
20240127 What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness ~TED Talk

I listened to the above TED Talk.
Summary and my impression was following.

・Many young people tend to think that money and fame are most important for life, but the key which the people living happy is "good relationships with others" ,from over 75year's survey.
・People who are satisfied with them live long, not be sick, and memories are clear, but those who are not are vice versa.
・Life is short, so there is no time to vast your time and cost to bicker

I could agree with his insist to some extent, I also think relationship is very important. But life is not decided by the end point of life, our life is made by every day’s life and we feel a lot of things from morning to evening, and sometimes we might feel envy to other people, sometimes we might fell to be famous, and these are also important elements for life. So I think to make a good relationship with others is not only the goal. My goal is more ambitious and I would like to satisfied with more in my life!
