
⛺🏔NCIS 🏔🥾🥾


焚き火と野外料理がある里山暮らしを実践している、さん。神奈川県・道志川の畔で、手作りの家「みのむしハウス」に家族4人で暮らしつつ、アトリエ「NATURE WORKS」を主宰。毎日の日課は裏山や庭先での焚き火だ。どんなに忙しい日々を送っていても、焚き火の横でコーヒーを片手に一服することで、心がリラックスして満たされるという。


Mr., who practices the Satoyama lifestyle with bonfires and outdoor cooking. On the banks of the Doshi River in Kanagawa Prefecture, he lives with his family in a handcrafted house called ``Minomushi House'' and runs an atelier called ``NATURE WORKS.'' Their daily routine is to have a bonfire in the back mountain or in the garden. No matter how busy your day is, sitting next to a bonfire with a cup of coffee can help you feel relaxed and fulfilled.

Good old America was the model for crafts and bonfires.

(May war crimes and animalistic violence disappear from now on. Politicians, please.戦争犯罪、動物的な暴動がこの世から消えますように🙏政治家の皆様お願い致します🙏)
