
🥪#13 英語の旅 | The Economist


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1 | Kyoto's photo festival


Most springtime tourists go to Kyoto for the cherry blossoms. But those visiting the Japanese city this month may instead be struck by images of the protests that swept Iran in 2022 after Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old arrested for allegedly violating the Islamic dress code for women, died in police custody. "You Don't Die: The Story of Yet Another Iranian Uprising" is the star exhibit of this year's Kyotographie, an annual international photography festival which runs until May 12th. The central image - by Ahmadreza Halabisaz, a now-imprisioned Iranian photographer - won a World Press Photo award. It is accompanied by smartphone photography from anonymous civilians at the forefront of the unrest.

Other highlights include exhibits by Claudia Andujar, an artist-activist who began working with the Yanomami tribe in Brazil more than 50 years ago, and by Rinko Kawauchi and Tokuko Ushioda, Japanese photographers whose work gracefully documents dometic life. All 13 exhibits are well worth a detour from the cherry blossoms.

The Economist | Apr 24th 2024


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