
🗒On the 19th, Breaking news from Japan today速報ニュース🗒

On the 19th, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office's Special Investigation Department launched a raid on the issue of a political funding party organized by a faction of the Liberal Democratic Party, on suspicion of violating the Political Funds Control Act. We searched the office of "Shishikai."

It is suspected that the Abe faction did not record party income of approximately 500 million yen and the Nikai faction more than 100 million yen in its political fund balance report over the five years up to last year, and the Special Investigation Department is investigating the perceptions of the faction's executives and members. It is expected that efforts will be made to clarify the detailed circumstances surrounding the incident.
自民党派閥主催の政治資金パーティー問題で、東京地検特捜部は19日、政治資金規正法違反の疑いで強制捜査に踏み切った。 「二階派「志帥会」の事務所を捜索しました。


東京地検特捜部が安倍派と二階派の事務所を家宅捜索 |日本放送協会


