
20240120 How AI can help you turn an idea into the next great app ~TED Talk

From yesterday night, my husband and my son were going to Kyoto, so my daughter and I went out for a lunch and she went to college and dancing after eating, so now I 'm home alone, so I concentrated to listen to following TED Talk in English.

It impressed me a lot!
The summary of this talk and my impression are following.

He was attracted with a computer from his early age by influence of his father, who was some kind of a computer engineer. And in his teenage, he wanted to realize and issue of his idea in some way, but he didn't know how to do it.
But using programing and internet, he could make application and release it all over the world. But thanks to generative AI, we human could make application more easily only if you we have idea, we don't have to use code, and only we have to do with tell about our idea to AI and AI make some prototype app, and we show some rough sketch, so AI would upgrade it in discussion. He made a platform such like this concept and he named it as ”Replit”.

For like me, not be able to code so well, this kind of service is amazing and I want to use it!(I once used it without conscious 3 month ago) on the other hand, I thought again what is the meaning of people's existence and roll. All we have to do is to come up with some kind of ideas, rough concepts, is that right? What kind of skill we have to put on? If more thing AI will be able to do, is what people have to do decrease? I think again what is the add value of human-being.
