
What makes you fun?

Hii! How are you doing today? I'm just studying today and a bit regretting not going to play football. I like spending time studying tho.

 So, today, I'd love to ask people what makes your life wonderful.
As for me, just eating delicious food and spending time with people I love amazes me. What's more, I've been into spending time on things that enhance my life. I have no idea if it actually would do my life good. But I just like that I'm doing something for me. These things like traveling, trying to join a new community, interacting with new people, and studying something Im interested in. What does motivate you, and what is fun for you?

 I guess, I've been likely to think rationally so sometimes I may hurt other people. But I don't think it is wrong, to be kind to others and also I want to live for myself.

 Another thing I've been pondering is the sense of money. I realized that each person has a priority for spending their money such as entertainment, objects, hobbies, and things like that.
 How we manage our own money is depending on each of us, I personally, want to spend on things I love or the brand-new experience that would cherish my life. Even if I had a lot of money, I don't wanna spend it on things less meaningful.
 The things obtainable, which you can feel better soon would not enhance the quality of your life. I think that is junk food in society. Of course, I love it and I often feel like having it. However at the same time, you understand that It just makes you feel better at that moment, then no longer last that happiness. I understand it's also important for life but it shouldn't be excessive. 
I want to seek the things that truly give me joy and happiness, Which is hard to achieve and get. 

What do you think? Thanks for reading seeya.
