
How to set up "NFTad.space" content.

Once you have purchased the NFT space, please join the Discord below and use Collab to authenticate your NFT.

#1–23 space NFT / https://discord.gg/F3CzDBqGx7
#24–46 space NFT / https://discord.gg/p7PWAGxPSP

スクリーンショット 2022-03-03 午前10.44.44

Once you have authenticated, a chat will appear for each space you own, and you can contact us there to set up your content.

【Censorship Requirement】

■We cannot accept content with illegal, pornographic, or unethical elements. (e.g. gambling, violence, pornography, etc.)
■NFT Adspace is not responsible for any copyright or license issues related to the set content.
■If you would like to set up other people's copyrighted content with permission from the author, please provide us with the exact contact information of the author's owner when setting up the content on Discord. Otherwise, we may not be able to publish your work.
■We do not allow the NFT to be offered as a campaign or give-away, nor do we allow content to be set up for rent or lease. In such cases, we will not accept the setting of content.

【Website】 https://nftad.space/
#1–23 space NFT / https://discord.gg/F3CzDBqGx7
#24–46 space NF / https://discord.gg/p7PWAGxPSP



スペース1–23 / https://discord.gg/F3CzDBqGx7
スペース24–46 / https://discord.gg/p7PWAGxPSP

スクリーンショット 2022-03-03 午前10.44.44







NFTアドスペース 公式リンク集
【Website】 https://nftad.space/
#1–23 space NFT / https://discord.gg/F3CzDBqGx7
#24–46 space NF / https://discord.gg/p7PWAGxPSP
