Daily news about me ~ Cleaning the grave fighting a tree?!

Cause I've been studying English for so long, 
I want to share my daily things both in Japanese and English.
But don't expect perfect English. 


雑草を抜こうと思い、熊手や雑草取りのようなものを持って行った。しかし、私が戦ったのは木のようなものだった。幹が太くて、ただの雑草とは思えなかった。それを引き抜くにはすごいアイデアが必要だった。根は大きく広がっていた。いくつもの墓の下に広がっているのだろう。墓の地面は砂だった。 だから、引き抜こうと地面を掘ったのだが、根が深すぎて根の先まで届かなかった。本当に素晴らしいアイデアが必要だった。

Following last weekend and one before last, I went to a beach this weekend, too. I usually work on weekends, so I go to a beach on weekend once in a blue moon. But in this past three weeks, I had opportunities to visit three different beaches for each weekend.
Two of them were for sightseeing, this beach is for cleaning my grandparents' grave.

I was going to pull out weeds, so I brought something like a rake or a weeds picker. But what I fought was what looked like a tree. The trunk was so thick that I didn't think it was just a weed. I needed an amazing idea to pull it off. The roots were spread out widely. It must have been spreading beneath several graves. The ground of the graves was sand. So I dug the ground to pull it out but the root was so deep that I couldn't reach the end of the root. I really needed a great idea.
