
Scorpio Tankers カンファレンスコール

こんにちは、スコーピオタンカーズインコーポレイテッド、2022年第3四半期にようこそ。電話会議を行います。それでは、コーポレート・ディベロップメント部長のジェームス・オイル氏に会議を回していただき、私は どうぞ、どうぞ、サー。

本日はご参加いただきありがとうございます。スコーピオタンカーへようこそ。2022年第3四半期決算の電話会議です。今日私と一緒に電話をしているのは、マニュアルの ローレル 最高経営責任者 ロバート・バグベ 社長 キャメロン・マッキー 最高執行責任者 ブライアン・リー 最高財務責任者 ウォーター・ステンカー ニールセン コマーシャルディレクター

本日未明、第3四半期決算リリースを発表しました。このリリースは、当社ウェブサイトScorpio Tankers.comでご覧いただけます。この通話でお話した情報は、本日2022年11月1日時点の情報に基づいています。

リスクと不確実性を伴う将来予測に関する記述が含まれている場合があります。実際の結果は、そのような記述と大きく異なる可能性があります。これらのリスクと不確実性については、決算プレスリリースに記載されている将来見通しに関する記述の開示、およびScorpio Tankers SEC. Scorpio tankers.comで入手可能なScorpio Tankers SEC.Filingsをご覧ください。

また、SEC. 電話会議参加者は、この電話会議の音声がインターネット上でライブ放送され、再生用に録音されていることをご承知おきください。また、この会議の模様は、当社ウェブサイトの投資家情報ページにて、約14日間公開される予定です。本日は簡単なプレゼンテーションを行います。このプレゼンテーションは、Scorpio Tankers.comのInvestor Relationsページの「reports and presentation」にてご覧いただけます。



強力で素晴らしい環境による大幅なキャッシュフロー。バランスシートの改善 そして、スコーピオタンカーの品質向上は投資です。当社の資本配分は、以前から申し上げているように、バランスシートを優先しています。





そして、穏やかな需要も実際に現れています。当社の顧客は この現在の市況が維持されることを期待しています。このことは、定期船、チャーター船、活動量の増加によって証明されています。顧客がコミットすることを望んでいるレートが高いだけでなく。








10までに お願いします。3月以来、シーボーンCPP輸出はprepandemicレベル、およびより最近では、2019年レベル以上の5000から1 200万バレル/日でトレンドの上に残っています。歴史的なWoesの近くに在庫を持つ、在庫の描画から増分需要を供給する能力は限られているため、製品タンカー。












マン10マイルのシーボーン輸出は3.3%、来年は8%増加する見込みです。再び熱の伸びを上回る 今日の市場の要因の合流は、個々に構成されている。歴史的に、低在庫、需要の増加、輸出、そして舌マイル、構造的な混乱と精製システム。

艦隊の成長の縮小に限定されたロシアの製品フローの潜在的変化。今後予定されている環境規制。まとめて前例がない。プロジェクト 大幅なキャッシュフローが会社のバランスシートを変革し、投資対象としてのスコーピオタンカーズの質を向上させています。



返済、リース、銀行借入を行っています。販売面では、資金調達の一形態である 銀行融資と似ていますが、金融機関が最低期間、法的に船舶の所有者になる点が異なります。



これを実行すると 私たちの日々の船舶の元本と金利コストは減少していきます。本日現在、Sill we stackの6隻の買戻しを完了しました。第4四半期には14隻の買戻しを予定しており、その結果、219百万円の債務削減が見込まれます。

  1. 米国を一括して 今年度中に 10 億ドル近い債務を削減する予定です。1~9 月期は 685 百万ドルの債務を前倒しで返済しました。第4四半期には、2億9,630万円の負債を支払う予定です。





のみとなりそうだ。インドと中国が輸出と製品出荷を強化するのは、数週間から数日先のことです。だから多分 乗組員が移動し、少し早く回復しました。それは、製品を精製する前に、最初に出荷された論理的なものであり、製品を精製することでしょう。しかし、我々は強く、その製品が流れ始めることを期待しています。

非常に間もなく、そしてそれは10マイルにとって非常に建設的なものになるでしょう。それでは以上です。改めてありがとうございました。非常に。超強気で。DNA Vは順調に推移しています。近いうちにおそらく1株82ドルくらいになるように。

どうもありがとうございました。Qアンプを開けたいと思います。A. では、ありがとうございました。それでは、質問コーナーに入ります。JSONキーパッドで複数のドアを押すことができます。スピーカーフォンをお使いの方は、キーを押す前に手を上げてください。では、質問を取り下げてください。スターを押してください。このとき、私たちはオスターを組み立てるために一時停止します。

このことです。今日の最初の質問はオマーからです。ナターシャ ジェフリーズ、どうぞ 失礼、アマール、あなたの回線は生きていません おい それは失礼した ミュートになっていた もう一つの好調な四半期におめでとうと言いたかったんです。



そうすると これらの基準価額はかなり速く加算されます。なるほど。いや、それは面白い。明らかに、それは非常に素晴らしいことです。あなたの報告によると、1年後の目標について話していますね。70とかなんとか アナリストが発表しています。そして、彼らは明らかに

その数字に勝っている。私たちは、今後の期待を読んでいます。そう遠くないうちにあると考えるのが妥当でしょう。基準価額が82円以上になる可能性もありますね。そうですね なるほどね。エキサイティングだ。LR2についてお聞きしたいのですが。







LR2社のパワーと収益。明らかにその証左と言えるでしょう。ありがとうございます。私たちのものです。そうですね 進化し続け、ちょうどここに権利上の三角形化する貿易パターン。いいね それと、最後のフォローアップです。リースバックのオプションを行使した23隻の船についてお聞きしたいのですが。




そして、順番にクレジットラインを取得するのです。に。現金と船との組み合わせで、我々はすでに、買い戻しのオプションを持っています。買い戻しのオプションがあれば、さらに加速させることができます。そして、そのコストをより早く削減することができるのです。了解です よし ありがとうございます ロバート

いいんだ よし、クールだ 私はそれを回すでしょう。次の質問 ジョン・チャペル イシさんどうぞ。ありがとうございます おはようございます ラーソン、私が結びつけることができればあなたはここにいます。ジェームスがプレゼンテーションの中で言及していたことがあります。



次の段階の混乱について知りたいのです こんにちは、ジョン。アジアの製油所が輸出を増やしていることです。つまり、私たちはそれを見ることができます。



同じ場所に移動しています。2月5日まで、彼らは明らかにできることをやっています。しかし、私たちは初期の任務がわかり始めています。アジアからヨーロッパへの貨物の移動が始まっています。11月にはかなり増加すると思われます さて、これは答えにくいのですが、ジェームズは6%、10マイルの影響と言いました。


ガス、ガス、ガス。それは非常に難しい質問ですね、ジョン。つまり 私は読みました。私は、我々は今年のこれまでのところ8%の増加を見たことを読み、6%は明らかに前進しています。確かに長距離の航海が多くなっています。興味深いのは、このような変化により、以前はヨーロッパで行われていた航海が、プレモスクからロッテルダムまで10日間かかるようになったということです。同じ製品を中東から運ぶとしたら、40日かかるわけです。

つまり、距離と必要なものを考慮すれば、計算上では一目瞭然です。ですから、これから先、大きな影響を与えるでしょう。2月5日 ロバートは今年、感謝祭を迎えられそうですね。ただの用心棒だ もっと高いレベルだ

もう1つ質問です。8%かどうか 6% 3% 2%、4% 市場が明らかになったとき。現時点での利用率で90%台かどうか。だから、任意の割合がちょうど1%。優れたを持っていることを撃った。




私は、それを実現することができます。今のところ、私たちは 引き続き、レバレッジを下げることだけに集中します。デレバレッジ、そしてマニュアルセット、機会があります。株の買い戻し。それはおわかりでしょう。私たちはそれをやり続けてきました。

私たちは最近 と言いましょう。ゼロスタートから第3四半期にはより積極的に動いています。どのような機会が与えられるか、正確にはわかりません。しかし、いずれにせよ、我々が使うことになるキャッシュフローの大部分は


を待つことができます。確かに。2、3、4ヶ月は。ここにある曲線の種類を見ることは非常に重要です。その質問はちょっとパスします。ありがとう、ロバート Larsさん、ありがとうございました。

次の質問は、ヘクター・バンク・オブ・アメリカさんからです。どうぞよろしくお願いします。こんにちは。ネイサン・ホダリングです ケン・ヘクスターです。3年から5年の傭船契約をしている船舶がかなりあることに気づきました。


特に2023年に向かって。私はそう思います。圧倒的に スポットで。と思っている。パーセンテージで言うと 3年間チャーターで10%、非常に強いレートで、90%がスポットです。2023年に向けて、私たちは着実に、ある種の追加をしながら進んでいるのでしょうか。





瞬間に自由であること。そして、私たちがそうしている理由は、私たちがとても建設的で強気だからです。これからの期間について。そうすべきなのです。23日に向けて85~90%のスポットの間にあるものを見てください。素晴らしい ありがとう ああ その続きです 明らかに市場力学は非常に有利です。


しかし、2021年に対して、そしてそれがTceにどのように貢献しているのか、教えてください。Tcell ブライアン・カム 君はそっちをやってくれ ネイサン そうですね。明らかに燃料は増加しています。また 船舶運航費も増加しました。

そして、それは私たちの スケジュールには上昇した運航費を入れています。それは通常のインフレコストです。旅行です。これらは発生しました。燃料費も高くなりましたが、これは需要があるからで、ビジネスには好都合なのです。そのため、売上高の増加によって相殺されています。

なるほど。ありがとうございました。次の質問はC.ライリーのウィリアム・バークからです、どうぞよろしくお願いします。はい、ありがとうございます。ハンディのスポットレート環境は、まだかなり強いようです。なぜ異常に強いのか Visa B. 艦隊の他の船は。


だから、質の高いユニットが必要なのです。ハンディ船隊は、ミセスやLR2など他のセグメントで見られるようなものではありません。多くの製品が移動しています。リージョナルに。そして、正直なところ 通常、第3四半期は4台のハンディが非常に弱く、第4四半期に入るまで待ち、第1四半期または第4四半期の非常に強いマーケットを第1四半期に送ることになります。しかし、一般的には、年間を通じて非常に強いハンディ市場を見てきました。


顧客は。15年以上前のミセスを使うことに抵抗がある。来年は供給がかなりタイトになるということで どうぞ、どうぞ。取りたいなら取ってくれ いや、どうぞ、ロバート。それでいい



ありがとうございました。何を聞くつもりだったんだ?いえ、もう大丈夫です。ありがとうございます 私は戻るつもりだった アメリカの銀行で コストとか言ってる辺り。明らかに実際の コスト構造。海運は影響を受けないわけではありません。

インフレによる賃金圧力など 等々。あるいは入力圧力。しかし、私はこう考えています。私たちは 非常に良い状況です。そして、私たちはとても新しいフルートを手に入れました。最近乾燥したんだ。博士 私たちはそこで進歩した、均質なのです。

だから、より少ない。よりもここで運用コストを懸念。古い艦隊を持っている企業。そして、我々はまた。という点では。の。金利コストを 下げています。私たちの総負債は途中で 500かそこらの700、変換された固定金利のコストを含む。そして、それはブライアンが言った。

私たちは珍しい業界です。我々の収益が今とても好調だという点で 圧倒しているのです。で、更新、コスト。どんな増加も 今のところ、金利コストで。次の質問をお願いします。

次の質問は、BTのグレッグ・ルイスさんからです。I. G. どうぞ。こんにちは。ありがとうございます。ありがとうございます そしておはようございます そして、グッドアフタヌーン。そして、私の質問を受けてくれてありがとう。ロバート 私は尋ねたいことがありました。ジョナサンの質問を少し違う形で。

そうですね レバレッジは下がってきています。損益分岐点を考えるように そして明らかに あなたは良い時も悪い時も経験してきました。そして、私が言いたいのは、悪い時期でさえも、あなたは配当を維持することができたということです。


負債を返済する。なぜなら 3ヵ月半で、Back startを買うために120,000,000ドルを使いました。それは非常に単純なことで、会社が取引していること。一貫して。EVに対して急なディスカウントで、やっている。

だから もう一度言いますが、今は それはより良いものです。配当金を払うよりも自社株買いに資金を使うこと。そして、ここで少し我慢すれば。私たちは 株数が減ります。フリー・キャッシュを分配するために。そして、より強い立場になるのです。

そのために 支払うことができます。配当金も、もしそれが確実な方法で行われるなら、ただ単に一度だけ配当金を支払えばいいというわけではありません。そして、なんと、市場が下落し、減配せざるを得なくなるのです。そうですか。素晴らしい。それから、ジェームス、私はあなたに感謝します。

スライドの12枚目です。明らかに 新しい数量は、中東から出るようです。グローバルに、あるいはより微細な稼働率を実現するために。数字が常に動いていることを理解して、定量化する方法はありますか。






中国へ。そして、中国はそれを輸出します。先進国がロシアの原油を買っていることに気がつきました。ロシアの原油を買っていない 中国で精製されれば、そのようなことになるのでしょう。

良い評判を得ることができます。しかし、多分、そのようなことは、何が起こるかについての公正な評価のようなものです。キム、答えてくれないか?もちろんです、グレッグ 今のところ そうだ そうです さらなる購入者を制裁から解放するが、今のところどのように展開するかはわからない。

わかった よし、みんな 時間を割いてくれてありがとう どうも 私の声が聞こえるか?はい、はい よし よかった セールスバックの件といい オプションの件といい 金利の件といい


ある項目から別の項目に変更させてください。しかし。 なぜなら、それは一直線になるのです。それが新しい会計基準です。そういう仕組みになっているんですね。船舶を所有している場合、少なくとも船舶は 同じように一直線になる、今は。



だから、おそらくそうでしょう。ノートのみです。それを取り出したら。おそらくそのくらいでしょう。10%は固定されています。なるほど。それじゃ それからもう少し戦略的に ロバート 明らかに企業の立場は以前とは劇的に変わっています。

6ヶ月前でも 1年前も 過去には考える価値もなかったような選択肢を開くことができるのです。そう考えると、将来を見据えた場合、どのようなことが考えられるでしょうか。興味深いですね。では、どのような未来を描いているのか、考えてみてください。

何?蠍座 蠍座に進化する 今のままでいいと思ってるんですか?スポット指向のプロダクトタンカー、ピュアプレイです。プロダクトタンカー以上の存在になることを想定していますか。


私たちが見ているのは、製品市場だと思います。非常に建設的です。今、そのための理論がある。この瞬間、話題はどうやら ロシアについて、正当な理由と、冬が何をもたらすかについて、圧倒的に多い。

を提供することができるかどうかの観点から。潜在的なエネルギー危機、などなど。しかし、この下に、基本的な。非常に強く、これまで 今年の大半はファンダメンタルズに関するものでした。私たちは 船団が老朽化している。私たちは

注文している船はごくわずかです。リードタイムが長いんです 新造船に。どんな種類のエンジンが必要なのか、どんなデザインの新造船が必要なのか、業界としてもよく分かっていないのです。しかし、需要はあります。


製品の長期的な将来について。当面は極めて堅調です。そうなると。統合に 私たちは いいえ、今年も一貫して 船を買う理由がない。船を発注する理由もありません 私たちは喜んでいるのです。あなたは私たちに会うかもしれません。

この先、数週間でさえ 古い船を2隻ほど売ってください。単にそうしただけです。価格と市場が非常に高いので、我々は、任意のVにそのような混乱を持っており、また。我々は、少しトリミングと言うことでしょう。

私たちの艦隊の年齢を維持する古い睡眠。最も若い。だから、我々が見ることができる限り。現時点では。製品市場自体には大きな未来があります。そしておそらく 最も健全な未来です。バルク海運市場、またはそこにあるすべての主要な海運市場であること。

次の。数年。あなたを得たので、ありません。コースの変更は、その後、私が聞いていることのようなものです。もちろんです。1つ質問させてください 火星にいる間に ディーゼル不足の話はよく聞きますし、そのようなことへの不安もあります。

そしてまた、聞いた。それは アメリカのジョーンズ法の一時的な免除の可能性です 私は好奇心が強いです。国際的なタンカー会社としてどうなのか。国際的なタンカー会社として、また市場や他のあらゆるものを取引している誰かとして。それはあなたが重要だと思うことですか。


製品の輸出などです。そして、ポンプでの価格上限設定です。その可能性は非常に低いと思います。ジョーンズ法の適用除外を実施することは 国際貿易のプロダクトタンカーに具体的な影響を与えるでしょうし、より多くの船がそれを行うことができるようになります。政治的な複雑さがあり、過去何年もの間、私は一度だけそれを見たことがあります。




やあ、おはようございます、皆さん 電話を受けてくれてありがとう ちょっとだけ聞きたいことがあります そして、ここで市場のリスクがどうなりうるか考えてみたいと思います。ロシアからの10マイルの6%増加について話しました。これは世間で言われていることです。

あなたは今まで マクロイベントや不測の事態を目にしたことは。どこで。市場が弱体化したり、強力な推進力にもかかわらず10マイルが下がったりするようなことです。来年のロシアのようにね

30年分のクラークソンのデータを見ても、わからないからです。確かに、過去にはなかった。いや、でも。今まで一度もない。誰も予測したことがない。倒れるということは 起こりうる可能性のある何かがあるはずだ。

創造する。 破壊を要求する。サダム・フセインがクウェートに侵攻したときも、97年のアジア通貨危機もそうでした。97年のアジア通貨危機も、2001年のリーマンショックも。かなり予測不可能なことで、実際に起こるまで議論されないことが多いのです。

実際に起こってしまうのです。ですから、歴史的な前例がないのはその通りです。しかし。私が残すのはその程度です。私たちは常に 神の前では少し謙虚でいること。そして少なくとも、何かおかしなことが起こることを予期しておくことです。


1年間のタイムチャーターの料金で ここ半年で7、8割は上がっているのではないでしょうか。OPECの削減やマクロ環境とか。2023年のレートを考え始めるには、それがベストな方法なのでしょうか?確かにそうだから。

レートを考えるから。そこにあるのは 知識ある第三者と呼ばれる人たちが、お金を下ろしているのです。エクソンモービルが支払うことを望んでいる程度は ある船舶に対して、ある年数、X、Y、Zを支払うということです。

それが公開市場入札です。だから おそらくX社だけでなく、BP社やシェル社、そしてトレーダーも参加することでしょう。そして それをベースにしています。なぜ、その人たちが知識を持っていてはいけないのでしょう。それが自由市場なんです。そしてそれは、市場が何であるかを言ってみましょう。


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Hello and welcome to the Scorpio Tankers Incorporated, third Quarter 2022. Conference call. Now I have to turn the conference ever to Mr. James Oil, Head of Corporate Development and I are Please go ahead, Sir.

Thank you for joining us today. Welcome to the Scorpio Tanker. Third Quarter 2022 Earnings conference call. On the call with me today are a manual. Laurel, Chief Executive officer. Robert Bugbe President Cameron Mackey Chief Operating Officer Brian Lee, Chief Financial Officer Water Stenker. Nielsen, Commercial director.

Earlier today we issued our third quarter earnings Release, which is available on our website Scorpio Tankers.com The information discussed on this call is based on information as of today, November 1, 2022.

It may contain forward looking statements that involve risk and uncertainty. Actual results may differ materially from those set forth in such statements. For discussion of these risks and uncertainties, you should review the forward looking statement disclosure in the earnings press release, as well as Scorpio Tankers SEC. Filings, which are available at Scorpio tankers.com.

And SEC. Gov. Call participants are advised that the audio of this conference calls being broadcasted live on the Internet and is also being recorded for playback purposes. An archive of the Webcast will be made available on the Investor Relations page of our website for approximately 14 days. We will be given a short presentation today. The presentation is available at Scorpio Tankers.com on the Investor Relations page under reports and presentation.

The sites will also be available on the Webcast. After the presentation, we will go to Q Amp A for those asking questions, please limit the number of questions to if you have an additional question, please rejoin the queue. Now I'd like to introduce our Chief Executive Officer manually. Url.

Thank you, James. And good morning or afternoon, everyone. Thank you for taking the time to be with us today. This has been a great quarter for Scorpio Tankers. The company has generated its largest quarterly profits in the company's history.

Significant cash flows from a strong, great environment. Our transforming the balance sheet. And improving the quality of Scorpio tankers is an investment. Our capital allocation prioritizes the balance sheet, as we've said before.

Year to date we have repaid over $720,000,000 in debt. Since June, we have given notice to exercise the purchase options on 23 least vessels. We will reduce our debt by almost a billion dollars this year.

And in addition, we have returned capital to shareholders. Primarily through Our Buyback program. In fact, since July, we have repurchased $120,000,000 of our common shares. At an average price of $38.

And $0.56. The company will continue to reduce its leverage. Maintain a strong liquidity position. And Opportunistically Repurchase shares. Fourth quarter earnings have started strongly. We have booked $45,500 per day.

For 52% of the available days on the quarter. We continue to see global, refined product inventories remain near historic lows, and supply remains very much constrained. So the thesis of a changing refinery landscape, increasing exports.

And on mild demand is actually playing out. Our customers. Expect this current market conditions to be sustained. This is evidenced by the increase in time, charter rates and activity. Not only the rates at which customers are willing to commit are higher.

But importantly, also the period to which they are willing to commit is longer. We continue to agree with our customer views. And as significant shareholders, we're excited about the constructive outlook.

For product Tankers and remain committed to creating long term shareholder value. I'd like to thank you for your continued support. And I will now pass it over to James, who's going to go through a great presentation.

James. Thanks, Emmanuel. Slide. A please. Since March, the refined product anchor market has been resilient. Rates of Oscillated between 30 and $60,000 per day, even during seasonally, weaker periods, such as refrigeratory, maintenance.

While our thesis and outlook remains the same, it would be remiss of me to say that the confluence of factors and degree to which those factors are impacting our markets is unprecedented. By nine. Please.

Refine product demand continues to increase as the global economy reopens from the Kobe 19 Pandemic. However, for several quarters demand has outpaced supply, leading to a period of significant inventory draws.

Since July 2020, the United States has drawn over 400 million Bureaus of Crude Oil and Refined Product globally. Distolid inventories have increased over decreased over 200 million barrels, and have not been able to build since 2020 despite lower jet fuel demand and higher refinery utilization.

With demand expected to increase through 2023, refinery output will need to increase to be incremental demand, low inventories, growing demand and higher refinery output are all constructive drivers for product tinker demand.

By Ten. Please. Since March, Seaborn CPP exports have remained above prepandemic levels, and more recently, of trend at 5000 to one 2 million barrels a day above 2019 levels. With inventories near historic Woes, the ability to supply incremental demand from inventory draws is limited, and thus product tankers.

Now more than ever are being used to supply more immediate demand. The global supply demand mismatch of refined product has less to do with Russian invasion of the Ukraine, and more to do with refining capacity, closures configurations and dislocations.

New refining capacity will help to alleviate global shortages, but it won't be easy and will require increased demand for product tankers. 511 please. While seabornx product exports have increased, so as the distance those cargo need to travel.

As tone demand increases, vessel capacity is reduced in supplied Titans, and the changes in the global refining system have had large impacts on ton mild demand, namely, in two ways. First, new export oriented refining capacity, which is built closer to the wellhead and further away from the consumer.

We have seen this in the Middle East and will continue to see it over the next few years. Second, when refining capacity closes and thus moves further away from the consumer. After a refinery closes to maintain demand, it often needs to import some of the loss production. We have seen this in Australia.

Both scenarios have led to significant increases in tone, mile demand. We have structurally changed global trade flows. It's difficult to change for finding capacity in the short term, but new capacity coming online in the Middle East is both needed and beneficial for some wild demand.

If Russia refined exports are diverted from Europe, the market could get even tighter. As of October, European imports of Russian refined product had declined from one 1 million Burrows per day to 8000.

Plus, until recently we have not seen a major shift in Russian refined products going to Europe. Starting February 5, any vessel transporting Russian refined product so that a price above the predetermined price gap will be prohibited from European Insurance and finance.

It's unclear what the price cap will be, and there are so many details to be worked out. In the event, Russian exports to Europe are rerouted to different regions. There would be a substantial increase in 10 miles. Every replacement scenario requires sending each longer distance.

In the event these barrels are rerouted from Europe and split evenly between the regions and countries in the graph to Unmiled demand could increase over 6%. This also excludes the ten mile impact from Europe to replace the loss Russian imports as well as the vessel capacity able to complete these trades.

Supply constraints will remain an issue going forward. 513, please. While demand looks robust, supply is equally, if not more attractive. The order book is at a record low, with 5% of the feed on order rebuilding orders have been limited. Meaningful shipyard capacity is not available until 2025, and more than half the fleet will be 15 years and older by 2025.

When assumes minimal scraping we growth will be 1% next year and zero to negative the years after, but using higher scrapping assumptions to account for the fleet age and upcoming environmental regulations, the fleet will likely shrink over the next few years.

Seaborn exports in 10 miles of man are expected to increase 3.3% and 8% next year. Outpacing heat growth again. The confluence of factors in today's market are constructed individually. Historically, low inventories, increasing demand, exports, and tongue miles, structural dislocations and refinery system.

Potential changes to Russian product flows limited to shrinking fleet growth. Upcoming environmental regulations. Collectively, they are unprecedented. Project. Significant cash flows are transforming the balance sheet of the company and improving the quality of Scorpio Tankers as an investment.

Year to date, the company has reduced its debt by over 720,000,000. Net debt has decreased by almost a billion dollars. While we have and we will continue to prioritize reducing our leverage, the company repurchased 120,000,000 of its own shares from July through October. This year.

At the same time, we had been able to maintain a strong liquidity position and with the fully delivered modern Eco fleet, we have limited capex requirements going forward. 516, please. In addition to scheduled amortization.

We are repaying, lease and bank debt. Sales respects are a form of financing. They are similar to bank financing, except the financial institution legally becomes the owner of the vessel during the least period.

In most sales, we spec transactions. The Lesse is a purchase obligation at the end of the lease agreement. This is the same as a balloon payment at the end of the bank agreement. The early repurchase option of a vessel before the end of the lease is equal to the outstanding debt and can include an additional payment to the financial institution.

The early termination of the Agreement typically up to 2% of the outstanding debt. After repurchasing the vessel, the vessel is uncumumbered and can be refinanced at a later date at a lower LTV and margin.

As we do this. Our daily vessel principle and interest cost will decline. As of today, we have completed the repurchase of six Sill we stack vessels. We expect to repurchase 14 vessels in the fourth quarter, which will result in debt reduction of 219 million.

  1. US all together. We will reduce our debt by close to a billion dollars this year. In the first nine months of the year, we prepaid 685 million in debt. In the fourth quarter, we expect to pay 296.3 million in debt.

Scorpio Takers has tremendous operating leverage so far. In the fourth quarter, the fleet is booked an average TCU rate of $45,000 per day. The free cash flow sensitivity doesn't go out to $45,000 a day in the scrap. But if the fleet were to average $40,000 per day for the year, the company would generate almost 1.2 billion.

In free cash flow before debt repayment or window over $20 a share in free cash flow. These are certainly exciting times. And now I would like to turn the call over to Robert. Yeah. Hi, everybody. Thanks very much for joining and thank you for your continued support. I'm just going to speak briefly before we turn it over to Q Amp a.

These are record earnings as the manual. Said earlier. And normally one might think. It doesn't really get better from here. However, what is so extraordinary is the third quarter is usually our seasonal week quarter and the fourth quarter has already as usual, started much better than the said so yes, it looks like it is going to get better from here.

I would simply suggest not shorting sting. Just take a look at the cash and certainly not pairing us against. Long crude oil Tankers as we can already see, the crude marketers moved up, shipping oil to China and India.

It's going to only be a matter of. Weeks or days before India and China step up their exports and product out. So maybe. The crew has moved and recovered a little bit earlier. That would be logical shipped accrued first before refining the product and then refining the product. But we strongly expect that that product will start to flow.

Very shortly and that will be very constructive for 10 miles. So that's all. Thank you again. Very much. With super bullish. The DNA V is moving nicely along. To soon probably be around $82 a share or so.

And thank you very much. We just like to open it up for a Q amp. A. Now, thank you. And I'll begin the question answer session to ask you questions. You may press door than one on your JSON keypad. If you're using a speaker phone, please pick up your hands up before pressing the keys. So withdraw your question. Please press Star, then to at this time we'll pause momentarily to assemble our Oster.

This thing. Our first question today is from Omar. Natta. Jeffries, please go ahead. Excuse me, Amar, your line is not alive. Hey, sorry about that. It was on mute. Just wanted to say Congrats on another strong quarter.

And based on guidance, looks like things are going to be strong yet again. Obviously a lot, I think to Hone in on and talk about, but I did want to just really quickly, Robert, ask you about the NAV comments you just made. What were you saying? You think Navy fairly soon we'll get to.

I was moving along nicely towards $82. I mean, you've already got. A number now that is moving up strongly. If you add this quarter, you add the next quarter, and you have a little bit of. Increase in values which you're having.

Then. Those NAVs add up pretty quickly. Okay. No, that's interesting. Obviously, that's a very nice. Following some of your own reports, talking about one year target. 70 or whatever. Out there from analysts. And they obviously.

Beating those numbers. We're reading expectations going forward. It's reasonable to think that there won't be long before. You could get an NAV of 82 or above. Yeah. Okay. Exciting. I wanted to ask about the LR twos.

The chief guidance so far for the fourth quarter, I would say pretty. I guess. Exceptional. Right. 58,000 for over half the quarter. And I say that's pretty well above maybe the 40 $45,000. Maybe that the market.

Is averaged. It's also higher than what you did in the second and third quarter when prevailing rates or at least quotes. Were higher. Can you help us maybe reconcile or maybe just expand a bit on the performance and how we should think about these LR twos going forward.

Yeah, Hi, Roman. This is pretty much kind of the leverage of the LR Two that people when you look at the market reports they don't really appreciate when they primarily look at the TC One index route as a round voyage, as the marker for earnings.

And you know, this is very much about how the diversity of the the cargo base that we're seeing today and the ability of trying. That we can see is now taking place. I can give an example just from today, really.

We had we've been doing a lot of Ella, twos from North Asia down to Australia. They do, you know, nice 80, 85,000 down to Australia. But we are seeing a lot of Congress now coming out of Australia as well.

Where we can do back overages back into China and to good good back home money as well and. Where in the past you would previously had ballisted to the AG and had a lot more balanced around. We can see today that on the other two, the way that we can triangulate out of Asia into the AG to the west, the west back to Far East has really meant that we've been able to leverage.

The power of the LR two and the earnings. Obviously our testament to that. Thanks. Ours. Yes. A trade trade patterns that continue to evolve and triangulations just on the rights here. Good. And one just final follow up. I wanted to ask just about the 23 shifts that you've exercised options on the lease backs.

What are you guys thinking about those vessels as you start to take ownership of them. Do you refinance those with bank debt to keep them debt free. Are they sales candidates. What do you think. That we're the one thing that we can say is.

We're determined to continue to. Let's say buy back are more expensive. Lease, finance. So here what we've got the opportunity to do now. As the balance sheet is improving, we've got strong earnings.

You can possibly. Accelerate that event even quicker. We're getting some very good. Loan propositions from lenders. Very good, low margins, very efficient. So you may actually take some of those ships.

And get a credit lines on them in order. To. In combination with the cash and the ships we already. Had our option to buy back accelerate further. And be able to reduce that cost quicker. Got it. Okay. Thanks. Robert.

No problem. All right, Cool. I'll turn it over. Next question. John Chapel. Isi Please Go ahead. Thank you. Good morning. Larson, you're here if I can tie together. Something that James had referenced in the presentation.

Back in June, you had mentioned that the impact from, you know, Russian sanctions or even kind of like self sanctions, hadn't really filtered in the market yet. Most of the time mile demand was driven by kind of things outside of the war. As we approach.

The February 5 for the products, you know, actual sanctions. I know there's a lot of moving parts, but can you give us any kind of sense as to what impact it's had thus far? As far as preparations for potential sanctions. Is it greater impact than it was back in June, but still kind of far from the full impact.

Just trying to get a sense for kind of the next level of disruption. Hi, John. I think there's two things to that we can see that the Asian refiners are ramping up the export. I mean, we can see that.

The fifth French of expert quotas that you know were released. Was at the end of September, early October, that that's coming about and we're seeing. You know, record amount of volume coming out of Asia and a lot of that is Jet Carroll. I think we're looking at about 6 million tons in November, which is record high. That's going to be moving primarily, I would imagine to Western destinations.

So there's certainly the kind of prep work from further afield that is going to obviously impact 10 miles positively. In the prompt right now, we're still seeing the same molecules being moved from the Baltic, in the Black sea.

Into the same places as. They're obviously doing what they can do up to the 5 February. But we're starting to see the early missionations of. The Cargo's moving from Asia into Europe. And we anticipate this to ramp up considerably in November. Okay. I mean, this may be difficult to answer, but James said about 6%, ten mile impact.

If it was evenly distributed across the areas that we would think that cargo would go and that's pretty consistent with what others in the industry have said. Your best guess? Have we seen half of that 6% already? Have we seen less than a quarter of it just.

An estimate but just your bus, gas. That's a very difficult question to answer, John. I mean. I read. I read that we've seen 8% increase thus far this year and the 6% is obviously going forward. We certainly see a lot of longer distance voyages taking place. The thing that's interesting, I think for everybody to understand is that as this changes, you know, the voyages that you would have done in Europe previously would have taken ten days on around Void from Premosk into Rotterdam. If you want to move the same product from the Middle East, you're looking at 40 days, right.

So the math is quite obvious in terms of the distance and what is required. So it certainly will have a big impact as we move into. The 5 February. Okay. So it sounds like Robert might get his Thanksgiving bounce this year. Just a bouncer. Much higher level.

One more question. Whether or not 8% 6% 3% 2%, 4% when the market is clearly. Whether it's in the loan 90s in terms of utilization at the moment. So any percentage just 1%. Shot to have an excellent.

Kicker on rate structures at that point in ship. Shipland and Dry containers. In Historically and tankers. Completely understand. It just seems like it's going from strength to strength before we even get to the seasonal impact or the full sanctions impact.

Last question. And I don't know who wants to take this. Maybe Brian, maybe James. You've laid out a very clear path for the fourth quarter on the sale lease back repurchases, as well as the debt repayment.

When we shift to 23 and I'm not asking for a guide or anything, but when you think about 23 and capital deployment, is there a target leverage you're aiming for. I feel like it doesn't need to be mutually exclusive deleveraging with capital return in the form of buybacks, but just any type of ideas we can get to a target leverage before maybe the capital turn is kind of accelerated further.

I can that one jump. At the moment we're going to. Continue just focusing on. Deleveraging, and there's a manual set, opportunity. Buying back stock. You can see that. We've been doing that as we've moved through.

We recently. Let's say. We move from zero start to being more aggressive in the third quarter. We don't know exactly what opportunities will be given. But either way, the majority of the cash flow that we will use.

Above 51% is going to be. That's the cash flow in excess of break even is going to be used to repay debt at the moment. I don't think that this particular point we want to worry about. Working out. We want to get to I think that.

Can wait for. Certainly. For two or three, four months. It's very important to see the type of curve that we have here. We'll pass on that question if we might at a moment. Thanks, Robert. Thanks, Lars.

Next question will come from Hector Bank of America. Please go ahead. Hi. This is Nathan Hodaling. For Ken Hexter. Just noticed that there were a quite a few vessels going out for three to five year charter agreements.

And you know, this is a this is a little bit of a step up from your second quarter earnings. Want to get the sense of management view of. Still very positive spot market dynamics, but. Attitude towards contracts.

Especially heading into 2023. I think that. Overwhelmingly. Spot. I think that. On a percentage basis. 10% on charter for three years, a very strong rates and 90% spot. So going into 2023, whether we and we've been going along steadily, sort of adding.

Two or three charters. Every. Couple of months or whatever as the marketers moved upwards. So I think that. We can say that going into 2023, we're going to probably be somewhere between. 85 and 90% spot because you know we're very Bush on.

The actual market and the fundamentals going forward, but at the same time. There's a lot of benefit in just. Taking up your. Secure revenue, especially. If we go back to the previous. Question John Chapel about where your ideal debt levels are.

Part of that is a combination of what secure revenue have. So if you are if you have very good contracts. Fixed forward for two and a half, three year periods. You can afford to run with. A higher debt level.

Than if you are running spot. And so that's part of what we've been thinking here. And part of the reason why we're driving. The debt is because. We are running. A predominantly vastly predominant spot.

Free to the moment. And the reason we're doing that is we're so constructive and bullish. About the period ahead. That you should. Look at something between 85 and 90 85 and 90% spot going into 23. Great. Thanks. Yeah. And just following up on that. Clearly, the market dynamics are very, very favorable.

On the product side. But just so we get a more comprehensive picture of all the factors. Could I get a general sense on how operating costs. Have. Year over year, obviously feels a big component of that.

But just maybe against 2021 and how that's contributing to Tce. Tcell Brian Cam, you want to do that one. Hey, Nathan. So Yeah. Obviously fuel has increased. Also. Vessel operating expenses have increased along the way.

And you see that from our. Schedule where we put in our operating costs that have gone up. Its normal inflation costs. Travel. Those have happened. And fuel course has been it's more expensive now, but it's because it's in demand and that's good for business. So that's been more than offset by the rise in revenues.

Okay. Thank you. Next question comes from William Burke of C. Riley, please go ahead. Yes, thank you. The spot rate environment for the handy still seem to be pretty strong. Why are they inordinately strong Visa B. The other vessels in the fleet.

I mean, first of all, you know, if you look at the age profile on the on the Handy fleet, it is a lot older than you will see on any other type of vessels. And it is certainly a fleet that over the last couple of years have been decreasing.

So quality units. In the Handy Fleet is not similar to what you've seen in the Mrs and the LR twos are other segments. There's been a lot of product being moved. Into regionally. And to be honest. Normally the third quarter would be a very weak quarter for four Handies, and we would wait until we get into the fourth quarter and then sending we would have a very strong market for the first or the fourth quarter in the first quarter. But we have generally seen a very strong, handy market throughout the year.

Across all regions. It's not only in the Continent or in the Mediterranean. There's also been in Asia. It's also been in the us. So. They certainly have been performing streaming well. Great and. On the we've got a lot of disruption with Russia coming up in 2023. Do you see any change in the.

Customers. Reluctance to use Mrs. That are over 15 years old. The fact that supply is going to be pretty tight next year. Go ahead. If you want to take it, take it. No. Go ahead, Robert. That's fine.

It depends where it's going to go to and how tight it is. But I think the main message is that I don't see the European and the American mangers changing their behavior. They're not going to try and save themselves a few dollars.

By taking an older vessel and going against their own environmental. Policies and risking risking and accident. But on the margin sure if the rates go to. High levels then fine people. Are going to scramble around to do whatever they can do.

Thank you. What were you going to ask? No, I'm all set. Thank you. I was going to go back to. The bank of America. Area where they're talking about cost, et cetera. Obviously the actual. Cost structures. Shipping is not immune from.

Inflationary wage pressures, etc. Etc. Or input pressures. But I think that. We've got. A very good situation. And that we have got a very new flute. It's been recently dry. Docs. We have advanced there, that we it's homogeneous.

So. It's less. Concerned about operating costs here than. Companies that have older fleets. And we also. In terms. Of. Interest Rate cost. We're taking down. Our total debt along the way. 500 or so 700, including converted fixed interest rate cost. And it's Brian said.

We're an unusual industry. In that our revenues are so strong right now. They are overwhelming. In, Updates, costs. Any increase. In interest rate interest rate costs at the moment. The next question, please.

Our next question comes from Greg Louis of BT. I. G. Please go ahead. Hi. Thanks. Thank you. And good morning. And good afternoon. And thanks for taking my questions. Robert. I did want to ask. Jonathan's question a little bit different of a way.

I know. The leverage is coming down. As we think about breakevens. And clearly. You've been through good times and bad times. And I guess what I would say is even during the bad times, you were able to maintain the dividend as we think about potential for dividend increases as the cycle continues to evolve.

Is it more around total leverage? Or should we be thinking about break. Vessel all in breakeven driving that dividend and any potential dividend increases. Well. It's partly to do that. But it's also right now, right now, we clearly have the surplus cash. Beyond what we consider is our needs to pay down.

Pay down debt. Because. In three and a half months, we've used $120,000,000 to buy Back start. It's very simple that with the company trading. Consistently. At a steep discount to an EV and it's doing.

So. Again, now. It's a better. Use of funds to buy back stock than it is to pay dividends. And if we're a little bit patient here. We'll have. Less shares. To divide the free cash over. And will be in a much stronger position.

To. Pay. Dividends, if that's the course that we take here in a secure way, not just okay, once off dividends. And oh, my God, the market falls, and we have to cut that dividend. Okay. Great. And then James, I did thank you for the.

Slide, twelve. Clearly. It looks like new volumes are going to be coming out of I guess the Middle East here. In realizing global or finer utilization is picked up. Is there any way to kind of quantify realizing that numbers are always moving.

Do we have any sense for how much capacity. Refining capacity. Is in the Middle East in terms of. As we look out in the next year, when the Sanct, when the Embargo comes in. How much more ability is there for increased refined volumes out of the Middle East? Have you guys done any work on that.

Yeah. With Jazzan, which is about half of its capacity. It should get the full capacity the end of this year, early next year, 400,000 barrels and alzheor, 600,000 boroughs and then. Duckle might come on a little bit earlier. You've got probably about.

1.4 million barrels that could come online. Definitely one will that's about 600,000 barrels of ultra low sulfur diesel that the market really needs. Given where cracks are I think you will see. These are fieries. Try to get the full capacity as quickly as possible, but outside of that, there's not much.

And I think the only other real region that has spare capacity right now is China. And we have Mars mentioned seen in uptick and volumes coming from China. They will be necessary to kind of balance this global market.

Yeah. And I know a question that I've been getting from at least a few some investors or a few investors around. I think clearly part of. The expectation in 23 assuming that Russian crew continues to be discriminated against is that maybe they send Russian crude.

Into China. And then China turns around and exports it. Realizing that I guess the developed world is buying Russian crude. Is not buying Russian crude. I guess once it's refined in China, that kind of.

Have the good word for it. But maybe that kind of washes it is that kind of a fair assessment of what could happen. Kim, would you like to answer that. Sure, Greg. At the moment. That. Does. Relieve further purchasers from from sanctions, but we just don't know at the moment how things will evolve.

Okay. All right, guys. Hey, thanks for the time. Hey, thanks. Can you guys hear me? Okay. Yes. Okay. Great. Given all the sales backs that you guys have been or the options that you've been acquiring and the interest rate.

Or debt coming down, how should we. Is there any guidance you can give us on how we should think about depreciates and interest on a run rate basis from here. Obviously. Interest Rate neutral. Appreciation is not going to change.

Let me switch from one line item to another. But. It's going to be in line because. That's the new accounting standard. That's how it works, right. If you own a vessel or at least a vessel. Same in line, now.

This is a little bit harder because. Libor and all interest rates have been increasing here. So I don't have a number for you right now, but. It will work on something and put something out. But that is obviously coming down, but interesting interest charges and interest rates are going up.

Okay. Any color as to how much of that is hedged by mechanics. The majority of it is floating. We stop some fixed rate that out there and not just note. That we have. We also have some Elise backs that are fixed.

So it's probably. Exclusive of the notes. You take them out. It's probably around. 10% is fixed. Okay. All right. And then a little bit more strategic. Robert. Clearly, the companies in it dramatically different position than it was.

Even six months ago. Certainly a year ago. And it sort of opens options that really weren't even worth contemplating in the past. Given that as you sort of look out into the future. I'm curious. Now, if you've given any thought to how you envision.

What? Scorpio. Will evolve into. Is it something where you sort of see it being the same as it is sort of. A spot oriented product tanker, pure play. Could you envision it being more than just product tankers.

Do you see the company as a consolidator? Or just sort of playing in its Lane? Any. Change or lack of change. That you can sort of foresee. Developing now that you're sort of on a firm financial footing.

I think what we see is the product market. Very constructive. Theory for it right now. This particular moment, the conversation seems to be. Overwhelming about Russia for all good reason and what the winter.

Could provide or not in terms of. Potential Energy crisis, et cetera. But underneath this, the fundamental. Is very strong and up until now. Most of this year has been about fundamentals. We've got. A fleet that's aging. We have.

A very few vessels on order. We have a long lead time. To new buildings. We don't even really know as an industry what type of engines we need or what design those new buildings are going to be. And we have demand.

Rising and potentially rising over the years in terms of 10 miles because refinery changes we have refiners considering to close. In areas where the consumers are due to efficiency like Europe or environmental reasons like Australia. And then we have new refinery opening up in places of export, such as the Middle East. So.

The longer term future for products. For the foreseeable future is extremely strong. When it comes. To consolidation. We have. No. Consistently this year. We have no reason to buy ships. We have no reason to order ships. We're even willing to. You may see us.

In the weeks ahead, even. Sell a couple of the old vessels. We have simply. Because the price and the market is so high and we have such a dislocation to any V and also. We would be let's say trimming a little bit.

The older sleep keeping our fleet age. The youngest. So as far as we can see. At this point. The product market itself has a great future. And probably. Healthiest futures among. Bulk shipping markets or being all the major shipping markets there is.

The next. Few years. Got you so no. Change in course, then is sort of what I'm hearing. Of course. If I could slip one and just since Mars is on. We've heard a lot about diesel shortages and angst about that sort of thing.

And also heard. That. The potential for temporary waivers of the US Jones Act. I'm curious. How you as a international. Tanker Company and somebody who's trading the markets and everything else. Is that something that you think matters.

A temporary waiver. The Jones Act. Does it fix anything, or is it have any meaningful impact on your market at all. I think first of all, it's an interesting political narrative that takes place always before midterms in terms of what they want to do.

With product exports, etc. And capping prices at the pump. I think the likelihood is very minimal. Putting a Jones Act waiver into place. Would have a tangible impact, positive, tangible impactful product tankers in the international trade as there'll be more ships that can be doing that. I think the complexity that's around it politically is so great that over the last many, many years, I have seen it maybe once.

For a very brief moment in time. And I don't think it has would help very much the American consumer, ultimately. You know, the international markets tend to be able to be much more efficient. And I think that the diesel shortage that we've been seeing.

Exacerbated by the Russian situation, but also by refineries closing down and so on and post covered with the stock trolls have just been a perfect storm. And what we will be seeing is there's going to be a lot more product that's going to be moving.

Further field as we've been talking about earlier from the Middle East, from India and also from Asia, that's going to be helping. Out that dislocation. All Right. I appreciate it. Thank you. Our next question comes from turn our home with Clarkson. Please, God.

Hey, good morning, gentlemen. Thanks for taking the call. I just wanted to step back a little bit. And think about what the risk of the market could be here. We talked about the 6% increase in 10 miles from Russia. Those are the estimates out there.

Have you ever. Seen a macro event or unforeseen circumstance. Where. The market is managed to weaken or 10 miles have managed to go down despite such a strong driver. Like what we see out of Russia next year.

Because I'm looking at the Clarkson data for 30 years and I don't see. Sure. There hasn't been in the past. No, but. We've never, ever. No one has ever predicted. The thing that takes you down. I'm sure there's something out there that is potential that could happen that would.

Create a. Demand destruction. And usually those whether it was Saddam Hussein saying, going into Kuwait, whether it was. The 97 Asian Currency Crisis, whether it was 2001 or Lehman brothers. Pretty unpredictable things that don't tend to get discussed until.

They actually happen. So you are correct that there is no historical precedent. But. That's about as far as I would leave it. We always have to. Stay a little bit humble in front of God. And at least anticipate that something crazy.

To the negative could happen that we can't think of. We can't foresee. To that end, Emmanuel opened the call, and he was talking about the growing confidence from your customers as well. And that's evidenced by the increase.

In one year time charter rates. I think they're up 70 or 80% in the last six months. Like the OPEC cuts and macro environment. Is that the best way for us to begin thinking about rates for 2023? Because it certainly.

Think about rates because. There you've got. What you would call a knowledgeable third party, putting them money down. So to the degree the Exxon mobile is willing to pay. X, Y, and Z for a certain vessels for certain years.

And that's an open market bid. So. You'll probably see more than just X on doing that rate you'll see BP or Shell and you'll see the traders too. And. We use that as a base, because. Why shouldn't you those people have knowledge. It's the free market. And that's let's say, what a market.

Is. Now you can then have your own position to model as to whether or not. You are on the Chartres side to the customer actually when they take your shipping at 35 they're obviously think the market's going to be higher than 35. Otherwise they wouldn't be bothering to take the ship in.

Or you could take a more pessimistic view around that number, but it's a solid. Base to take. In terms of. Some kind of indication as a model. Okay. Thanks. This concludes our question answer session at this time. Now turn the conference back over.

The Executive officer, Please go ahead. Thanks very much for everybody's time. We do not have any further comments. The call concludes here. Thank you for your time and look forward to speaking to you all in the next days and weeks. Thank you.
