
Mutual understanding

In the human world, there are various communities of religion, nation, race, domestic and foreign. I think that each community has its own values, principles, thoughts, etc., but I don't think it's a matter of which one is wrong. But there is a desire to monopolize, oneself, and ourselves are the best. perfection. This idea creates arrogance and exclusion. Sometimes they deny and try to eliminate what they consider to be weak. I think that such things create repulsion and resistance in the other party and the other party's community. Trying to get the other person to do what you want, I think that kind of thing exists in all communities that have a confrontational structure. Both sides deny each other, do not tolerate each other, and try to eliminate it when it goes too far. At such times, both sides understand each other, even if the other person does not understand, you understand and accept the other person. . I think it's essentially the same from small communities to domestic, international, and religious communities. In the nation, each political party in the country understands each other, respects each other's principles and ideas, respects each other's good points, and creates a common sense of values. I think it's going to be a good direction in the reaction. In order to create a better future, I think it is important to have mutual understanding first. That's what I thought. I hope that we will be humble and respectful of each other and that the world will be peaceful.
