
Today's NA Beer : Intentional IPA by Well Being Brewing

I was looking back on the last time I had the NA beer by Well Being and OMG it was last September! My days it has been passing so fast! I've always have been a big fan of Well Being since I had my first Golden Ale.  Rather than having that crisp taste, I feel like Well Being brings much richness and creaminess to the beverages. 

Today was busy and I already knew what I wanted for dinner. Fried fish! So the English name for this fish is called "Smelt" (AKA Wakasagi in Japanese) I was wondering why would they call a fish name smelt, but whatever. It is one of the smallest fish very light in taste and crunchy and pairs great with a glass of beer♡ So by 6 pm my tummy was ready for some crunchiness and my first "Intentional IPA"! 

Just as I thought, pairs soooo well! And the richness and creaminess of this IPA were so amazing.  Not much of that bitterness and crisp of IPA, which some people might feel less, but personally I really loved it. It has that great taste of IPA without bitterness, which makes it great for me because it doesn't collide with the taste of the food.  Definitely one of the top choices for got summer day, right next to the pool bench with or without food!

Style: IPA
ABV: 0.3%
Refreshing: ★★★☆☆
Richness: ★★★★☆
Taste: Less bitterness
Scent: Creamy, rich IPA
Food Pairing: Fish and chips, any Asian food cooked with sesame oil, yakisoba, okonomiyaki, comfort Japanese food
