
20190319 昨日と同じ講師にて英作文を添削してもらう。
"Thank you very much for requesting me to help edit your lovely writing today."と18日の添削にてコメントをもらったので、lovely writing だって!と嬉しくなったため。簡単にのせられてますがな。

■提出 英作文
①Why did not that old man accept my proposal?
②I’d give the way to increase efficiency at work, but he denied my fabulous plan.
③My boss said to me that he assumed he was always right and he didn't know the progressive system.
④I was so disappointed that I cried.

①Why did that old man decline my proposal?
②I'd shown how to increase efficiency at work, but he turned down my fabulous plan.
③My boss said to me that he assumed he was always right and he didn't understand the progressive system.
④I was so disappointed that I cried.

②I'dってI would のつもりで入れたが完了になっていて、ん?となった。
・turn down

20190321 もう少し難しい英文に挑戦。(書くことがなくて歴史の話をしたかった)

①Today, I wanna talk about history.
②Do you know ”Battle of Nagashino”?
③I thought the battle was the important point to change how Samurai fought, but it was uncovered that recently common belief was wrong.
④Please read the details of the battle, because Samurai’s record is very exciting!

①Today, I want to talk about history.
②Have you heard of the "Battle of Nagashino"?
③I thought the battle marked a change in how the Samurai fought, but it was recently uncovered that this common belief was wrong.
④Please read the details of the battle, because the history of the Samurai is very exciting!

②「~って知ってる?」は Have you heard of~?を使えばnatural.
(例文) He said his inauguration marked more than a change of administration and a change of party.
the battle marked(特徴づける) a change in(~の点で) how(疑問詞「どのように~か」)

20190321 桜の開花について

①In japan it is getting wamer and wamer.
②Today, Sakura(cherry bloossoms) bloomed in Yasukuni shurine which grows sample trees.
③Many of cherry bloossms are spiece of Someiyoshino.
④But anyway, all of Someiyoshino in japan are originally one tree.
⑤There is the origin tree in Rikugien garden at Komagome, Tokyo.

①It is getting warmer and warmer in Japan.
②Today, the Sakura (cherry blossoms) bloomed in the grounds of the Yasukuni shrine.
③Many of the cherry blossoms are a species of "Someiyoshino".
Having said that, all Someiyoshino trees in Japan originate from one tree.
⑤The original tree can be found in Rikugien garden in Komagome, Tokyo.

It is getting warmer and warmer. 便利~!
②「靖国神社に生えている」桜の木、は "in the ground of the Yasukuni shirine"
a species of ~「~の種」
originate from ~「~を起源とする」
⑤わたし「can be ってことは…(ソメイヨシノが株分けで増えた木ですべての木がクローンであることを)信じてないな…?説明すれば良かった~!」


Today I was off, so I went to karaoke with my friend since high school.
②She is good for singing, and she has uploaded her song on video sharing site, called Niconico. 
③There are also composers making original music, and she has sang these music.

①Today I was off, so I went to karaoke with a friend that I've known since high school.
②She is good at singing, and she has uploaded her songs on a video sharing site called Niconico.
③She has also sung original music by composers.

①Today I was off は「すごくnative」とコメントで褒められた。
②be good at (忘れてた)

