
20240525 TED Talk~The next grand challenge for AI

I watched the above TED Talk today.
The following are my summary and opinions.

・Alpha-Go was the transforming point of AI ability.
・But that was for a single ability
・Challenging for the future’s AI are three axes, skill, reality, and embodiment.
・As for skill, his team developed "Voyager", which are the AI agents that work in the Minecraft game. They can learn themselves for various things.
・As for embodiment, they developed "MetaMorph", which are for many different body.
・As for skill, they developed "IsaacSim", by the Nvidia's simulation effort
・And by total of these three axes, he will challenge to develop "Foundation Agent".

[My opinion]
The idea of three axes and the combination of these are very inspired me. And I am also inspired by being now really and concretely creating above these things.
