About the world view of SCANNER DARKLY

There is a movie called Scanner Darkly, which is also a spy movie, and at the end there is a scene in the Garden of Eden that cannot be scanned. I think you could say that it depicts a place where people who have become too immersed in digital can live peacefully in the current digital and analog world. There are people who are involved in an activity called QANON, and they

value nature. Personally, I feel feminine love in that. When I saw a poster at the station with the same mark as Anonymous around nature, I thought it must be something like that. Both Anonymous and Qanon are private organizations, and they sometimes hold off-line meetings and do things like pick up trash. I myself am a minority individual and am currently active in an online environment by being open about myself, but in the future I hope to actually meet the people around me, as well as people in national politics around the world who can understand me. I hope to connect the world to peace. I hope to work with the people around me to move the world in a better direction, little by little. There is a term called digital detox, and I think it is necessary for many people, myself included, who spend too much time on digital things, to surround themselves with nature. I don't know what the future will hold, but I think it is necessary to restore some of that natural environment. Lastly, I hope that cyber warfare, and first of all, the current war, will end and the world will be at peace.
