
Greetings from Nicole Page

Hi everyone, I am Nicole. My life motto is work hard, play harder. In this blog, I will share about my life ramblings and what I do to achieve my life motto. 

With my life motto in life, I make my everyday life living purple and make an effect to do things that bring me joy so that I don't do it my precision time. I have also learned to say no to things and live life on my own terms.

I Will Start My Blog By Sharing With You What I Do Daily, Before Work and Before Bedtime.

I am also strong believer that kickstarting the day on a good note will bring positivity and a bundle through the day. Therefore, I do the following three things before I start my work --biting my gratitude journal, read-position agreements and do mindfulness mediation.

The time just before bedtime is just as important as important as well because you will need to clear your mind of the closed and bring your emotions to a restful state before you sleep. Therefore, I do the following three things before bedtime - moving my gratitude journal, have a hot cup of non-caffeinating tea and do mindfulness editing.
