Replicon vaccines and Individual Number Cards will destroy Japan

Japan will be destroyed by the start of replicon vaccine vaccinations and the spread of Individual Number Cards.
Embassies of various countries in Japan
June 19, 2024
Motoyoshi Tokuna
Something terrible is about to happen in Japan with the start of vaccinations with replicon vaccines (self-amplifying coronavirus vaccines) and the widespread use of Individual Number Cards. If left unchecked, Japan will be destroyed. There is a high possibility that the damage will spread to your country. There are six actions you can take.

The first point is to protest the Japanese government and stop the vaccination of the replicon vaccine and the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination. The reason is that the vaccine works after infection, so it cannot prevent infection. This is medical common sense. The vaccine creates antibodies in the body, which bind to the virus that has entered the body and stop it from multiplying. The vaccine works after infection, so it cannot prevent infection. The effect of the vaccine is to prevent the onset of the disease and the severity of the disease. Vaccination does not prevent the spread of infection. With a normal coronavirus vaccine, the only death is the person who receives it. However, with the replicon vaccine, mRNA self-amplifies in the cells of the vaccinated person, and the self-multiplying vaccine may infect others through droplets. In addition, the spike protein, which is the main cause of side effects, remains in the body in larger quantities and for a longer period of time than the coronavirus vaccine, so severe health damage is expected, including death after vaccination. Therefore, these vaccines should not be administered to the public.

Second, evacuate Japan and close your embassy. Also advise your own citizens to evacuate Japan.

Third, please designate Japan as a risk area and prohibit people from entering Japan for any reason, including tourism and business. Also, please prohibit people from entering your country from Japan.

The fourth point is to protest to the Japanese government to abolish the My Number card. You can't force people to get vaccinated with the My Number card. However, if you get vaccinated, it will be automatically registered on the card, so it will essentially be forced vaccination. The reason is that if you don't have the card or haven't been vaccinated, it will be difficult to live, so you will have to get the coronavirus(COVID-19) vaccine to survive.

For example, if a restaurant decides to "ban unvaccinated people from entering," unvaccinated people will not be able to eat or drink. If supermarkets, drugstores, and various retailers allow only vaccinated people to enter, unvaccinated people will not be able to live. Even without government instructions, companies and organizations can ban unvaccinated people from entering places where people gather, such as hospitals, government offices, movies, trains, and buses, at their own discretion. In addition, restrictions on movement and bans on leaving the country due to emergency declarations can be strictly enforced using My Number cards. As the above will happen, people who have not been vaccinated with the coronavirus(COVID-19) vaccine will not be able to maintain their lives, so inevitably the entire nation will be vaccinated with the replicon vaccine. Mass administration by the entire nation will increase the possibility of RNA copying errors, and the time when the replicon vaccine will become more infectious will be accelerated.

The fifth point is to protest to the Japanese government to stop the production of replicon vaccines. Replicon vaccines are made in Fukushima. Japanese products are highly trusted around the world, so if we leave it as it is, it will be shipped all over the world. Then the world will be destroyed.

The sixth point is to observe the situation in which Japan is being destroyed and come up with a plan to prevent your country from being destroyed. Even if the replicon vaccine is not infectious, Japan will be destroyed by the drug damage caused by the spike protein of the vaccine, as the population will plummet and the number of people who can work will decrease. Please watch the process of Japan's collapse.

As for the timing of action, protests to the Japanese government must be made as soon as possible. Evacuation from Japan and a ban on entry into Japan must be implemented before vaccinations with the replicon vaccine begin. This is because once vaccinations begin, it may become impossible to prevent the "multiplied vaccine from entering the bodies of others." This is because mistakes in the vaccine's replication within cells may increase the vaccine's ability to "infect others."

Reference: mRNA型ワクチンの新タイプ・レプリコンワクチンに関する声明|全国有志医師の会|Volunteer Medical Association ( on new types of mRNA vaccines and replicon vaccines | Volunteer Medical Association )
