
🥪英語の旅 #15 | The Economist


今回はThe Economistの…1 | A glimpse at Michelangelo's craftと…2 | Attempts to deter in the Pacificについて。紹介していきたいと思います。

1 | A glimpse at MIchelangelo's craft

Michelangelo's masterpieces are scattered across Europe. Visit the Sistine Chapel in Rome or the Louvre in Paris to see his wondrous frescoes and elegant sculptures. To understand something of the Renaissance master's craft, however, go to the British Museum in London. "Michelangelo: the last decades", an exhibition which opens on Thursday, reveals his private meditations and preparatory drawings for works such as "Last Judgement".

The treasure of the exhibition is the "Epifania" ("Epiphany"), a "cartoon", or full-scale fresco sketch, which spans 26 sheets of paper. Created in around 1550, it is the only complete cartoon by Michelangelo that still exists. Its size is impressive and its details exquisite. It shows how the artist made revisions even when working at this scale. He moved the Virign's head slightly; he tweaked the position of her left arm. The sketch offers something that is perhaps more precious than a finished work: a glimpse of a master in action.

May 2nd 2024 | The Economist





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