
🥪#11 英語の旅 | The Economist



今回はThe Economistの…1 | South Korea goes to the polls…2 | America and Japan shore up relations…3 | A pointless impeachment inquiry in Congress…4 | American inflation in the spotlight…5 | A podcast investigates Gitmoについて紹介していきたいと思います。

1 | South Korea goes to the polls


Though he is not running, no one has more at stake in South Korea's parliamentary election on Wednesday than Yoon Suk Yeol, the president, whose People Power Party has been in the minority since 2020. Now two years into his five-year term, Mr Yoon has made no real attempt to push policies that would require legislation - ie, most serious reforms. A PPP victory would give him the chance to build a domestic legacy.

Public polls differ over whether the PPP is more popular than its bitter rival, the Democratic Party. A popular third party led by a former justice minister complicates forecasts. But the PPP's own internal polling betrays a lack of confidence: its most bullish estimate gives them only 140 out of 300 seats. South Korean presidents can serve only one term. So, if these polls are right, Mr Yoon may have to learn to co-operate - or endure domestic-policy paralysis for the rest of his term.

The Economist | Apr 10th 2024


2 | America and Japan shore up relations


President Joe Biden will host Kishida Fumio, Japan's prime minister, at the White House on Wednesday. They are expected to announce measure to deepen defence and security co-operation. That will probably include reforms of their armed forces' command structures to improve planning and co-ordination. The two governments may also announce the launch of a defence industrial council to collaborate on research and procurement.

Yet irritants remain in the relationship. Mr Biden has done much to repair America's Asian alliances following Donald Trump's presidency. But Japan is dismayed that Mr Biden has in many ways continued his predecessor's protectionist ways. The country is irked by his opposition to the takeover of US Steel, an American steel firm, by Nippon Steel, a Japanese one. And then there is the possibility of Mr Trump returning to power. In many ways, Mr Kishida's visit is about insulating the relationship from the damage that could cause.

The Economist | Apr 10th 2024





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