
On the Way to Your Own SEO Agency

In the area of ​​"SEO as a Service" there are currently five concise types of providers on the market.Hobby SEOs, semi-professional freelancers, professional full online marketing agencies and the full SEO agencies and the specialized SEO agencies. This distribution is by no means problematic, because it serves the organic distribution of orders across the market and serves separate market segments. The hobby SEOs are mostly webmasters who have their own projects on the Internet, be they weblogs or news sites.solid basic knowledge, which they now use for small customer projects. Sufficient for some areas, but only due to the fact of limited sales and mostly part-time practice in the end only basic optimization.The next group is SEO freelancers like I was. 

Started as a webmaster with my own projects,the topic of search engine optimization never let go of me.After acquiring the required reading, innumerable unsuccessful own projects and much more "trial-and-error", they managed to acquire a respectable knowledge.In addition, there is the network effect. Dedicated freelancers have created a network of their own projects or other online marketers, which enables you to strengthen customer projects in the off-page area at short notice and, above all, sustainably.But being an SEO freelancer also harbors many dangers and problems that need to be overcome.As a freelancer, you often hear from customersthere is the network effect.

The third market segment is occupied by the countless full-service agencies that have recently sprung up like mushrooms.Not that I do not think this is good, because at least these are boosting the German economy, but I am still convinced that, with a few selected exceptions, agencies that offer web design, web programming, offline marketing, PR and search engine optimization are simply one too serve a wide range in order to be excellently positioned in all areas. Unfortunately, in recent years I have often had the experience that such full service agencies are only interested in making money quickly.In part, I came across gag contracts that no legal counsel in Germany would have found fair.But that is up to every entrepreneur. Now there is the type of agency that only specializes. . in the area of ​​search engine optimization.On-page and off-page optimization, consulting, seminars and workshops. Last but not least, there are the "specialists" .By this I mean the SEO agencies that have focused on a specific area within search engine optimization.A good example would be thatVIPEX GmbH from Sasà Ebach.It has specialized only in the area of ​​organic link building.

For me it was actually clear over the entire duration of my freelance work that I would get involved in the world of SEO agencies at the latest when I completed my master's degree.Up until now, unfortunately, I hadn't considered how I wanted to do this. Ultimately, after much thought, I came to the decision to stay true to my major, and to concentrate on the area of ​​strategic online marketing planning, especially the segment of sustainable search engine optimization, within the market.The focus here should be particularly on the area of ​​SMEs in Central Germany.

The establishment of an agency in the narrower sense is relatively unproblematic.Before you think about the name, the location or possibly the CI, there are the fun matters of independence.office, IHK, health insurance companies, pension insurance institutions, possibly also associations and guilds.

Choosing an equivalent legal form is the most difficult of all decisions in most cases.Aspects of liability, capital requirements and the personal circumstances of all founding members must be taken into account here.In most cases, the company name is true to the German standard -the GmbH.If you would like to waive the entry of start-up capital in the amount of € 25,000.00 for personal reasons, you can also operate as a limited liability company.The advantages and disadvantages that result from this are similar, only that you are obliged by the UG to transfer surpluses from business activities to equity until you have the minimum deposit of € 25,000.00 for the GmbH.There is also the option of the so-called English GmbH, Limited (Ltd.).The problem here are guidelines that state that accounting has to be carried out in accordance with country-specific guidelines.For my part, I have decided against the company name and will work as a sole proprietor in the future.It is not necessary to make a minimum deposit for this.Another advantage is the borrowing of funds.Lenders can act as silent partners without being perceived as such by other economic entities.The entry in the commercial register for the authorization of the company suffix "Registered merchant" is also not mandatory.Advantage number three is the way in which profits are determined.Up to an annual turnover of 500,000, 00 € as an unregistered sole trader you have the option of doing without accounting.Any trade tax that may be incurred can be offset against income. tax.I have decided against the company name and will work as a sole proprietor in the future.It is not necessary to make a minimum deposit for this.Another advantage is the borrowing of funds.Lenders can act as silent partners without being perceived as such by by other economic entities.The entry in the commercial register for the authorization of the company suffix "Registered merchant" is also not mandatory.Advantage number three is the way in which profits are determined.Up to an annual turnover of 500,000, 00 € as an unregistered sole trader you have the option of doing without accounting.Any trade tax that may be incurred can be offset against income tax.I have decided against the company name and will work as a sole proprietor in the future.It is not necessary to make a minimum deposit for this.Another advantage is the borrowing of funds.Lenders can act as silent partners without being perceived as such by by other economic entities.The entry in the commercial register for the authorization of the company suffix "Registered merchant" is also not mandatory.Advantage number three is the way in which profits are determined.Up to an annual turnover of 500,000, 00 € as an unregistered sole trader you have the option of doing without accounting.Any trade tax that may be incurred can be offset against income tax.Lenders can act as silent partners without being perceived as such by other economic entities.The entry in the commercial register for the authorization of the company suffix "Registered merchant" is also not mandatory.Advantage number three is the way in which profits are determined. Up to an annual turnover of 500,000, 00 € as an unregistered sole trader you have the option of doing without accounting.Any trade tax that may be incurred can be offset against income tax.Lenders can act as silent partners without being perceived as such by other economic entities.The entry in the commercial register for the authorization of the company suffix "Registered merchant" is also not mandatory.Advantage number three is the way in which profits are determined. Up to an annual turnover of 500,000, 00 € as an unregistered sole trader you have the option of doing without accounting.Any trade tax that may be incurred can be offset against income tax.00 € as an unregistered sole trader you have the option of doing without accounting.Any trade tax that may be incurred can be offset against income tax.00 € as an unregistered sole trader you have the option of doing without accounting.Any trade tax that may be incurred can be offset against income tax.

Business registration
If you were previously active as a freelancer, you already have the license to work as a freelancer.It should be noted, however, whether one was working part-time or full-time here.Due to my studies, I had indicated a part-time job to the trade office and therefore had to opt again for the full-time practice of a trade.In most cases, this is relatively straightforward.You make an appointment with the trade office, here in Leipzig the regulatory office at the same time, and submit the application for opting for full-time self-employment. Then you pay just under 25 euros and this chapter is dealt with.

Tax office
The tax office also plays a very important role.In my case it was the case that I, as a freelancer, did not have to show VAT for reasons of simplicity. Now I had to change this.A call to the tax office is sufficient and the responsible clerk notes the opt-out for VAT declaration within the personal file.For me, the process has been taking place for a long time through the tax advisor I trust, for two reasons.1: I don't feel like it and 2: I have no idea about it.

In most cases, the registration of a self-employed activity with the trade office is accompanied by a letter of claim from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.The payment to the chamber is mandatory and has a tax character, ie: direct consideration cannot be expected.On the other hand, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce also brings some positive points, which are very interesting for founders of all kinds, especially in the beginning.We are talking about start-up grants within certain grants, for example from the KfW.Here, founders receive grants and low-interest loans for items such as office equipment and initial marketing.

Health insurance and pension insurance
A-from my point of view-very painful topic is that of health and pension insurance. Everything I list below are my opinions alone and therefore do not have to be regarded as general. In my view, the problem with the health insurance company is As follows.If you start up and generate a reasonable turnover, you are very slightly above the assessment limit of the statutory health insurance companies, also called the compulsory insurance limit.This means that there is a choice between statutory and private health insurance. asked by my health insurance company, I received the statement that if I remained legally insured, monthly premiums for health insurance and RV could be expected to be around 1,000 euros.Well! I am far from being a system critic, but 1.000 euros a month seemed a bit plentiful to me, that I 'm only 25 years old and in good health.I know we live in a state of solidarity, but somewhere there has to be an end to solidarity.So I decided to check with my trusted insurance broker for private health insurance.I will not name any names, but it turned out that in return for the statutory KV I only have to pay a fraction of the contributions for better performance.What is still missing here is pension insurance.As far as I know, this amounts to the payment of a monthly flat rate which the friendly clerk did not want to tell me over the phone.Now on 04.04.an appointment at RV Leipzig-we'll see.for being only 25 years old and in good health.I know we live in a state of solidarity, but somewhere there has to be an end to solidarity.

Insurance & legal advice
As a self-employed person, especially as a sole trader, you should always be well insured.Everyone has to decide for themselves which insurance policies apply, but I can only advise call recorder-on the app store is a great tool .Some insurance companies also offer so-called media insurance, whether this makes a lot of sense if you always act compliant is in the eye of the beholder.From my perspective, an indispensable factor in self-employment is advice from a lawyer.There are-from the contracts to the warning-so many fields that you as an individual cannot all understand that the expenses for a lawyer are always worthwhile.

Bureaucracy! If you have actually managed to fight your way through the bureaucracy jungle at some point, you, as a young, naive person, can finally get started.Not even close. Now it really starts. Existing customers have to be informed, contracts have to be concluded. In addition, you want to expand your scope of action and expand the existing customer base if possible.I will use a company website for this in the future.With the new name, there is now also the problem of the CI and the company name. I don't want to calculate how long I have been thinking about an appealing company name.Ultimately, I chose KarMa web marketingdecided. This has been the status since the beginning of 2012. I am currently in negotiations with network partners, potential customers and the design of the website. You see, it is a long way that never seems to end,but it is worth the effort as long as you enjoy your work.And when the first positive feedback from new customers comes, you know you are doing almost everything right.
