【あの花考察】あの日見た花とはなんだったのか、めんまの正体/What was the flower they saw that day? The true identity of Menma.

This NOTE is written in bilingual for a reason. The original is Japanese so if you are unable to understand the meaning due to a mistranslation, please refer to the original one.

"We Still Don't Know the Name of the Flower We Saw That Day," commonly known as Anohana. When I first watched this anime, I don't think I was a good viewer. I enjoyed it to a certain extent thanks to the nostalgic atmosphere, but I just couldn't like Menma. ”Is this the ideal girl for men? Are all the people in this country pedo? Shitty show!" That's what I even thought.

However, after watching it again and again, probably for the third time this year, I feel like I've finally figured out how to truly enjoy it after gaining some insight into what the intention behind this anime was, so I would like to illustrate it with my interpretation.


  1. The Demon of Summer: Anohana was a niche industry that tapped into the "perfect summer fantasy that can no longer be obtained"


I once read somewhere that people who had unfulfilled youth tend to cling to the idea of ​​a "perfect summer" when they become adults. I think it was some kind of random article with no references, but it made a lot of sense to me because I was one of those people who clung to the idea.

Cicadas, cumulonimbus clouds, wind chimes, watermelons, morning glories, grandma's house, graves, summer vacation, sunflower fields, cool evenings, fireworks and yukatas, love triangles, straw hats, rhinoceros beetles, a secret base, courage challenges, endless train tracks, pranks and adventures, stargazing, stations with sea views, flat soda, and a pretty girl in a white dress.

The concept that has the strongest appeal here is that of the "girl in a white dress."

個人的調査を行わないまでもただ「白いワンピース 少女」とGoogle画像検索しただけでも、多くの人がこの共通概念を保持している事がわかる。私も若いころから白いワンピースのヒロインに対して執着的な憧れを手放せなくて、いつも夏になると白いワンピースばかり買っていたし、三十路になった今でも既に3着は持っている。
Even without a personal survey, a simple Google image search for "white dress girl" reveals that many people hold this common concept. Ever since I was young, I have been unable to let go of my obsessive admiration for heroines in white dresses, and I always bought white dresses every summer. Even now in my thirties, I already own three of them. A white dress is a special thing that embodies the ideal girl that lives in our minds, and is an admiration comparable to a wedding dress, and I personally feel that the more immersed you are in subculture when you are young, the stronger this tendency becomes.

However, for some reason, there was no representative work that could be called "this tradition that was formed starting with this anime/movie."

before "Anohana".

After the release of "Anohana," if you were to ask, "What anime character do you remind of a white dress?", many people would unanimously answer, That's Menma Honma Meiko as known as Menma from Anohana.

As I wrote in the index, this is one of the "sugar-coatings" I will mention later. From a commercial perspective, the original goal of the Anohana production team must have been to make a big commitment to the demand for "summer anime that makes viewes feel nostalgic," something that everyone wants but for some reason didn't exist until that time.

And if you were to sum up this concept of "the fantasy of a girl in a white dress that you can never obtain" in one word and turn it into a major meme, what name would you give it?

I think the phrase "summer demon" that Jintan repeats many times at the beginning of the story really fits.

余談。これは歌詞検索サイトで「取り残された 夏」と打ち込んだ時の検索結果である。作中、主にゆきあつが繰り返し言っていた。「俺たちは取り残されたんだ」と。どういうわけか「取り残された夏」も定番の概念だ。/A side note. This is the search result when I typed in "The summer I was left behind" on a lyrics search site. In the story, Yukiatsu repeatedly said, "We've been left behind." For some reason, this is also a common concept.


2.The story is sugar-coated with nostalgia, but it revolves around a plot in which each character seeks catharsis for an imaginary friend that is out of reach.

I was 17 years old when Anohana was released in 2011. I was a high school student, just like the other members of the Super Peace Busters, so I'm exactly in the "Anohana generation." So the nostalgic attacks this anime unleashes hit me hard. I know all of them, from the "Bum bun buum buum ♪" that Poppo casually says,  the catchy phrase "Menma's been having so much fun lately~♪" to the "Bosshoot!" that Menma says when she loses her temper at Jintan. That's because they are little jokes from variety shows I watched when I was in elementary school. Even if you don't understand these little jokes, I think this show is made to make you empathize with any of the six Super Peace Busters and feel nostalgic. You who are reading this could have been Jintan, Anaru, or Yukiatsu, but that's only "sugar" part of the plot.

The sudden appearance of Menma ( for the other four, Jintan's insistence that "Menma appeared") forces the characters to travel back in time. the one was stopping going to school, the one was pretending a bad girl, and the one was playing the role of the perfect prince for escaping from the past and fantasies  and suddenly they forced to face that.

Why did they have to escape? Of course, one aspect of this is that the death of their friend was too traumatic for them as children. But that's not all. Menma was deified through death, and became something that no one or anything could surpass.

Depending on works we have been exposed to, we viewers probably have had slightly different "summer demons" in our hearts. It could have been a senpai with long black hair who was a good swimmer, a sickly sheltered girl of a wealthy family, or a cousin a protagonist met in the countryside where his grandmother lives during summer vacation. However, the image of the "summer demon" that the five members of the Super Peace Busters have is almost the same. The presence of Menma as a role model allowed the five of them to share it.

An imaginary friend, someone who would be laughed at for being idealistic for pursuing such things forever. A summer demon. A girl in a white dress.

Anaru understands that, no matter how much she admires Menma, she will never be able to become Menma. That is because she herself is constantly renewing Menma.
Yukiatsu understands that, no matter how much he admires Menma, a timeless girl who can surpass Menma will never appear. That is because he himself is constantly renewing Menma.

The word "成仏-Jobutsu" appears many times in the story, which I think is an interesting point of Japanese. It can mean granting the regrets of a spiritual being and leading them to heaven, but it can also have the connotation of cutting off a dream that cannot be abandoned.

When they tried to make an anime based on the story structure above, Menma's character design should be inevitably decided. Her hair must be long and shiny black like a wet crow's feathers, or flaxen.
"Alright, let's make her hair flaxen, La fille aux cheveux de lin! In that case, she should be albino, white, or haafu. let's make her half-Japanese, because the girl in the white dress had to be small, pretty, and delicate. She had a delicate body and baby face inherited from her Japanese parent, and bright skin, big blue eyes, and flaxen hair inherited from her white parent!"
..That's what it was, I guess.
At first, I thought that Menma being haafu was a white worship, a typical example of anime. However, Menma had to be haafu, for Anaru to have to think, "We're already different from the race. No matter how hard I try, it's ridiculous to aim to be her."
I thought even if a white person and an Asian person mate, they don't make a blonde hair and blue eyes. There are things like dominant genes. However Menma is the only exception to this rule, as she was purposely designed as a "Mary Sue that doesn't exist anywhere."


  1. The real protagonists of Anohana are not Menma or Jintan, but Anaru, and the other three who were left behind.

I wrote this much, the meaning of this article is almost unnecessary to explain. Each member of the Super Peace Busters is, in a different way, carrying a huge curse called Menma, a deified girl who cannot be overcome in reality. The most obvious example is Anaru. That's why I think the production team put Anaru's episode first.

あなるの場合/Anaru's case

Personally, I think that if Menma hadn't died, Anaru would have given up on Jintan long ago and would have had another relationship by the time she became a high school student. However, after Menma's death, which was too shocking for the young Anaru, the complex of being the "loved one of my crush who I can't compete with" became eternal. In her memory, Menma doesn't age and remains innocent.
It is healthy for a weak girl to admire a strong and beautiful girl, as it brings with it a sense of growth, but admiring a weak and small girl who she wants to protect is basically a slow suicide. If Anaru tried to surpass Menma and remain in Jintan's memory, she would have no choice but to die, but not only that, when a girl tries to become a Femme Fragile, the powerful curse that "I am some kind of big and ugly monster" and "Even Cinderella wouldn't have been noticed by the prince if she hadn't had small feet" stains away at her mind with great force. What's even more complicated about this curse is that at first Anaru had turned into a bad girl, and was probably trying to turn a blind eye to the fact that she really wanted to be Menma. To break this curse, she must first face the painful truth that "Now that I think about it, I wanted to be Menma," and then let "成仏" the idea of Menma.

ゆきあつの場合/Yukiatu's case

Yukiatsu not only liked Menma, but also had a complicated admiration for Jintan. It's said that people who are successful in society always have a hunger for things they couldn't get when they were younger, and Yukiatsu has already shown glimpses of this even though he is a high school student. He will surely grow up, get a job at a major company, and be able to get anything he wants, whether it be a house, a car, or a woman. However, he is unable to become the confident Jintan he was back then, and no woman has ever come along who can surpass Menma, so he tries to make ends meet in a twisted way by transdressing at night to become Menma. Yukiatsu is not an otaku, but the complex he has is similar to the relationship between otaku and baseball club boys (or maybe rugby players in overseas?). In elementary school, fast boys are popular, and from junior high to high school, boys who are good at communicating and a bit mischievous in the sports club are popular. However, at a certain point, the balance between the two is completely reversed, and those who were once ignored as nerds are now seen as excellent, intelligent, and high-income earners, and begin to shine in the light of day. Yukiatsu was probably smart from a young age. He may have somehow known that "that moment" would come. But that moment will never come with Menma's death. No matter how well he performs, no matter how many girls he is surrounded by, he cannot beat "Jintan of that day," and even if he tries to beat him, Jintan himself is a wimp. It must be very frustrating. To break this curse, the steps of "getting Jintan back to being the reliable leader he was before," "being completely defeated," and "leaving Menma in Jintan's care" must be taken.

つるこの場合/Tsuruko's case

I empathize too much with Anaru, or rather Anaru is too easy to understand, so I may not understand Tsuruko well. Basically, as revealed at the end of the story, there is a conflict between Anaru, who can express her admiration for Menma, and Tsuruko, who cannot say anything about it. The fact that she cannot say anything puts her in a darker place than Anaru, and unlike Anaru who wants to be like Menma, I feel like sort of a danger that she may actually be playing "Menma" to comfort herself. In that sense, she is similar to both Anaru and Yukiatsu, and I think she carries the story well as a character that resonates with both of them. Unlike Anaru, who reaches her limit and spills all her feelings, if Tsuruko was not there, no one would notice Yukiatsu's pus. Tsuruko's curse is revealed abruptly at the end of the story, but it can be lifted by "conflicting with Anaru."

ぽっぽの場合/Poppo's case

Poppo did a great job as the key person who brings everyone together, so I feel like that's enough as a character, but I think he's more of a presence trapped in "those summer days" than Menma herself. (Whether that was the intention of the production team or not) Poppo is a Peter Pan who continues to live on August 32nd. He'll probably continue to wander around even when he's 30 or 40, without a permanent job, and fly off to India, Thailand, or some other country with perpetual summer every winter.
Well, if you ask me what's wrong with that, I think if Poppo is happy with that kind of life, that's fine.… But Poppo was apparently not happy. He cried the most out of all the members. Poppo's "成仏" is a real one. I wonder if he got a shaman's license in Vietnam for this?


  1. Menma's true identity is a tulpa

First of all, I do not deny the existence of ghosts, and I do not deny that Menma is also depicted as a ghost. However, taking into account points 1.2.3 above, I simply think that it would make the story easier to understand if Menma was a "mass hallucination." Before I get into this, I must first explain two things: what are ghosts, and that even living people do not have a definite existence.


What are ghosts

There are roughly two definitions of ghosts. One is that they are souls inside a body, and the other is that they are thought bodies. The translation of thought bodies is tulpa. I used the term imaginary friend in point 2, but this is just to reinforce the explanation of tulpa for convenience. I don't know much about ghosts, spirituality, tulpa, etc., so I would like to avoid a detailed explanation, but in my mind, there is not much contradiction between the theory that Menma is a ghost and the theory that Jintan accidentally created a Menma tulpa. That's why I think the phrase "Menma at Jintan's place" was used repeatedly to differentiate it from "Menma," and I think it would make sense even if it was a "spirit with a high tulpa content." Above all, this completely solves the two mysteries of Menma appearing only to Jintan in her grown-up form.


even living people do not have a definite existence.

Yes, even living people only live within the impressions of others. For example, I write "apple" here. People who see it will think of an apple, but it will not be exactly the same as the "apple" I want to convey. This is because words have different meanings to different people. And so, I, the writer of this NOTE, will be remembered by readers as "the person who wrote apple" in the way that the reader believes it. This is what I mean when I say that even living people have no definite reality. As long as we are alive, we can continue to make adjustments, but once it becomes a thing of the past, this is no longer possible. The Menma that appears in the story is a Menma, and may not be Honma Meiko. That is why the Joubutsu was necessary.


  1. They probably have no idea what the name of the flower we saw that day was.

Those readers with the tenacity who have read this far will have guessed what "the name of the flower we saw that day" is and what I am trying to say. It is the "non-existent flower" that is depicted in the logo, that rains down in abundance in the ending theme, and that is the design of the hairpin chosen by Yukiatsu. It is the kind of Idea that someone who is simply told to "draw a flower" would probably draw, nothing in particular, but one that is undoubtedly a flower.

I concludes this NOTE by describing Menma as the girl of Idea of ​​"that summer" - "an unknown object that is impossible to explore."