Showtent story

It was 26y ago when i was allowed to join the travel of showtent family.The name of it is Dango-ya.Derived from its profile that sold a sweets.We Japanese call it Dango small balls  made of rice powder .Family once ,about 100 y ago live on selling this sweet.But when  predecesor of master succeeded that position, they change the contents.
the sweets are give way to their position to showcontent. well this is profile of Dango-ya family, the one of oldest showtent family .
In japan showtent familys profile are connected to the more broad trend, History.the not -rich class .we have called it as street Stall?

(On my intention)

As my everyday practice, i have summarize my experience of when I was a member of them.some time facebook texiting as newsfeed.
And some time with photo or sound resources.
the practice was to find myself at the sametime to inform it overseas.And i get to know that i was joining the trip to make sure my memories .when i was a child,i was strongly moved by them.
i will show you mx analysis on showtent another day.
As start to text about them,I will show you one evidence. Of they are “Still alive”.
Especially from 1990s, the population of showtent family have declined in its numbers. When scale the number from After Ww2.they got its peak in 1950s. the number was more than 30. Circus🎪,Freakshow and many show comments are contained. On the other hand,there was 5 family in their union.
their shows was therefore “Last one”.“Last showtent”.
In the following texts you can get to know their stories.stories of How  they can manage to live.
As a writer I trid to let them talk their owo stories.As a last generation,the have had to pay attention to the ongoing society. And corresponding with them, they could make their living, make money💰.For example, they connected their trend to that of theater activities. By connecting with Japanese avant-garde, they can survive in sheer new context.
other example is their way of success their generation.As a custome of the lawer class, they had passed their position not to relatives but to others. Orphans or other emancipated. But they can't stand on this rule anymore. So relative did.
well. the stories have started already. the records are of 2014 workshop.
