Year of double-digit Epic

Rule. First two words express the number of the year of double-digit.

1929→ 29 →2 (2 letters) 9 (9 letters)

On(2) agreement(9), the Kingdom of Italy and the Catholic Church sign the Lateran Treaty.

Is(2) president(9), Herbert Hoover?

An(2) inaugural(9) Monaco Grand Prix.

It(2) presented(9) 1st Academy Awards.

An(2) absorbing(9) color TV, images are a bouquet of roses and an American flag.

An(2) adversity(9) in Germany, the Young Plan, World War I reparations of US$26,350,000,000.

In (2) recession (9) , World depression had come.

If you try to make this, "number of letters" is on the Internet with the word "cross word". 
