
Nazokat Urinboeva is one of the young poetesse from Uzbekistan

Nazokat Urinboeva is one of the young poetesses, translators and jurnalists from Uzbekistan. She is an ambassador of the International Brand of Noel Lorenz International Organization, coordinator of the working group "Juntos por las Letras" of international writers of Argentina; Member of artistic council of "Namaste India" magazine; Ambassador of Bangladesh "World Spiritual Humanity Peace and Literary Association" to Uzbekistan; Uzbekistan representative of "Poetas Intergalacticos" club of Ecuador; Uzbekistan's representative of Mexico's "World Association of Poets and Writers", member of SharEvery Global Foundation and "International Literacy Study Group" and ambassador of SPSC. Member of "Asih Sasami Indonesia Global Writers" and "IQRA Foundation" projects.International member of Creativity forum for culture, arts and pease of Egypt.

Nazokat Urinboeva a first year masters degree student of National University of Uzbekistan.


Look, my heart is laughing,

My mind is rebuking my soul

The song of shared glances is joyful,

A charming allusion in my love poem.

  Humble souls will tremble,

  My longing heart is broken silence.

  Looking for happy laughs slowly,

  Darkness pulls the reins of patience.

Their expressions are full of sweet happiness,

Then the emphasis is on nostalgia.

My heart beats faster, my heart beats faster,

A dear feeling in the heart.

  When he betrays, sleep in the eyes,

  The night falls into his arms.

  Smile on the lips of the newly born,

  The whole world is waiting for the day.

In a world full of constant conflict,

I was blessed with a salve.

The light of attention and love

 illuminated my dark heart
