
20240223 TED Talk ~6 tips on being a successful enterpreneur~

I watched the above TED Talk. Its English was very difficult, so I could understand what he said partially, but I would like to write some points which impressed me much, and what I thought.

impressive points
1) what is important for enterprenuers is counterconventional of what is matter for big companies or what business schools had been teaching in general.
2) Yes, we can
3) Instead of asking permission, beg forgiveness later

my view
1) I have been thinking of the same thing as what he said as "counterconventional". In order to step out in something new, we have to doubt the common sense, that means "counterconventional" of what have been thought in ordinally. But however, it doesn't mean that we just counter. What is important is to see the essence of problems with sticking to your instincts.
2) It is not necessary to say "yes, we can" in all situations, but at least, it is important to have a mind to say so. If you would like to do something new which haven't been done till now, unless you say "yes, we can", it won't be achieved forever.
3) There is no rule for something new at first. The rules are made after that, because we can't understand what is the risk at first as in the case of recent release of OpenAI. But entrepreneurs have to think by myself what is right and what will be being forbitten in light of my sense.
