Madden NFL 24 level offensive tackles and tight end isn't a pleasant sight

More often than not, Harold would just kind of get into the left tackle, and then get stuck on his block on passing plays. It's possible that he could have completed at a 4.9 according to me. concerned when I consider how little he won with a speed rush. What's the point of being a super athlete if you aren't going to use your talent as a pass rusher but at times?

That was frustrating as hell to Buy Mut 24 Coins watch.

I'm just not thrilled that I saw Harold make good moves at times because then I started to wonder why he didn't utilize them all the time. If he had he might've had more sacks. However, he didn't. This is likely the reason the fact that he "only" experienced about 7.5 Sacks for the season. This isn't a terrible figure, though it certainly doesn't make for a perfect one.

The fact that it was a good thing If he hadn't missed so many tackles. He also missed the occasional sack. For the Louisville game, which was in a game that he scored two sacks, the player was unable to make three tackles, one of which was another chance to sack. In addition, the dude was supposed to be a great athlete , but if his scot-free and clean, he can't succeed in making the play?

It is a concern.

I've not even got around to talking about Harold's less than stellar play when he was running. I'll admit that every once in awhile he came off the ball well and pushed the blocker and made the play. Most of the time, however, he was either hit in the face or was manhandled.

Not a great experience.

Harold has also given the edge to a running defender on running plays way too often during the five games. That just won't do. I'm sure he's light in the ass, but the blocking will be better at the next level. The player will need to figure out how to solve that issue fast. A little extra weight, some squats , and better technique are my solution, but for now imagining Harold trying to establish the edges on Madden NFL 24 level offensive tackles and tight end isn't a pleasant sight.

In fairness, there were times where Harold had some impressive play against the run. But I kind of expect to see that from elite players. It's not something you do one time or two times that impresses me. It's consistently doing it with play after play after another that bring me up. Harold displayed his skills in every sport against passes and against the run, but you might also be able to watch any play in those five games where he'd appear to be just another guy.

This isn't a good thing.

The good news is that Eli Harold is all of the issues I've experienced with him are fixable. Eli Harold already has some decent pass rush techniques that he can utilize them more. He has shown that he can do a decent job against the runner however he must learn to be better and more consistent in his technique. As he gets bigger and stronger in the Madden NFL 24. that should also help him in both of Mut 24 Coins these areas. He's definitely physically fit enough to play an outside linebacker for a 3-4 or 4-3. but he's also fit as a 4-3 defensive end , so his adaptability will benefit him.
