
20240519 TED Talk ~How AI will step off the screen and into the real world

I watched the above TED Talk. The following is summary and my opinion
・AI and robotics are now separated
・And AI is only in computers, in screens.
・But if AI is coming into physical world and robotics, its power is tremendous.
・She and her group in MIT is researching its technology named liquid networks by using of C. elegans, and trying to develop self-driving cars etc.
・She insists that traditional AI are made by calculation of bit(0 or 1), so the amount of calculation is tend to be huge, but this new neuron are made by more complicated so the amount of calculation is tend to be smaller.
I agree that the combination between AI and robotics must be great power in the near future,
and similar to insist of the combination of biotech and infotech in the book of 21th lesson.
