
"Research to rethink international networks in the performing arts from people on the field" started.

From 3rd August 2024, I have been in Taiwan with 2kids those are 9 years old and 4 years old girls. The object of my stay is the research titled "Research to rethink international networking from the perspective of people in the performing arts field."

Why do I think about international network?
Why do I need the perspective of people in the performing arts field?
Why do I research in Taiwan?
I will write about those backgrounds in the next article.

For this research I have the grant of 'Support for Overseas Research Activities' by the Saison Foundation. This support has encouraged me to work concretely on  issues that I could not make clear in our daily activities. And I was able to take on the challenge of a three-week stay in Taiwan with my children, a challenge that I could only take on now!

In order to provide an overview of this research, I will first describe the application to the ‘Support for Overseas Research Activities’ and the updates from it.

Research on Performing Arts Producers' Network

Theme: Research to rethink international networks in the performing arts from people on the field

In the wake of the Covid-19 disaster, various solidarities and networks were born across genres and sectors within the performing arts in order to respond to emergencies and advocate for policies, but with the government handling of the new Covid-19 in 2023 and changes in social life, some solidarities and networks are drawing to a close and others are developing their activities to meet new challenges. In the international networks, on the other hand, there is a growing number of solidarities and networks that are developing their activities in response to the new challenges. Meanwhile, in the international networks, despite restrictions on mobility, online opportunities were created for dialogue and discussion with partners and peers abroad. Online discussions relied on communication based on existing networks, and it was felt that there were limitations in creating and expanding new networks. Now that the restrictions on mobility have been lifted, I would like to face the issues of the gaps in international networking opportunities and how to demonstrate motivation for international activities, and to think and practice about the resumption and development of international networks through interviews with the parties responsible for the networks, both at home and abroad.

What I want to draw from the research

  1.  Redefine the significance of international networks
    Redefine the role (mission) and value of networks by researching performing arts-related networking organisations in Taiwan.

  2.  Relativise the environment and issues surrounding performing arts producers.
    Interviews will be conducted on current changes, issues and needs related to working styles, career development and mobility of people working in Taiwan, to analyse what is common to Japan and what is specific to Japan.

  3. Learn about methods of advocacy and building relationships with government.
    Interviews will be conducted on methods for building relationships with government and other stakeholders, and methods for spreading awareness of the need for and significance of international networks and expanding support measures will be examined.

Research plan

Stayed in Taiwan and conducted interviews with performing arts producers' network organizations, support groups and several producers. They will also participate in the projects of the network organizations and investigate how to approach activity support and cultural policy. The research conducted during the residency will focus on local activities that cannot be encountered at festivals and international conferences, and from there consider cross-national cooperation in networking.

Subject of interviews

A) Network organizations
PANDA(Pereforming Arts Network Development Asssociation)
PAA(Performing Arts Alliance)
TASA (Taiwan Arts Space Alliance)

B) Individuals
Individuals (producers, producers) who use the network.
People who have been introduced to us by those who have contributed to this research, or who have met through previous ON-PAM activities and are now freelancers or entrepreneurs.

Questionnaire items

Questionnaire items for organizations

1) Management organisation/structure
 1-1  What is your governing body?
Private organization / Governmental organization / Semi-private sector / other

1-2.        Board of directors
・Is there a board of directors?
・Number of board members
・Attributes of the board (e.g. local, Taiwanese, people with overseas roots, gender balance, people with disabilities / artist management, etc.)
 ・Role of the board
 ・Term of office of the board
・Average age or age group of the board
1-3. Secretariat
・Is there s secretariat?
 ・Number of secretariat staff
 ・Employment contracts (paid/unpaid)
 ・Attributes of secretariat staff (e.g. local, Taiwanese, people with overseas roots, gender balance, people with disabilities, etc.) /
 ・Average age or age group of secretariat staff

1-4.  Members
 ・Number of members
 ・Attributes of members
 ・Roles of members
・Payment of membership fees
1-5. Decision-making process
・How is decision-making process of the organization?

2) Budget size
2-1. Percentage of income sources
 Self-funded / organised projects / grants / subsidies / private sponsorship / donations
2-2. Budget size (over 5 years)
2-3. Budget breakdown (as far as possible)

3 )Business description
 3-1. Mission/vision of the organization
 3-2. Project contents
 3-3. Project evaluation system, indicators, etc.

4) International programs
(content, frequency and scale of implementation)
*If a pre- and post-Corona comparison can be made.
4-1. What kind of international programmes are held?
4-2. What year?
4-3. Number of times
4-4. Number of participants
4-5. Form of programme
(performances and exhibitions, art markets, residencies, etc.)

5)  Cooperation with foreign organisations (with whom and how)
 5-1. Are there any overseas organisations with which you cooperate?
If so, where? How are cooperation schemes established?

6) Cooperation with the public administration
6-1. Relationships with the public administration.
6-2. Are there any advocacy/advocacy activities?
6-3. If yes, methods, examples, etc.
6-4. Whether there are regular opportunities to exchange views.
6-5. Are you consulted on policy issues on a regular basis with the members?
6-6. What are you doing to prepare policy recommendations (e.g. collecting members' opinions)?
6-7. Whether there is lobbying of politicians

7)  Current situation of members
 7-1. Existence or non-existence of a consultation service that AIR workeres can use.
 7-2. Is there support for balancing work and childcare/nursing care? (national level, organisation-specific, etc.).
 7-3. What is the information / communication platform with the members? (Website, SNS, e-newsletter, etc.)

8) Prospects and challenges (as an organisation)
 8-1. Are there any projects or themes that the organisation would like to work on in the future?
8-2. Are there any projects or topics that the organisation would like to work on in the future?

9) Prospects and challenges (as an international network)
9-1. What are your future projects as an international network?
9-2. What are the challenges in continuing the international network?

Questionnare for individuals

1)  Profile
1-1. Career history
1-2. Career development(How did you develop your career?)
1-3. Base of activities (Where do you work?)
1-4. Working style (freelance/employed/employed etc.)

2) Description of activities
2-1. Main activities
2-2. Are there any international projects or activities?
2-3. If so, what are they?

3)  Networking (need/expectations)
3-1.  Are you a member of the netrworking organizations(PANDA, PAA, TASA or others)?
3-2. If yes, when and why did you join?
3-3. Advantages and disadvantages of membership.
3-4. What you can get out of the network and what you expect from it

4) Use of overseas networks (necessity and expectations)
4-1. Are you belong to or use overseas networks?
4-2. If so, when and why did you join?
4-3. Reasons and expect for interest in overseas networks

5)  Human resource development
5-1. What is being practised to develop people in the next generation?
5-2. Is there any system or support for human resource development and career design in Taiwan?
5-3. What are the challenges in human resource development?
5-4. Is there any educational system for the performing arts professionals (including producers and performing arts management)

6)  Work-life balance
6-1. Are you raising children or caring for family members?
6-2. Is there government support for balancing childcare or nursing care with performing arts work?
6-3. What are the challenges in balancing work and care?

7) Prospects and challenges regarding activities (as an individual)
7-1. What are the prospects for your own activities?
7-2. What are the challenges in continuing your activities?

Research on Performing Arts Producers' Network
Researcher: Mariko Tsukaguchi
Grant: The Saison Foundation 'Support for Overseas Research Activity'T
Cooperation: Yukio Nitta, Jinkyung Min
