


手越祐也が、ソロデビュー3年目に突入する7月7日(金)、七夕の日に新曲「SUPER SESSION」を配信リリースする。

本楽曲は、どこまでも超ポジティブな手越祐也の真骨頂といえる「自分の殻を破って自由になろう!」「どんな時でも前向きに生きていこうぜ 新しい時代が始まるよ、さぁ踊ろう!」という世界観に、ギターのアレンジが印象的な思わず手を挙げたくなるロックサウンドに仕上げたナンバーだ。


``[Image] ``The desire to deliver

“The feelings I want to convey are always on Tanabata” Yuya Tegoshi looks back on the two years since his solo debut “SUPER SESSION”


Yuya Tegoshi will release his new song ``SUPER SESSION'' on Tanabata Day, July 7th (Friday), which marks the third year since his solo debut.

This song is the true essence of Yuya Tegoshi, who is always extremely positive, and expresses his worldview of ``Break out of your shell and be free!'' and ``Let's live positively no matter what. A new era is beginning, let's dance!'' It's a number with an impressive guitar arrangement and a rock sound that makes you want to raise your hand.

I had a recording session in the morning today, but I laughed a lot and it was fun♪

And then, we made the final early start✌️

It’s going to be the best live ever, so get it early ☺️🎵
