
20240331 Second day of Kyoto

I slept well in the sleeping bag I brought, and wihtout no-curten was no problem. In the early morning some Japanese nightingale voices made me awake, which was very elegant.

At first, I went to my elementary school teacher's house with my son at 8:45 am! It was the first time for 40 years to met him! But we talked a lot of our old memory, sharing with my son. And he told the story of his and his wife's life after retirement. She began to write novel for children, and a few years ago, her book was selected as assigned book. Such a work like a hobby  seems to be very good. She gave me one of her book. My son, was initially reluctant to visit because he wasn't familiar with my teacher, but he seemed to enjoy visiting. On the way back to his apartment, I bought some breads in the shop which my old teacher recommended.

After that, I visited my old neighborhood in the Fujimori Station on the Keihan railway line. Before taking the train, I was fascinated agin by the scenery of the Demachiyanagi station "Delta".


I talk with my old neighborehood, He was very healthy in spite of his 80 years age, and his son was my old home-student. The mansion where I used to live was very nostalgic! 
I experienced the elegant saloon in the Keihan express!

elegant saloon in the Keihan express

After that, I went to eat with my son for later lunch. It was delicious and volumy!

And I went back to my son's apartment to take a heavy laggage, and say good-bye to him and Kyoto.

I enjoyed Kyoto fully for two days! I will work hard from tommorow, April, again!
