
Online Team FlyingLaboratory


It is a LABORATORY (laboratory / laboratory) that causes a chemical reaction from the individual strengths and skis that gather through interaction between ski jumper Naoki Nakamura and Fellow (companies, compatriots, researchers). Aiming to achieve the gold medal and SDGs for me, take off to a better world while enjoying the approach together!


Do what you can't do alone to the world with everyone's power!
By interacting with ski jumper Naoki Nakamura and Fellow, LABORATORY aims to achieve dreams and goals by causing chemical reactions that make use of individual strengths and skis. I believe that the power of this chemical reaction will enable us to do things that could not be done by one person.

Let's take off to a better world while enjoying the approach together with the aim of achieving the gold medal and SDGs!

* Fellow: Friends, compatriots, researchers
* LABORATORY: Laboratory / laboratory
* SDGs: Abbreviation for "Sustainable Development Goals", common to the international community, decided by world leaders at the summit held at the United Nations in September 2015. It is a goal. It is a goal that developed and developing countries should achieve together with the aim of leaving no one behind, and consists of "17 goals" and "169 targets (concrete goals)".

why → I want to make everyone happy by facing the SDGs through the community
how → Start a chemical reaction with everyone's liking
who → All members including Naoki Nakamura
what → Promote SDGs while enjoying the process of aiming for a “gold medal for me”

Why did you make FLYING LABORATORY? (Why)

My dream is to make everyone in the world happy.

Even if you suddenly want the world to be happy, huh? It will be.

Thanks to the increased opportunities for me to become a ski jumper and go abroad, there are various worlds on this earth, and there are people in various situations, and there are various problems. I found out that there is.

I wasn't completely unaware of these things, but somewhere on TV it was someone else's affair. Even so, as I gained overseas experience, met many people, and learned about various ideas and initiatives, I became more and more motivated to never leave other people alone.

It was SDGs that I met in such a situation.
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) were conceived from concerns about the sustainability of the earth, which is the foundation of the economy and society, due to the rapid activation of human activities since the Industrial Revolution.

The more I researched the SDGs, the more it overlapped with what I wanted to face.
I realized that the SDGs are to make everyone in the world happy, to continue ski jumping and become the best in the world, and to be able to connect these dreams and goals together.

If we can reduce economic disparity, fewer people will suffer from poverty.

The more people who can stay healthy, the fewer people will suffer from illness.

If we can create new things with familiar resources, there will be no competition for resources.

There are many other challenges in the world.

We decided to create this community as a place where the SDGs are the solution to these issues, and we can take this as an opportunity to take it upon ourselves and help realize the dream of making everyone in the world happy.

How to utilize FLYING LABORATORY? (How)

To make everyone in the world happy, to be the best in the world by ski jumping, these dreams and goals will be extremely difficult challenges on my own.

The power of myself is very small and poor.

However, if people with the same feelings as me can gather and work together, I think it is not impossible to realize dreams and goals.

And this dream and goal isn't just about me.

The SDGs are familiar issues that cannot be ignored as long as we live on this planet.

My goal is to be the best in the world in ski jumping, but I think the Fellows who participate in this community also have goals and goals they want to achieve.

There is no need to suddenly set big goals such as the global environment or world championships.

There must be a wide variety of interests and things you can do.

Why don't you start with what you can do?

What if we could share the likes (interests) and strengths (what we can do) of everyone who shares such thoughts at this place and interact with each other?

"I've been working alone so far, but I couldn't even ask for help."

"I wanted to do this, but I wasn't confident and hesitated by myself, so I couldn't take a step."

… Or something that I couldn't do with my own strength, but if I join forces with other Fellow people, I may be able to do something. It may be an opportunity to go one step further.

I and Fellow all have their own dreams and strengths to create a chemical reaction, and the power generated from that will lead to the achievement of their dreams and goals that are conscious of the SDGs.

I want to be the best in the world by ski jumping and spread my thoughts and efforts on the SDGs to the world.

Through our activities in this community, Fellows are encouraged to spread the fact that the SDGs are not other people's affairs.

From the world and from familiar places, each approach is different, but the goal is the same.

I would be happy if I could make it in such a place.

What Naoki Nakamura can do with FLYING LABORATORY (Who)

I am a ski jumper, but I started the company six months after graduating from the Department of Design and Culture, Tokai University in 2019.

We received a voice from a team of powerful business teams, but we chose to aim for the world alone.

Looking at the examples so far, many players, such as Tsuchiya Home, to which Kasai belongs, and Megmilk Snow Brand, which is directed by Mr. Harada, a former representative of Japan, belong to the business team and work alone. That is an unusual case.

The flow of starting competition from an early age, gaining achievements by students, and joining the business team is considered to be a smooth course not only for ski jumpers but also for athletes, and it is fortunate to be able to ride this flow. It may be that.

However, is it okay for athletes to remain as they are in the future?

The challenges of the SDGs and the recent corona wreckage are the same, but in the face of changes and problems in the world and in situations beyond expectations, it's okay to be an athlete who just faces the competition with himself. Is it?

When I started the activity alone while wondering and thinking about it, my thoughts grew even higher.

What are you doing ski jumping for?

Can your favorite ski jump be useful for something or for someone?

Isn't it good for someone's happiness or someone's life to fly farther with a ski jump?

I was thinking about that every day.

However, instead of rushing alone, I also want to work with people who can share my thoughts and share my joy.

I was able to win the championship when I participated in the Universiade * held in Kazakhstan in 2017. * Tournament to decide the best university student in the world

When I stood on the top of the podium and saw the Hinomaru flag rising in the sky, I was very impressed. It was a great pleasure to receive the gold medal, but more than that, I was very happy that the friends and family I had been with had been very pleased and proud.

I would like to share this joy at this place, FLYING LABORATORY.

Here, I, Fellows, and Fellows want to get involved with each other by doing what they can and lead to joy.

What I can offer to all of Fellow is the daily life for me as an athlete (Fellow's extraordinary), the experience of having a simulated experience in Europe and the experience as a ski jumper, and the experience of aiming for a gold medal together. And, it is a track record of being involved there.

On the contrary, I would like Fellow to support what I want to achieve. I want you to lend me the knowledge and skills that I do not have.

The more people who support me, the stronger I am.

And if Fellows can complement each other's shortcomings and generate great power ...

By interacting in this way, I want to have fun together.

What you want to achieve with FLYING LABORATORY (What)

FLYING LABORATORY = "Flight Research Institute".

I named this name because I think it's research-like to think about flying far away by ski jumping every day, see the video, analyze it, test it on the jumping table, and analyze it from the senses and data.

In addition, FLYING LABORATORY can be translated as "flying laboratory".

"Flying" means that I live in the sky as a ski jumper, fly around the world as a representative of Japan, and aim for a gold medal farther than anyone else.

And can the "laboratory" aim to be the best in the world in the online community, not in the business group? Is it possible for athletes to contribute to the SDGs and the unprecedented experiment that took their lives? It also represents a place for experimentation and verification.

What is needed for this "laboratory" is a Fellow (companion, compatriot, researcher) who will work together to fly for the gold medal together.

Each Fellow will deepen their understanding of the SDGs, come up with ideas, put them into practice, and work together to put into practice what one cannot do alone. And I want to realize the future that everyone envisions.

I will send out by aiming for the best in the world with my favorite ski jumping, and as a result of changing the world to a sustainable society, I aim for a future where people and creatures all over the world will be happy.

The gold medal is one of the passing points, and the final goal is to become the best in the world and promote the SDGs.

On the other hand, the process leading up to that point is a run-up to take off toward a better world, which is the approach of ski jumping.

Enjoy the experimental process in the flying lab.

In order to let everyone know about the SDGs that we will practice and spread them to people all over the world, I think that if you have your own gold medal (the best in the world), you will be closer to your dream.

Other than flying, I can't do anything well.

I can never achieve it by myself.

Aiming to be the best in the world together, aiming for SDGs together,

It is very encouraging to have friends who will create the future together!

Let's aim for the best in the world together!

Provided content

1. Exchange in facebook group

Invite to a Facebook group exclusively for salon members. Team members can interact within the Facebook group.


In addition to interacting with other members, the group will hold live distribution of Naoki Nakamura, sharing of ski jump information, and study sessions on SDGs.

2. Regular meeting, exchange meeting

You can participate in regular meetings where guests are invited to talk, and online and offline exchange meetings to deepen the friendship between members. Off-regular meetings are scheduled in Sapporo and Tokyo, I will do it when the number of members in Europe increases.


Interview guest (planned)

Picture book writer Sora-san https://www.sora-office.com/
A picture book writer who is working hard in the same Hokkaido. We have also started to tackle environmental problems, and we talked about it and how it was when we first saw it, along with the achievements of the person himself.

We will also invite you to a practice tour as part of the exchange meeting.

You can observe the practice of ski jumping by salon owner Naoki Nakamura. In addition to the tour, we will also guide and explain by ourselves.


3. Activities as a sports team

As one of the members, you can participate in gold medals at international competitions such as world championships and the activities of the SDGs beyond that.

[Public relations (planned)]

・ Video (Production of YouTube channel)


Talk with ZOOM, shoot and edit videos of games around the world, and throw out projects that you want to do overseas. A video team that connects and sends videos

・ Design writing (editing activity report)

Image For those who cannot convey it online or digitally, it conveys the live voice and emotions of the person in the form of an easy-to-read magazine. Put joy and regret that you can't get rid of if you don't originate from yourself in the photos and letters.


・ Event planning and production

Participate in SDGs-thinking events held in various places, such as the eco-thinking eco-chill event held every year at Sapporo Dome. We rent a booth and plan exhibitions and experience corners where you can see, hear, touch and feel sports and SDGs. (Cancelled due to coronavirus in 2020)

Participate in various competitions held in various places.

・ Creating a partnership guide

Partnership as a sports team is also shared within the online salon. People who want to be sponsored from now on and those who think about how to convey their current activities are also practicing based on the case of Naoki Nakamura.


[Activities aiming for SDGs (planned)]
We will share each person's efforts within the Facebook group.
In addition, as a team, we are working on product development (from planning to development and sales of products using recycled plastics and organic materials) and experimenting with what can be done at the Tsukutsuku shop of the share economy EC shop (being an agency at the flying laboratory). To go.



4. Relationship Partners (for corporations and individuals)

This is a system for companies and individuals who are working on the SDGs together as an official partner and aiming for the future.

・ Logo posted on the website (relationship partner)

・ Original goods provided (planned)


Message from salon owner ski jumper Naoki Nakamura

Are you enjoying now? Are you excited tomorrow? I like everyday life that is full of excitement.
Every day is fun to challenge the world with ski jumping.
Think, plan, and try for yourself. Because I am sending such a daily life.

If this could be done with everyone. If many people could do something that they couldn't do alone. You should be able to enjoy this excitement together. For those who want to live a happy life with all their might, and those who want to add excitement to their daily lives, please join us and enjoy yourself.

And we will create a team that the world will continue to enjoy by having fun.

Become an exciting, sports and SDGs team that offers a new place to stay.

About returns to supporters

・ General  (1000 yen)

Invite to a private Facebook group.
You can participate in regular meetings and exchange meetings.
You can participate in activities as a sports team.

・ Relationship partner  (from 10,000 yen)

Invite to a private Facebook group.
You can participate in regular meetings and exchange meetings.
You can participate in activities as a sports team.
You can receive Relationship Partner Benefits.


Naoki Nakamura (Naoki Nakamura)


1996/9/19 Born in Sapporo.
2008 Started ski jumping
2017 Universiade (university student) became the best in the world
Won the 2017 Asian Tournament
Selected as a university student to represent Japan in the 2019 World Championships
2019/11/7 Launched a limited liability company, Flying Laboratory.

Website https://www.flyinglaboratory.com/
twitter https://twitter.com/SkijumpNaoki
instagram https://www.instagram.com/skijumpnaoki/
facebook https://www.facebook.com/SkijumpNaoki
youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLLfW97y8jo0IrfrONZqrcg
NOTE https://note.com/naokijump

▶︎How to enter the community◀︎



決済(General 1000円orRelationship partner10000円)



