing seamless tracking with zero discomfort!

【No Worries about BAN】
As it doesn't interfere with APEX's internal workings, there's no need to worry about bans.

✅Joytokey's Jitter Macro


※If you encounter issues downloading with Google Chrome, please try using another browser.

【How to Use Joytokey's Jitter Macro】

  1. Execute the downloaded file.

  2. A cfg file will appear on your desktop.

  3. Open JoyToKey and go to the top left corner, click on "File".

  4. Open the folder containing the configuration files by selecting "Open Config Folder".

  5. Place the downloaded cfg file into this folder.

  6. Click on "File" again and select "Exit".

  7. Restart JoyToKey to complete the setup.

Most users associate Button7 with aiming. If it doesn't work, copy and paste the functionality of Button7 to the spot where the aim button lights up yellow. Right-click to clear Button7 settings if needed.

Most users associate Button8 with shooting. If it doesn't work, copy and paste the functionality of Button8 to the spot where the shooting button lights up yellow.
Additionally, for Button30-32, change them to your own shooting buttons under [Options] > Button Assignments.