BRIGHTNESS TOUR"6/8(土)米子AZTiC laughsOPEN 17:30
結成15周年を記念し、今年2月に2度目の日本武道館公演を開催したNothing's Carved In Stone(以下、NCIS)から、約2年ぶりとなるCD作品『BRIGHTNESS』が届いた。
Nothing's Carved In Stone (NCIS), who held their second Nippon Budokan performance in February this year to commemorate their 15th anniversary, have released their first CD in about two years, ``BRIGHTNESS.''
Although this work is an EP, it is a large volume with a total of 7 songs. In a solo interview conducted with Shinichi Ikugata (G), we asked him in detail why he chose not to release it as an album!