Influence Operations through Fake Accounts

With the evolution of digital technology, influence operations using fake accounts are developing every day. This type of strategy leverages the influence of social media to influence people's opinions and actions. In particular, groups and individuals with political and economic influence can use fake accounts to spread specific messages and opinions and promote social change.

Fake accounts can be used to exert influence in a variety of ways, but here are three main ones

  1. Stealth accounts: In this technique, fake accounts disseminate false information to others. As a result, false or inaccurate information can be spread.

2. Bot accounts: This technique automatically creates a large number of fake accounts and automates posting according to a program. This allows opinions and information to be spread quickly and widely.

3.Swing accounts: A method of hijacking an existing trusted account to spread a particular opinion or message.

The risks posed by an influence operation with a fake account include, for example: 

1. Spreading false information The spread of information through fake accounts can lead to the spread of misinformation or false information. This can cause social disruption and division. 

2. Endangering democracy Exerting political influence through the use of fake accounts can endanger democracy. By disseminating disinformation or manipulating elections, they can influence election results and policy decisions.

3.Decrease trust in social media platforms Influence exercised by fake accounts can affect the credibility of social media platforms. If a platform allows fake accounts, users may question the platform's credibility and refrain from using it.

4. Cyber espionage Influence exercised through the use of fake accounts may be used by cyber espionage. States can use fake accounts to gather political information and influence the policies of other countries.

To address these issues, it is critical that social media platforms take appropriate measures and that individuals improve their information literacy.

Nozomi Ikeda
