
what I have in my head.

Hi! How are you doing lately? It's me.
I've been feeling amazing thanks to daily working out in the gym.

Today, I wanna try to do new things when deciding the topic for this journal.
The topics following made me happy, appreciative, and worried.
Then let's get started.

What made me happy as accomplished today was going to the gym with my friend. As an exercising fancier, my daily routine craves exercising. What's more, the guy gave me work again, I just felt delighted to receive someone's reliance.

Next, the things I appreciate are the people around me. My gf makes me motivates me to live my life and gives me joy and lots of things like that.
Also, I truly have an emotion of appreciation to my supporters like my family and friends. Those people established my stable life so I respect them and wanna give it back to them as they have done to me. In order to do that, I work hard to enjoy my life.

Lastly, I should touch on this topic to make them clear. I've got anxiety about my new job which is for covering my daily expenses and planning to study abroad. But I know I had better not to be concerned about the things that would never happen in the future and the things that happened in the past. I should enjoy the present.


Hello! How have you been lately? It's your old friend. I've been feeling fantastic, all thanks to my daily workouts at the gym.

Today, I want to try something new when selecting the topic for this journal entry. The following topics have brought me joy, gratitude, and concern. So, let's dive right in.

Firstly, what made me feel a sense of accomplishment today was hitting the gym with my buddy. As a fitness enthusiast, my daily routine craves physical activity. Moreover, when this friend entrusted me with some work, I couldn't help but feel elated by the trust they placed in me.

Next, I'd like to express my gratitude for the people in my life. My girlfriend is a constant source of motivation, joy, and countless other positive emotions. I also deeply appreciate my support system, consisting of my family and friends. They've played a pivotal role in establishing the stable life I now enjoy, and I hold them in the highest regard. I'm committed to giving back to them in the same way they've supported me, and to achieve that, I'm diligently working on savoring every moment of life.

Lastly, I should address a topic that's been on my mind to clarify things. I've been wrestling with some anxiety regarding my new job, which is essential for covering my daily expenses, and my plans for studying abroad. However, I recognize the futility of dwelling on events that haven't occurred yet and things that belong to the past. Instead, I'm determined to relish the present.

Catch you later! prod by chat gpt
