
One of the most important features of demons is the worse they act, the better they become. On the contrary, our feature is the worse we act, the worse we become. To matters worse, if we continue to do such a thing, demons lead us to go to hell.

It is said that there are five demons in our heart.

They are a red demon, a blue demon, a yellow demon, a green demon and a black demon.

Whenever we're caught up in desire, a red demon come to us and make us unhappy.

Whenever we’re caught up in hate, a blue demon will come to us and make us unhappy.

Whenever we’re caught up in regret, being self-centered and obstinate, a yellow demon will come to us and make us unhappy.

Whenever we’re caught up in lazy, unhealthy, a green demon will come to us and make us unhappy.

Whenever we continue to complain, a black demon will come to us and make us unhappy.

These demons mean negative things. It is said that if we are caught up in a lot of negative things, we will become unhappy.

We are apt to force to vanish these demons. But if we persist in doing so, we will become far from happy. These demons by no mean vanish. We should not strive to vanish them. If anything, we may as well take advantage of them with strong will.

As a self-made man put it, a man of much desire will make good in the end.

Due to the feeling of hate, we will become more competitive. It will leads you to success.

Without being self-centered, we can't have time to make efforts in earnest. Thanks to regret, we will be able to eager to do something important. The more we become obstinate, we will be able to concentrate on only one thing.

To eat excessive amounts of junk food, we all the more want to get into shape and lose some weight. A feeling of lazy is similar to taking a rest. That’s why we can make use of lazy to take a day off. And then we can obtain much power.

It is said that as soon as complaining, we should use positive words. If we do so, negative thing will help positive thing to be stronger.

Whenever we are in trouble or feeling down, we should all the more manage to try to be positive with strong will. The demons will help us to do so.
