

『のんが、スタイリスト馬場圭介氏の新YouTube番組「Short Hope」の初回ゲストとして出演します(3/3 Sun 20:00~) | のん 公式サイト』 https://nondesu.jp/22018/

Non will appear as the first guest on stylist Keisuke Baba's new YouTube program "Short Hope."

The distribution date is March 3rd (Sunday) from 20:00.

Mr. Keisuke Baba is a famous stylist who works with many artists and actors such as Fumiya Fujii and Kyoko Koizumi, and is active in fashion magazines such as BRUTAS, GQ, POPEYE, advertisements, collections, and on TV.

のんが、スタイリスト・馬場圭介氏の新YouTube番組「Short Hope」の初回ゲストとして出演します。






If the waves are strong

Also for influencers

You can become rich

Popular with girls in Minato Ward

But even if the vibrations are strong, if they are not high

I'm sure someday I'll get exhausted from the competition in life.

begin to seek peace

That's when I feel it for the first time

Peace cannot be bought with money or influence...

You can understand the people, environment, and learning that you should value now.

