

く菊池桃子氏 デビュー40周年記念EP「Eternal Harmony」






編曲:ホリエアツシ・Shoya Abe(zonji)


It's a new and very nice fusion of alternative and city pop.
オルタナティブとcity popの融合いいですね✨✨✨
杏里 山下達郎聴きたくなります✨✨✨


G.W. How are you doing? ☺️

My recent milestone is 40th.

for inspiring me

I want to leave behind good music

I am moving forward with my thoughts 🍑

EP released on April 17th.

Next week is the 40th LIVE.

Shooting and releasing the MV...

About singing

I am a delicate human being.

How many more years can I work on it?

Cherish your time, which is not infinite

We put a lot of thought into our activities.

Cherish the present.
