How to think on shogi

How to think on shogi.

Muraki Tatsuo



What's important is the ability to be amused.

The person with good taste has good intuition. The intuition is nourished by learning a lot and thinking a lot. There is a passion for learning things that are complex and diverse, such as shogi. The driving force is to notice the fascination and attraction. I have summarized the "shogi thinking method", it exceeds 180 pages. It seems that shogi is very deep and the paper increases more. It takes me 30 years to make this, so you will have understood this for 30 years.
 If you notice the fun, passion continues. It comes to work intuition by bringing out the motivation that consists of the charm, and the excitement, learning and thinking make the intuition work. You will learn without being forced. The person who can enjoy searches and learns by oneself in the net age. The most valuable talent is the ability to be amused.
  People try to teach people. It is more important to show the way of study and to make the charm and the enjoyment of oneself than such a thing. Let’s increase the people who can enjoy.
 That will make society smarter. When Fujii 7 dan was a kindergarten child, Shogi class was the lower one, but he solved mate problems silently alone, and the class was on the top. Fujii 7 dan was not strong from the beginning either. But there was another talent to be amused.

○What to learn in shogi

・Courtesy, greeting, Say, "lost" purity. 
・Communication (if we don't know opponent, we can’t win.)
Think best from both perspectives.
・ Exchange. Connecting with people in the community.
We make a place for somebody.
・Exchange and meritocracy that touch with each other beyond gender, age, social status, race, and disables.
・Shogi is a dialogue.
It is thrown at the opponent that it is not possible to think only by me, and the idea does not become self-satisfaction.
・The control to think, imagination, Logic to judge different standards in a comprehensive way.
It comes to be able to think efficiently and rationally.
Come to think of multiple options.
・In difficult situations where we don't know what the problem is, we will Chase the path of answers from the infinite possibilities.
・Precise thinking.
・Sweat in the brain and come to think about complex things accurately in the main plot.
・Patterns are combined according to the circumstances.
・ Set constraints and optimize them with priority.
・We can get into the habit of thinking.
・Come to think deeply.
・Be responsible for our decisions.
・Improved thinking skills while having fun.
Aha Experience(Ideas flash).
Amazing Experience.
・Contact with talented people.
We can see the wisdom of the past and the present.
・Build a way.
・We try to find the answer by human beings difficultly.
・What makes us grow?

ⅠHow to think
ⅡShogi theory
Ⅳ End game force
Ⅴ Try not to play badly

ⅠHow to think
There are various things to think.
☆ Scientific decision-making
〇Appropriate awareness
To flow consciousness appropriately.
Erase one's prejudges.
Direction of reading. Situation analysis. Conditions.
Repeat while changing.
Go one step further.
Multi-point of view.
The main plot to the choice in the audition form.
Status quo is the countless differences in choices.

There is an answer→ decide
There is no answer → good shape. Maximize the workings of the pieces.
Expand the difference of the work of the piece between the opponent and us.

Scan all the way. Essentially picked out.
sharp moves.
Efficiency, speed.
 The opponent < We
 More than the opponent's turning back → step in.
The opponent's turnover is more severe → give up.

☆Environmental development
Create a good environment that we want to spend.
○Create a mechanism for obtaining information that leads to results.
〇The information which is not necessary in the information overload where superiority does not exist, it is block and carefully selected information is input.
○Information can be organized and used according to the circumstances.
Unorganized information is of little value.
〇A mechanism to absorb new things. …Meet environments people and information.
○Organize / decide the address of things / return them /
/ one bag or box in the same item. / Throw away, take a picture and dispose of the paper. Make the distractions invisible/ put away. I put up the thing which improves the flow. / × pile up.
It is comfortable.
Make sure that the thing we're looking for comes out right now. I put it away while I listen to music. I'm going to clean it up one by one. Place it near the place we want to use.
Beauty, playfulness, Visualization. Not taken place.
Vertical or horizontal?
Don't get too many things.
○Place ourselves in a high-level environment.
〇Create an environment where ideas are born, organized. Words spring up if we have a desire.
Interacting with intelligent people.
Something is born while colliding/ Ideas are born and spread by/ Environment / Group / Communication / Way of Thinking / Algorithm.
We can’t get a new way of thinking and wisdom in the narrow group.

○Play against strong people with good taste. We refer and learn with each other.
〇Fight against a person with precise destructive power and artificial intelligence.
○Make the best use of artificial intelligence support.
It's mate or not? →Change the conclusion.
Combat. Inspiration. Search. Evaluate move whether ideas are bad or good.
Know the good form and how to play, which is not bound by preconceived notions.
We can study from a designated phase, analyze our own record of the game.
AI plays against each other, organize, good data processing, and grasp the knack, move that is easy to win by making it to 100 rounds with Ai vs Ai. A floodgate that arranges the scores of games between computers. Elmo. Heisei Shogi Battle Ponpoko. Akiko lawson.
We can move our moves.
Relationship among any three pieces including king → relationship between four pieces including king.
Yaneura King. Published Mark 100 Trillion Move Analysis.
What is the reason for the judgment of artificial intelligence?
Artificial intelligence enriches ideas.
What is the value of human beings not found in artificial intelligence?
〇Shogi training. Checkmate problems.
○Improvement of the game ability.
If the information spreads, big picture, the accuracy and sharp reading of the needle can make a difference in the perspective, logic, evaluation → policy, and reading accuracy.
○Enhance our essential abilities. Know wisdom. Spread the world. People, the Internet, books, brain science.
Use our brain creatively.
If we rely too much on artificial intelligence, we won't learn it.
〇Trigger → Breakthrough
◎Spread the world.
・ Know the world. A good book.
・Get in touch with wise men in various fields.
Incorporate knowledge from other fields as well as shogi.
・Tell an interesting story, a story that enhances ourselves, and a story that changes the world.
・Try new things. Creating an intellectual environment.
・An environment that increases the aha experience(inspiration).
〇Keep our room comfortable.

☆ Best performance. Good habits.
We do what we take for granted.
Keep doing good things. Best mix.
Improvement, Sustainable.
Enrich our life by changing our consciousness, thinking, behavior, habits, and environment.
Keep thinking, keep acting, keep learning.

We do not absent by sick.
Dental treatment.
Adjust the glasses.
We condition our body.
Load to the bone. → rejuvenation hormone.
Resveratrol, rejuvenation.
Sterilization of green tea.
Immunity by intestinal flora by yogurt
Dietary fiber…Diversity of enteric bacteria
Massage Palm, sole of the foot.
No smoking, no drink.
A glass of beer kills a million brain cells.
Breathing. I'm in nature. Air purifier. Forest bathing.
Phytontide /Relaxing Effect/Activation of Immune Cells
Laughter → Activation of immune cells.
Rich imagination
Non-audible sound / natural sound, orchestra sound →dopamine is out.
25-50 Hertz. Cat purring strengthens our bone.
・ Efficient, effectively focusing and priority on time, things, information, and people management and organizing methods.
Use of space time. Think/remember while waiting for a traffic signal.
Place important things and pending things where we can perceive.
Normal mind.
a calm mind without clutter.
・ Erase the daily anxiety.
Do not leave a rest of the previous failure.
Relax. Good smell, good sound, good space, stretch.
Stimulation. Strong smell, strong sound, wash our face. Walk.
Good posture.
〇Physical condition management Health
Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise, Hygiene
Life Rhythm
Physical and Mental Maintenance
Environmental improvement
〇Know that our condition improves.
Understand what kind of environment we can concentrate on and make an effort to create that environment.
We make the situation which is easy to do. 
Is it better to have music or silence? Whether we're hungry or not? Is it better to have a person or alone? What do we eat and drink and we get better?
What kind of exercise should I do?

How do we learn? How do we understand and memorize vividly?
Look, watch, write, read, talk, speak, remember, repeat, organize while thinking, We put out ideas in a group… We optimize these combinations to suit ourselves. The efficient and effective way is different according to individuals and situation. Try various ways and pick up good ones.  

Wright down a map of our interests.
Know our aptitude and develop training methods and environment.
Create the atmosphere and environment to study.

We know…
Our own characteristics. Ability, good ability, bad ability, knowledge, experience, proficiency, interest, likes and dislikes, environment, habits, and ways of thinking  
How can I make it interesting, easy, and fun? How can I maintain our concentration?
Quality study x quantity
What should I aim for? 
 How do I study or train to suit ourselves?
Find a way to suit us through trial and error/ improve.
Developing the environment that suits us.
What are the habits/lifestyles that make us grow?
Optimize ourselves. Find a comfortable way to do things, environments, and habits.
Convenient, ready to do soon.
〇Increase the performance of the hard part. Maintenance and training to enhance the workings of the brain.
We raise our brain’s performance.
Sweat on our head.
Fast processing. Increase the speed of the brain.
Training, habit, words, and theme setting to think about complex things in detail.
Intellectual life
・We can challenge to be difficult.→ dopamine → brain changes.
Exercise, sleep, nutrition.
Exercise → Reduce stress. Capillaries are made and waste products are removed.
Metabolism. Nutrition and white blood cells spread to prevent diseases.
Memory up. Concentration, attention.
・From short-term memory to long-term memory when refreshing by changing the environment.
Reduce stress ← GABA
Sleep. Fatigue → Sleep.
Low repulsive pillow.
DNA is repaired while we're sleeping.
I can't concentrate if I don't sleep.
Warm up and sleep chilled I'll go to bed right away.
Quality sleep.
×Caffeine, meals before going to bed.
I can't sleep. →I don’t memorize disliking things.
Develop training and thinking methods that take advantage of our own strengths.
To establish our own weapon.

〇How to live.
The custom of the daily accurate thinking goes out to shogi.
Everything in life is training. We should win over ourselves.
〇Put oneself in an intellectual environment.
〇Repeat growth innovation every day.
Those who stop are left behind.

〇Why can't a person with experience beat Mr.Fujii Souta?
The fault is not found in him.
・Bad experiences / habits / thinking circuits / thinking things of no use.
Whether we leak the emphasis or not.
Accuracy of reading.
The image of the mate in the middle game.
How to study according to ourselves, logical ability to draw conclusions, and how to interact with technology and artificial intelligence.
Realize our own aptitude.
(1)A goal (2)Training according to our character is suitable for us.
There are a lot of mistakes in the opponent.

〇Good players are…
Rapid and accurate.
Think much in high-quality.
Never give up.
Evolution. Growth.

☆Acquire a good taste
Daily habits, thoughts, training, and ways of life
I'm near the example. We are in a high-level group.
We will work hard by competing with each other.

☆ Thinking To train the thinking power
It is fun and interesting
to think, produce ideas, devise, solve the problem, create, grow and improve our thinking ability.

Enhance our essential abilities.
 Recognize how human beings think and think about how training we can improve our abilities.
Brain Fitness. Exercise + thought exercise. Novelty. Challenge. Diversity.
What are the daily routines, habits, training, and ways of thinking for human beings to improve our abilities?
Make clear of human thought processes. Heuristic.
Effective and efficient way of thinking → modeling → application.
Visualization of thought → Improvement to appropriate way of thinking.
Assemble ways, elements, step, and placement effectively and efficiently.

Accurately recall, habituation by increasing memory.
Memory / Basics → Link / Associate → New Ideas Come Up / Application
Get carefully selected information.
Interest, concentration and repetition make memory increase.
Organize, analyze
Repeat the trial and error of thought.
We come across by chance.
Repeating elements. Remember.
Repetition before I forget.
Fun / Interesting / Impressive / Variations of / Concentrated / Dense / Conscious of Remembering / Never Get Bored / Meaningful / Worthy Repetition.
The opportunity to repeat naturally, to make a mechanism.
Language and thinking
Assemble features in multiple words.
Thinking to Verbalize Our Thoughts.
Give the word to vague.
What makes us vague?
Search for words 〇→〇→〇
Find words that apply to the core of our thoughts.
Pierce the core of information with a catchy word.
Guidelines → Clear Vague, Inspiration, clue, Way of Thinking.

Association training. Come up with an idea.
We recall
Holding down associations.
↑ ↖
Memory□/Perception□Intuition Essence, Interesting, Compulsion
Easy to learn, human relations and Work hard with competition with each other.

An environment that ideas come in, that increases the aha experience, and that is easy to think about.

Recollections Good Information Bathing and Thinking

○ Thinking training
Create opportunities, time, and the environment to think.
Think carefully from day to day.
Time Make. we cut down unnecessary things.
Environment. Surrounded by books, the Internet, people, perceptions and information.
An environment where ideas are born and we can consider.
◎When do we think? What do we usually think?
 Difference in habits.
 Thinking training in life.
 Background. Background Story
Creating the Core of Thought.
The trigger for thinking, the point of focus for thinking, the chance for the start of thinking, (the experience, the real thing, the replica, the drama, the movie, the book, Manga, the documentary, the play, the story, the strong shock, splendid things, the model, the device, the trace of the effort, the dream, and the vision.
Questions that will continue to be asked for the rest of our life"
Questions, Challenges, Puzzles, Awareness, and Giving Direction of Thinking.
 Tips to think, materials to think about, clues.
 Continue thinking, keep asking questions, and problem awareness.
 Driving Force, Charm, Fun, Dreams, Ideals.
Cultivate interest and curiosity.
 Wonder, surprise,→ why?
 Think about one thing tenaciously alone.
I'll take the time to go through.
 Problems, themes, questions, → Start thinking / consciousness goes.
 Think hard about the good questions.
Interesting things that come to think by looking at this.
Observation can be found on self.
Proper thinking circuitry.
The way of thinking necessary in life.
Troubles or problem solving.
The experience that we could do by ourselves.
Find the answer, we'll get there.
Squeeze the ideas.
Train to focus on by ourselves.
Experience, making decisions from infinite possibilities and answers.
Learn by the Internet. → We can’t react to individuals. → If we don't experience it or have to try it, we can’t understand.
perception + memory → Solve problems by combining adaptable conditions.
We acquire ability.
We should meet High-level people and essential words.
Travel, challenge, creation, composition, notes, information arrangement.

◎Creating the core of thought.
Think, judge, plan and act on by ourselves.
To experience. Trial and error.
Hold the basics. We read books. Experience.
A saying with an illustration.
Put it into words and get it out of the drawer, organize it, integrate it and put it together.
The core of the idea is exposed, and notice.
Writing the core of our thoughts, making notes and growing them.
Rational belief.
Solve puzzles.

◎Improve our thinking skills
We'll love to think of puzzles, quizzes, 
Find a theme, ask a question, come around, get there.
List of questions and themes.
Solve problems. Creating.
Try a lot and get to the good.
Efficient and effective.
Reading comprehension.→ thinking every day. Reading.
We are bathed in good words and information.
A shocking experience, hint, questions → Come to think.
To interact. Know a person's way of thinking.
Think alone. Think tenaciously and accurately.
Ambiguity→We look for more suitable ideas, ways, and words. Pursue the ideal.
Create the knowledge and wisdom. Optimizing by standardization of best practice and customization of individuals.

◎Expanding the core of thought.
We broaden our interest. Reading, Internet, Listening, Experiencing
Increase the number of words we can use. Think. Grow notes. Composition.

〇Fun to think about
It's fun to think, come up with ideas, solve problems, change perspectives, know different ideas, read books, and try and hit treasures.
Monitor ourselves. The thought of the reading. Idea.
Think to be different.
Think freely + think calmly.
Think through set, effective, and efficient combinations.
Overall ability. Mobilize all skills, know-how and knowledge.

◎Failure of thought process
Theme, problem setting. We think by intuition.
Memory. Errors, unknowns, cannot be remembered, lack of information, exchange of the Internet and people. Organize.
The failure of search and recall. A mixed line. Inefficiency.
Perception. Physical condition management. Creating the Environment.
Pattern. Memorize wrong. Misuse.
The sweetness of logic. Brain capability.
Error conditions.
Failure of reasoning. The rationale is strange.
Lack of understanding. Confused. Elements, relationships, and structures. Misunderstanding.
Problem/pattern/logic mistaking.
Analysis, interpretation and evaluation
I don't have enough ideas. Narrow of vision, stereotypes, lack of input.
Lack of trial and error.
・Unable to solve → Looking for clues, conditions, guiding, ideas, missing.
Judgment mistakes. Lack of choices. Don't examine intuition. There is a strange taste. There is little evidence.
The criteria are wrong.
How to connect, structure.
Not feeling well. Looseness, carelessness.
Mistakes in the distribution of thoughts. → Focus on emphasis. Remedy. I don't worry about it. Thinking distribution training.
Measures. Figure out the cause of the mistake.
Careless → Confirmation

〇We will evolve high-quality algorithms.
Understand the essence and improve the accuracy of our thinking.
The essence of different fields is connected.
Go up the spiral stairs with a repetition of variations.
◎Create a well-balanced brain circuit.
Efficient and appropriate wiring.
○Fusion of tenacity and sharpness.
Train the strength of thought.

☆ Grow Progress little by little.
The stones of the pyramid are piled up one by one.
Make time for input and output.
Learn new skills, training and knowledge.
We acquire various abilities one by one.
Develop our strengths.
Cure weaknesses.
Improve our overall strength.
Adjust to increase the ability to combine.
A person who is stronger defeats me rather than easy wins.
The courage to change things that are going well.
Customize and incorporate new things into ourselves.
×Don't try new things.
×Be too particular about past successes.

☆ Good balance and fusion of image and thought of words
Visualize logic.
The art of integrating the order like music and what to place and where like painting.
Read straight lines and read aspects
Change in conjunction.
The situation is divided into cases and we read carefully.
I look for it with the intention that there is a decisive factor.
◎Left brain, symbol manipulation, logic, sequential.
Right Brain, Pattern and Intuition
1st Floor Concrete Matter
2nd floor words, Abstract

☆ Language manipulation and philosophy
Accurate, sharp and flexible processing of language, thinking.
The essence is explored by making the vague the word.
Doubt common sense and contemplate the truth.
☆ Intuition power
We polish our intuition. Steady mating problems.
Good experience/ reasonable training / day-to-day thoughts / bloody effort → overflowing talent.
Create the right reflexes in the brain. It is possible to judge good or bad of the form.
Good shapes and bad ones are learned by experience.
Intuition is polished by verbalizing vague.
Find the law from the sense gained through experience.
Broad knowledge, experience, thinking/ observation/ analysis / imagination / creation → organization / visualization → wide field of view → intuition / optimal combination that meets the requirements with a broad perspective. Intuition can find the correct answer in a short time.
〇Intuition is momentary certainty based on rational training. …Mr. Suzuki Shinichi.
Notice the charm/ continue to be interested in fun →
Every day, learning and thinking produce a whirlpool of talent.
Charm beyond victory or defeat.
Improve the accuracy of intuition.
How accurate can we make a decision based on intuition?
It evolves from shallow intuition to intuition which springs from the deep.
Intuition. Reading accurately.
Things suitable for situation and the condition are chosen to the pinpoint.
・Many times, patterns and knowledge are soaked in the body. +
The pattern and theory are systematized and dropped into the form which can be operated according to the situation.
・ Naming of phenomena and laws → making consciousness → intuition.
・Get stimulated/ get good information.
Apply a different form of war ingenuity.
Search time. We can instantly recall in training.
Accurately recalling the one that fits the condition and the situation from the memory.
〇Intuition → Verify and stop bad ones and leave important things.

☆The charm of shogi
The joy of solving problems.
A Minor difference has a big influence later.
The joy of creation.
Dialogue with various thoughts.
Watch. Past, Professional Players, AI.
I can see the thought process and the results.

☆ Concentration mode [sequentially] → caught /
convergent thinking. Thinking to quickly reach the only correct answer
⇔ diffusion mode [connecting with various areas]
caught in the first idea → random thinking that other choices flash.
Think Throughout and zone out. / Default Network → An idea Flashes.
Think when we think, and rest when we take a rest.
Connecting various areas.
Operate memory and perception.
Understand the key point.
◎Connect the line of randomness and necessity. Jump and link the idea. A combination of inevitability and surprise. Unexpected satisfaction.
Chaos flies with a good feeling.
〇The goodness of the taste.
Eyes go to the point and the essence. We learn with a reasonable effort.
I can polish our talent.
. When we think that we have a talent, our growth stops.

☆ Memory
◎Long-term memory.
 I hold logic and shogi theory and remember the flow.
Proper nutrition, exercise → memory improvement.
Increase drawers by sweating on the head.
Memorize the image quickly.
When we memorize, hold our right hand tightly.
When I remember, I hold my left hand tightly.
・What we like is left, and what we don't like doesn’t remain.
Remember in the set.
◎Short-term memory.
proper consciousness.
Insulin Memory Improvement Weight Optimization.
I chew it well and eat it.
We take protein.
Boiled eggs bring good memory and prevent cardiac infarction.
The bone is immune, the memory strengthening. Put a load on the bone.
We do not sit down all the time.
Brain cells are repaired and memory is organized during sleep.
Exercise →DNA switch of memory.

☆ Accuracy
Not rough. it's crazy to be messy.
The idea is examined by division into cases and it draws a conclusion. Precise assembly.
〇We thinks about complex things accurately by the main plot.
◎Slight differences affect later, moves with various effects after, interlocking, bad chain → good circulation, best balance.

☆The pursuit of truth
One trunk that is the best continuity. The shortest distance is not necessarily the shortest.
Infinite possibilities.
Find the best way to win over our opponent from both perspectives rather than we win.
I think about the matter through and through. We think in a step deeply.
Think deeply. We think in essence.
Different things are connected in the deep place.
Find common terms, connections, and laws from seemingly unrelated. The point becomes a line and becomes a face and it is connected.
Choose the best one for the situation from essential understanding.
・ Collect and reassemble the essence to refine.
- Organize and analyze phenomena and approach the essence. Categorized. Naming and becoming conscious of the same law/phenomenon. Layering.
Narrow down the idea and leave the effective and efficient one.
・ Investigate whether it is connected or not.
〇 Ability including self-power and other power.
After doing our best to consider various moves, leave it to the opponent.

☆ Update, Evolution
Learn how to acquire new skills.
New or Different
//Technology/Perspective/Thinking/Pattern/Knowledge/Interpretation/Methods/Training/The Way of Health/Connection/Axis/Classification.
Discuss the ideal. We form a smart group.
We learn to be wise with each other.
〇Device to compensate for insufficient capabilities, high-tech support.
〇Learn best practices. We learn from each other. We come up with ideas.
Adjust best practices to suit us.
Customize and optimize best practices to suit us.
Optimization of information and how to connect it.
Too much information is confusing.
〇Standard moves.
The culmination of trial and error of the idea of the predecessor.

☆ Ability to respond to the unknown.
〇What to do when we do not know?
Look for answers. We think through. Find. We interact. We learn from each other.
Strong brain that does not suffer what we do not know.
It is the ability to be able to manage when we do not understand.
◎Get the right answer by our own power at first sight.
Ability to respond to the unknown.
〇 I am not used to it, irregular and different from usual.→They induce mistakes.
There are many possibilities. There are various responses. A lot of pieces are threatened to take. I have a lot of pieces. We have a major piece in hand. There is a promoted piece. Confusing. We are in a mess. There are many ways to force. It is possible to think that major pieces are effective in various places and various movements are thought.
There is a loose piece or floating piece.
・Turn off the holes and force our opponent to devise something in order to avoid unknown crises.
Consider the attacking plot and aim of both.

One can analyze mistakes, weak point, strong point, status quo and summary by oneself. We refer AI and others.
Consider the failures and successes of ourselves and our opponent. Grow by reflecting on failure.
The result is proportional to the depth of the pain of reflection. Mr. Honda Soichiro.
Habit of reflection. Accuracy of reflection. Organizing, patterning, and investigating the essence.
Find out how to win at a high level.
We win in a better way.
Problems → Ideas → Do → Reflections / New Problems
“Think of an idea. → examine in detail if it works. → verify in the game. → reflect on it”. Mr. Habu Yoshiharu.
We can see the challenge by losing.
If we try, we will find the pros and cons problem.
・ Reflect and aim for growth.
・ Advice is active by doing, thinking and failing and ideas are made to use.
〇It is able to come up with an idea in a difficult situation with neat reflection.
〇The result comes out clearly in shogi. I can objectively understand the extent of our thoughts.

I look for it with the intention that there is a correct answer.
I am saved even if I think that I am not helped.
Always think now is an opportunity.
A normal mind. Not upset/swinging feeling between happy and unhappy /conceited.
Don't drag the previous result/ forget and switch.
Good tension. Careful. Tension and relaxation.
We take on a challenge. Don't be afraid.
The courage to change things that are going well and to challenge common sense.
Device…Learning and playing shogi is fun.

〇Strong mentality.
Keep up the pace.
We get over the pressure.
No matter how many times I am hit, I stand up.
Experience to respond in situations where the compass does not work and the knowledge and experience of the past are not useful.
The experience of being able to overcome difficulties and troubles.
Fighting spirit and accuracy.
We can make our efforts a habit without feeling pain.
〇Don't move to the happenings… to respond, take control of

☆The way of thinking to produce ideas
☆ Theme,→ inspirational elements,→ edit.
Application. Suitable for conditions.
◎Find our own questions and answers.
Theme setting from the current situation analysis.
Appropriate theme or problem setting leads to good answers.
・List of questions and themes improvement use
Attack while protecting.
the optimization of various conditions.
◎Question Theme Drawing. The pros and cons of the draft. → How can it be improved?
〇Knowledge, observation, and insight spark questions.
◎Select the one that meets the condition in multiple answers from multiple questions.

☆ Focus on the right things
◎Read the correct point. Theme, challenge, axis, vision→ Focus on effort, and point.
×I'll look at the extra place.
Narrow down the reading area and select or omit.
Urgent + long-term vision + essentially important among various criteria.
Point of focus. Essential choice. A choice that broadens the world.
◎Consciousness goes to the place where it is necessary. Working memory. Carefully selected information. Make spaces. Standby. Information organization/ content/ format, pattern and usage. Good content in a good form.
Put the soul in a good form.
Carefully selected information will be delivered at the optimum timing.
◎Accurate analysis of the current situation → Direction of thinking.
○Verbalizing of implicit knowledge, visualization → clues of ideas. Dictionary of ideas.
〇View point./grasp of patterns/ Organizing /
Systematize → Logically looking for ideas. ○Confirm. Think of other possibilities.
Wait for one's move to spring out carefully. Make it a conscious candidate.
There is no hurry to conclude.
○Watch the enemy. It's hard if we do our best even if we play with handicap.
At a high level, mistakes are condemned.

☆ Inspirational elements.
knowledge, experience.
Increase the drawer and clues.
Dictionary making.
If we don't know, we're not interested, and we don't start thinking.
☆ Wide field of view
◎We will adopt the important one that suits me widely.
◎A wide range of ideas, patterns and themes to think about.
Look wide and find something important.
Spreading Thinking / Spreading + Convergence Thinking / Squeezing
Focus on the important and interesting places. Wide field of view.
I can't look for the unnecessary place.
Don't use brain capacity in extra places.
Consciousness is 5±2. We think only of what is needed so that other ideas come in.
Creating an environment where we can organize and keep unnecessary things out of our eyes and be aware of only the things that are important.
Various areas are skillfully combined and the technique is carried out in a timely manner.
Problems + Answers 
Questions or problems → Set in the appropriate shape → Answer to suit the circumstances.
Creating an Output Circuit.
Set theme, question and problems → Inspirational elements→ Edit 
Narrow down what's important to us widely.
Spreading Thinking / Spreading + Convergence Thinking / Squeezing
We connect appropriately.
Essence / Importance + Fluctuation / Seemingly Meaningless
Main plot + Fluctuation / Random. Force to make more and more
Make more and more and leave good things.
(1) The insect's eyes Look close to.
(2) Bird's eyes see the whole.
(3) Fish eyes Watch the trend.
(4) Bat's eyes (upside down) see different perspectives.
(5) Shogi's eyes From the perspective of both ourselves and the opponent.
(6) Dragonfly eyes Many eyes seen from various standpoint.

◎Various point of view.
Think from the perspective of the opponent.
〇Use the power of the opponent.
○Realization of the aim. Achieve while responding to the opponent.
〇Try new things.
〇Reading books.

☆ Edit. Know the pattern.

Find a way to solve the problem by taking out the condition from the situation analysis.

☆ Suitable for the situation
◎Put what is needed on the thinking circuit when necessary.
◎The pattern is often used to apply the situation and essence, and use the pattern according to the situation. Find/notice patterns.
The pattern is exhaustive.
Know the circumstances and conditions that use the tactics.
◎The pattern can be operated effectively and efficiently depending on the situation.
◎Bricolage Take control of the situation and build an advantage by responding to others.
the dragon horse defends →Delay attack → use the dragon horse to attack.
○Put the shape-specific tactics in our head.
The arrangement to fork of the rear move, What is the piece we want in this form?
○Use standard moves according to the chance, if this condition is approved. It is approved if it devises it. It is appropriate.
The irregular also corresponds to the current situation.
〇It is possible to correspond by adjusting to the opponent's way of out. In time.
○Capture the chance and do not miss. There is always a chance.
There is a hole even in a casual situation.
○ Risk not taking a risk.
We miss a chance with a safety measure.
Do not eliminate dangerous moves.
We look for all the safety.
〇If we miss a chance, we can twist another idea.
〇Think before it gets worse.
○Think of the chance and the crisis before the move for the time being.

☆ Clean finish
◎Think through a good combination. We change to connect of readings.
.What is a good offensive and defensive pattern?
○ Value to matching.
I put out the individuality in combination. Logically pinpoint the emphasis from a variety of information. Connect the orders and placement. A good combination of good compatibility/ balance. The idea is squeezed, and it jumps. Best mix.
○ Optimization.
1. What do we want to optimize 2.What conditions do we want to optimize?
The whole is advanced more than the mere sum by the collection of parts.
Local goodness < overall goodness
Cut down the bad things and leave the best.
Maximize performance.
Minimization of defects.
〇The aim is put together.
× Inconsistent → Interlocking, Offensive and Defensive
○Miscellaneous and rough → organize and optimize the key point.
◎The decisive strike is thrown out. Clean finish. Sharpness. Solve puzzles. A single line that clears various constraints. What meets the requirements?
Inspiration comes down.
○ Find ways to solve multiple problems at the same time, efficiency. What meets the conditions?
〇What meets more conditions/essential conditions?
Meet the most important conditions.
Circumstances, conditions, at the right time.

◎With the aim.
◎Always aim to win.
◎Sow seeds.
We get a point.
〇One Minor strain, the hole, and the crack grows. The defense erases the scar/ repairs the wound.
The attack makes the wedge and expands it.
〇 Nurture/prepare the situation → to make the timing of the technique.
〇When we attack, think about defending when we defend, attacking.
Attack to make room for defense, defend to make room for attack.
◎Compare the combination of procedures by applying the pieces to move in several places.
◎If it gets better in the future, it may be lost first.

◎Creativity, what are the other candidates?
○The idea is more, decision is best
Increase our choices, possibilities, and focus well and choose.
〇We can see our moves. 
Think ideas and increase our choices.
〇Clues to the idea. tactics. Speed.
A big picture. The current situation confirmation and the direction of thinking.
We squeeze our thoughts. Take advantage of the features. Each other's strengths and weaknesses. Where is a hole? 
○Devise and improvements. Make things more efficient.
〇What is a better move?
◎Make one from nothing.
☆ Direction of the idea. Ideas flash while realizing the logic. 
Evaluation → Judgment
◎The direction of the idea, the distribution of the labor, and the gain, and put it in one move. ○ Systematized by thinking about the essence and think about the key point of the idea first. Think about the essence efficiently.
〇Don't read bad moves deeply.
○Come up with an idea and essentially understand and choose an improvement plan.
〇Optimization of combinations to operate patterns effectively and efficiently in circumstances.
〇We’re going to change the battlefield and pass the baton.
Each move is a high density move. 
○High value pieces. Working pieces. What piece do we need now? 
What pieces are threatened to take?
☆ Multiple effects, cooperation / threaten to take / attacking base /defense’s control / drop where the opponent wants to drop / make space / move an obstructive piece away/control through / block opponent’s control.

◎Debono 6 hats
1 think objectively.(Facts and Information)
2 think positively.(Merit)
3 Think creatively.(Idea)
4 Think negatively.(Demerit)
5 Intuitively think.(Emotion and Intuition)
6. Think administratively.(Procedure and process)
◎I would do this.
◎Analyze and combine ideas to assemble.
○ Organize. If the opponent comes like this, we will do this, and this move has the cut back.
○No good out. Know what our opponent is aiming at

☆ Draw logical conclusions
◎See through the most important things among the various criteria.
〇The sophistication of logic. An accurate analysis of the situation.
Choose an option which meets the key criteria at present.
◎Pick out logically inevitable procedures.
Focus logically on pinpoint.
〇The process of consolidating ideas.
It is essentially chosen.
◎Draw a directional conclusion when we do not know.
(1)A clear victory.
(2) Moves that do not lose.
◎I sift through them one by one.
Cannot print → (1) printer normal, (2) cable normal, (3) USB port normal, (4) PC?
◎Evaluate and compare, logically and intuitively draw our own conclusions.
◎Minor move started with the eye-focusing major.

☆ Organizing ... improving the accuracy of thought.
〇Discovery of new axes, laws, and theories.
〇Learn efficiently. Get information, organize information, and memory.
Think efficiently. Priority, read from the emergency.
〇Order. Order and placement.
Find a clear winning logically in the confusion.
○ Contradiction, conflict.
Choose to take priority over the ultimate goal.
〇It becomes concise when refining is narrowed down.
〇The essence dwells in the detail.
○Organize to increase purity. 
〇The idea of shogi / inevitable procedure / how to approach the essence? 
○ Classification. Look for a new pattern.
Understand the essence and classify.
〇We memorize by a clear, essential understanding.
〇We understand parts and whole connection.
☆ Efficiency
〇Multiple effects at the same time.
〇It has various aim, and various aim is prevented. It serves as a variety of aims.
The move needed in the present situation and the future.
〇We prepare the good move later without some moves.
Efficient procedures.
〇It prevents the opponent's good move later.
〇We can achieve our own aim while preventing the opponent's aim.
○Law, pattern extraction → applied in circumstances.
〇Abstraction of thought → efficiency.
〇The control is made efficiently. Efficient placement.

☆ Law, Pattern
We derive the law based on more phenomena.
(1) Discovery of common terms of similar things.
(2) Collect the mass of common terms to extract the law and pattern. Classification. Layering.
(3) Similar but relevant. Think about the whole relationship.

Improve purity by improving classification.

☆ Ideas
◎Covering the material of the idea and judgment.
Write down what we think/image, it as a clue and We think about it.
I am full of ideas. → Choice and the material to read is increasing.
Quantity is changed to quality. Patterns, law extraction → application.
○ Developing ideas or intuition → optimization
1% improvement per day → 38 times in a year
〇The success and failure is repeated by trial and error and it approaches the ideal.
Analysis, essential deep understanding → improvement measures.
Trial and error to acquire effective and efficient combinations.
What are our aptitudes and current conditions?
Know and try a variety of attempts.
Try again and again.
Try it out and get the knack of it.
I'll try → learn how to learn, and I can understand the vague.
Try → Identify challenges, themes, characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and problems.
The best way to know our lifestyle is if we actually experience or try it.
If it doesn't work out, I'll try to change the way I do it.
Even if it fails once, it works if the condition and timing are changed and devised.
I'm going to try a lot of things and pick up some good things.
Be able to know, evaluate, and judge good things.
Make various attempts in rules and conditions.
The one that wandered through the maze by simulating the idea many times. Mr.Tsuchiya Toshio

○Put ideas into effective, efficient moves.
come up with ideas ⇔ squeeze it.
〇A combination that had never been seen before.
〇Create new value.
× Sticking to past success loses flexibility. 
Excellent until now, new technologies have not been popular.

It is thought by the essence rather than common sense, and the best answer is put out in the situation.
Doubt common sense. I can't decide. Erase the prejudges.
Look for other possibilities.
Knowledge and experience are the stumbling block to new ideas.
Change of connecting common sense.
○Patience, not giving up, believing in possibilities.
If we think in the direction we can, the possibilities remain.
I am saved even if I think that I am not helped.
〇Ask not what we can’t do but ask what we can do in a certain aspect now. Take control of the current conditions.
〇We can't do it, → we give up and look for others/ other choice.
〇I spend time with people who have ideas and environments where ideas come out.
〇I want to know more/ I want to see/ I want to hear it.
Lack of information/ Lack of knowledge → Show a trick. / Completion of information.

Submit incomplete information. → Eliminate. hidden → discovery

☆ Know a lot of patterns to put out ideas, bundle them together in the axis / efficiency of ideas, systematization → fast prioritization
The more patterns we know, the more likely we are to come up with ideas.
Notice the Invisible law and the pattern.
Come across a good thing to think at random.

☆ Take a step further.
〇 List other possibilities. I'm happy with a good move and don't stop reading.
Find a better way.
Choice, think of better things without peace of mind in one.
〇Add ideas.
◎Fill in the holes.
◎Increase the choice in the game at key point.
We wait for an inspiration.
〇The opponent also comes up with the idea on easy ones.
〇The repetition of the variation.
〇It changes in conjunction when one changes.

☆ Environment where ideas come out
Where do you like? Is it better to change?
Physical condition. Exercise, nutrition, sleep.
Balance between tension and relaxation.
Moderate stimulation. 1/f fluctuation. Sound. Color.
Lighting, natural light, sensation.
We move our body. I think while walking. An action that becomes a punctuation mark when it gets stuck. A change of pace.
Toilet, food, drinking, walking.
Change the environment, change the using parts of the brain, and change the way we think.
Hifumi’s eye. Think and watch from the opponent.
Space. Facilities. Place. Action. Walk. Talk. Bicycle.
The bath.
The input of the image. Data. Never give up. Clue for ideas. Precise algorithms.

☆ Training
We do the basics. The specified phase. standard moves. Checkmate problems. Game.
Training to come up with ideas.
Random, squeezing the direction of thought. Training to squeeze ideas.
Logically decide the best one for the situation and condition.
We put a key point of thought in our head
We think carefully on daily bases.
We look at someone else's game.
We come to a conclusion by reasoning.
Make training a habit without feeling pain or effort.
Draw our own conclusions.

☆ Come up with an idea
Hint/questions/checklists for ideas.
Questions/ Problems → Elicit ideas.
Ask questions/ challenges/ Questions/ Cases / Create Situations
Why? (Cause analysis)
What should I do? (Problem Solving)
What does it mean? (Abstraction)
What does it mean, for example? (Concrete thinking)
What is it for? (Sense of purpose)
What does that mean in the first place? (Return to origin)
What would happen if it were? (Hypothesis construction)
"What's a good search word?" Any other cases? (Research)
What are the elements, relationships, and structures? (Current status analysis)
"If we change the combination and the blending?" (Improvement, ingenuity)
What do we like? What's the last thing we want to impress me?" (Listening to interests)

The analysis question? What is the situation?
The question of imagination, what are we and the opponent's aim?
Evaluation Questions Pros, Cons, Features, Flow
Decision. Questions of choice

Analyze the situation and decide the direction of our thinking.
・Elements of flashing ideas.→ editing Apply to the pattern of the information operation / output much.
・Put out one idea → similarity, some part’s similarity, try to change the material, twist.
Think at random.
tactics. Checkmate problems. The theory of Faster win.
a view of the big picture
Find a good place and connect.
Solve while thinking with everyone.
〇 Pay attention to all pieces.
Don't see only one piece.
○Conscious of the change in one move, we cancel the previous reading and confirm it.
〇The goal is to a high-level.
Bad things → improvements
Goals without an example.
The purpose shifts in a good feeling.
〇The ultimate purpose. 
Means ⇔ Purpose
〇 Goal layering.
Subdivision Fusion
〇Purpose Essence, abstraction, efficiency, subdivision
The contrast between the ultimate purpose and the current purpose.
We serve as a purpose.
◎Not working at once → Pile up Short-term, long-term goals.
Stacking Habits. Gradually Changing. Improvement Habits.
○Disadvantages, aspirations lists → thinking about countermeasures, ingenuity and solutions.
Current Analysis → View of The Big Picture / Direction of Reading → Put out ideas.
  If there is○ ○, if we do not pass ○○, how to eliminate the bad type? How do I get initiative of the procedure?
〇By means
Making an Effect for Purpose - Bridging the Gap between The Present and Ideal.
If we want to do A, do B. we'll have a partial goal, incorporating it while thinking about the overall purpose.
〇Exploring/dialogue without purpose.

〇Constructing ideas logically.
Brush up the basic ideas.
Connecting fragments of ideas and polishing them. Reinforced. Fix. Cut. To pursue.

Why?" repeats 5 times.
Visualization. Verbalization
・ "This will work". Success, visualization of know-how.
 ・ "This does not fail" visualization of mistakes and consideration of countermeasures.
Success and failure. A review of the game notation. Examination of the condition.
Examination of the thought process.
〇Ability to envision the future.
〇Dealing with the current situation while sowing seeds of the future.
〇What we did first and what we didn't do affected after.
〇More haste, less speed. We can pile up Minor things. We won't finish at once. Be careful.
〇Considering the challenges and ideals of the future, "Is this necessary for the future?" Think about this.
〇If we combine these,
It can be solved if it combines even if it is impossible by one idea.
Combine to produce an effect.
Think about ourselves and the opponent's aim and order what we should do.
The policy is decided by considering the aim of both parties in combination.
Timing, location, and combination of pieces.
Combine effects efficiently
Understand the weaknesses and aim at them in combination rather than blatantly.
Widely look at the best combination.
Create modules and assemble them effectively and efficiently.
New Set/Connection.
Random Information → Stimulus
Best mix, good compatibility, optimization, strong connection/ connection, synchrony, the same space, adjust combination, blending
Connecting fragments of ideas and polishing them.
〇It is disassembled and assembled.
〇All-weather thinking
 Be able to cope with any situation. It's okay to rain.
〇To produce more than one effect.
〇We make a proper reflection.

○Blind spot
・Attack the place where the opponent attacks (We push the pawn first.), it is not only a move to take. We do not take back. We do not take the piece that can be taken for free, just sacrifice and take. We don’t take but sacrifice.
Not one way to run away. Answer the order. We exchange a major piece for a minor one. Let opponent push the pawn. Check to force. Fast move without ignoring it. Space and obstruction pieces are gone or appeared. The mark is shifted. The control appears or disappears, Control through. We get captured pieces or they
disappear. The pawn can drop or not. We threaten to take in the procedure. We lose first. We can recover the loss. The piece is floating, and opponent forks. The opponent's piece is made to move one and our piece returns to the original place to move. The position of the piece is returned against the opponent's attack. Lose a move. The initiative is left even if we lose moves or it is bad form. Sacrifice our high value pieces at the front of our opponent’s pawn. / exchange them. We just sacrifice a piece threatened to take. We exchange a rook in a sitting king. Knight to threaten to take gold →We advance the silver which seems inactive to the control of knight.
When the rook moves sideways, opponent does not defend promotion.
A watchtower bishop.

ⅡShogi theory

☆ Ultimate purpose. We mate our opponent's king faster than our opponent in the rules.
〇Accumulate phases and make a line for victory.
Change, grow
☆ There is a win / We find a win → attack
The victory is not clear →Never beaten move, erase the wound, use of the inactive piece, good shape, make it difficult to lose, Don’t make the opponent find offensive tactics.
〇There is an attack → Do it well.
〇 Not clear → Save an attack. · Prevent the aim.
Maximize the difference in the work of the piece with the opponent.
☆Think of high value moves.
◎ Efficient moves. Moves with multiple effects. A move without faults. Does this move have a fault?
◎ Make control, control through, block the control. Take pieces, Threaten to take opponent’s piece. Connect, put on a string to defend our piece.

◎Placement. Make a space, drop where the opponent wants to drop. Our pieces can move to the place where it can work. The arrangement between the four pieces are all well balanced. The merit is greater than the demerit.

◎Comprehensive judgment. In the context of the idea, we can choose the optimum flexibly.
Difference of possibility. Loss or gain of pieces, making good shapes / arrangements / functions of pieces
Make opponents’ piece inactive or arrangement bad shapes.
・ Make it hard for opponent to catch our king./ firmness, ease of mate, our turn, speed.

◎Long time aesthetics when I don’t attack at once
When I can’t attack at once, build up the advantage slowly by accumulating.
Multiple scenarios of attack or defense → decide the move according to the moves of the opponent.
Lead to advantage from twisting offense and defense.

〇Visualization of thought process
The process through ideas are generated.
The type of thinking. flowchart.

Shogi is a game in which the best move combination is accumulated according to the situation, combining reading all cases and the leap of intuition. Find out what is important and jump, and after reading in detail in important things, at last omit them.
(8) Checking the status quo, what has changed? Placement? space of pieces? Pieces’ control Threaten to take? Check?
captured pieces? places where we can drop a pawn?
(9) Judgement, merits and demerits (What is our opponent's weakness and our own weakness? Is there the deviation of pieces?)
Speed, gain and loss of pieces, piece operation, inactive pieces, king tightness
Good shape, beautiful arrangement, good cooperation. Balance, strength, no holes.
(3) issues / decision of policy / attack, protect, use of pieces.
(4)reading, creation, candidates for the future
(5)Evaluation of candidate move →(3)Think roughly but at the point. Another candidate.
(6) We select a few candidates and compare evaluation.

(1) Confirmation of the current status. Confirmation of the position of the pieces and control.
・ A change in the control of the piece • A lost control? ・ New control? …control through. …Blocking → Making a control ・ /to divert / losing ・ King makes control.
・ How many bases do we have?
・ Change in space Where the pieces disappeared ・ Where are we filled up → → Drop or move the piece to the place opponent wants to drop.
・ Change of captured piece
What kind and number of pieces each other?
Which piece do we want? Is the piece that we must not give? Confirm the captured piece, go to take the desired piece.
・ A piece that can be taken at any time, a move that can be delayed, and an effective way to think before taking it.
・ Where can we drop a pawn? Can we drop a pawn in that line?
Is the place that one can get the piece for free?
Can we exchange a piece for two?

・ Where is a thin place? / Where does the one have no control? /Where does control exceed? →We can drop a piece directory or move/not be taken/take back
Where do attack and defense control? Placement?
・ Is it a check? Is there effective check?
・ Does it fork and kill a piece?
・ Is there a floating piece? Target?
・Is there a piece that cannot move?
A piece to pin down? Which piece should not shift the mark?
The piece supporting our piece that is controlled by opponent? The connected pieces? The piece filling up the space?
* Active piece and inactive piece?
・The hole location and the strong location of control?
* An obstructive piece?
* Speed?
A hole of oneself and the opponent?

(2) Tide judgement
Advantage and disadvantage, the feature and the speed
〇judge of situations Utilization of the situation.
Common sense and the order of priority change with the situation. Choose a best among the move to profit.
A move using the condition now. The strong point is utilized.
* What kind of possibility does the difference with the usual situation produce?
* Which piece is functioning by this situation?
* What piece do I want in this situation?
A faint difference is different (Erase prejudice.)
○ Strong and weak points of our side and the opponent? We utilize the strong point.
Insisting. Comparison of the value (loss or gain of pieces vs working pieces, vs speed vs firmness of the king).
Think an overall judgement of merit and demerit. the shape now is utilized.
The condition, the situation and accident are utilized.
Think future and the future's piece function?
When insistence passes, other one compromise. We don't take up the competition we can't win.
We get points. We compare the different value and judge the order of priority with overall thought. The loss →price. Take back later. value exchange.
・Only we can attack. Win faster.
→Attack. Look for the decisive factor. Attack with defensive moves.
・Only opponent can attack. Lose slower.
→ Defend. Defend with offensive move.
Never give the decisive factor.
・Even. → Don’t crumble. Make a clue to attack. Twist with each other. Defensive attack.

An appropriate countermeasure is born by appropriate problem setting. We decide directionality of reading. We decide a policy, attack, defense and the utilization of a piece. We give up the change which becomes disadvantageous. We consider a measure.
Problem setting and the premise change.
* When the ideas have defective, we think what kind of condition should be complete. A reform measure?
◎ We have aim. Strategy. A balance of distribution of attack and defense. We strength of overall operations. Combination of an efficient procedure?
We have an aim. We construct with Division into cases. We can respond all strong moves.
We think the multiple choices for purpose.

〇Condition setting Accurate current analysis. The problem setting which leads to a win.
〇 Both points of view, how about attacking to important places? / a fast attack/the move which delays an attack very much?
Without giving a risky piece, can we threatmate?
* Do we attack while preventing from opponent's attack?
〇What is the move for which pieces are utilized to the full?
* Utilize inactive pieces?
* Partiality of a piece? * Where is a weak point? * Where does control concentrate? We avoid a focus of opponent's attack. How do we soften the strong point of the opponent?

* Loose pieces? Our side→ connect /opponent →We aim at them. We make them increase.
* Check? * Checkmate?
*How do we make a piece operate on a vital spot efficiently?
(4) Reading. Candidates in the future.
1.The reading material. It floods information and ideas.
2.Division into cases. I have the choices*precisely. We think other candidates. Various changes are combined and settle them.
Confirmation→ compares/ changes in arrangement of a piece and control.
We read important candidates so as not to omit and to respond. Estimate and consider several important choices.
According to the situation, we change to attack with tactics, we defend our king and take damage to the opponent.
Efficient moves and placement.
Purpose map. Compare the simulation.
Read the natural lines and separated lines.→ Compare, estimate and reform the strong candidates.
What, when, and where to move? Placement.
Reading curves and straight.
Finely adjusted and smooth movement. Can we continue moves?
Now + The Future

Do we have the next preparation for our opponent's response?

Make control, control through.
Erase, block control.  Work. Attack. Defend. Basis.
・Placement. Pieces are connected. Pieces float.
Make space. Fill the space.
Exit. Move or drop there. We drop the piece where opponent wants to drop.
 Threaten to take. Fork.
・Captured pieces. take/get the piece. Erase the opponent’s piece.
 Drop. Pieces are used. We can drop a pawn or not.
・Pieces can move. They can move at the good position next or in the future.

More efficient procedures
Find procedures to take advantage of our strengths, erase our weaknesses, and erase our opponent's strong point and take in the weak one in the circumstances.
We squeeze our move with a policy. Find the decisive factor. Good ending.
We erase opponent’s attack.
We decide what we don’t do.
We make our pieces efficient with each other. Forced. The strict move that can’t ignore. Tactics.
Attack. Prepare. Ignore opponent’s attack and attack with each other. Bring the king near mate. Battle with attack and defense.
Protect. We make it hard for opponent to catch our king. Seal.
Don't omit anything important.
We do not make our weak point so that it is safe even if we don’t read enough.
Choose from at least three choices.
Not going well → dig into another candidate.
Leave the powerful dragon horse working.
3 Reach a conclusion.
Decide on a move that will be comprehensively aligned with the whole.
〇Have merits./ Multiple purpose. /In time/Faster/Continue attack/Attack of the key point / Main plot /sharp move /Theoretical / the self-king is safe. /
Respond various situations or possibility or opponent’s aim.
/Optimization. Effective, efficient/procedure/placement/step optimization/The work of the piece is good.
Look for the most dangerous move of the opponent and think about the measures/ devise it. We think in deep.
Always keep in mind the aggressive moves of attack without defense.
Think about our aim and our opponent's, and work out our best move.
The opponent's attack doesn’t continue, and our king is safer than the opponent. The attack remains only me. Defend to prevent the opponent from being crushed.
Optimize to satisfy condition in the combinations.
Finding a winning move.
The decisive factor, faster, ≫ to take a major piece
☆Shave bad moves and leave the best one.
Give up defects or holes.
Because it is bad. → loss/strict moves wait/ the attack which does not influence/not in time/
We don’t continue to attack/We can’t find to win/There are no future win/Neither attack nor defense /Poor shape/ The work of the piece becomes bad.
Find holes on both. ×Easy to prevent us from attacking.
× Defense that cannot prevent the opponent's aim. 
? / We don't know. Both merit and demerit.
If we reform one demerit, another demerit comes.
☆ Do not give up → work out measures. We fill a hole.
〇Think about what the opponent is thinking. the opponent's gaze.
Find the best way from the opponent's point of view.

Cut the weeding and the light shines.
We think of a counterattack.
We think about a next counterattack. Reading under the surface of the water. moves that don't show up.
We have a solution in place.
The story of the axis and the branching story which supports it.
Put effort and resources into the essence.

Connect our own attack and defense, tie our moves together.
Break the opponent's attack and defend.
Connect the attack by overcoming the opponent's obstruction.

○Compare the aim with the opponent. What's our opponent's aim? What's our aim?
Is the next one worth more?
(1) Seal the opponent's aim.
(2) Cut back later depending on the order.
○Comparison of changes. When ○ ○ moves, it takes fork. Pieces die.
See the change in placement and control.
….When we attack/ chase / sacrifice / exchange
Do we defend against attack? The defense with attack? How do we attack without ignoring?→Do it or don’t? What if we respond to our opponent's? If we refuse that?

○Do not stop reading due to immediate loss.
○Accuracy and careful attention, whether we can drop the pawn or not.
〇Accuracy. Decisive power.
The density of reading. Examine the differences in detail. Read deeply. There is material to read. 
The other candidates?
・Inaccuracy →accuracy division into cases. It looks right. → We prove it./ × Careless / It relies too much on the intuition.
Don't read the convenient move we like.
○ Exact division into cases. Intuitively, even if it's a loss, it's going to turn back later. Natural moves, the accuracy of the situation judgment. There is something in the opponent's move.
We think about one’s aim.
○Consider the slight difference.
・Examine the risk with merit and demerit, and certainty in detail.
〇The king is mate or not, the speed, and force with check.
The attack without ignoring is in time or not. The attack can’t last because it is unreasonable.
Continuous attack, defending to seal the opponent's move.
〇In predominant, don’t be optimistic, and in inferiority, pessimistic.
Don't suffer from what we don't know.
〇The best response of the opponent.
The most severe response, we read the main plot. Read the battle without defense.
Pursue each other's best.
It is tougher than the move to take the rook.
There is no more push. → ingenuity.
○We will do the inevitable procedure.
To flow, interlocking, in the faster move.
Making the most of phases and conditions.
Avoid complexity when it is clear and advantageous.
the floating piece of fork, getting the piece, the space fills and space making, to erase or make or passes or blocks control.
Threaten to take with initiative, and the escape road can be opened or blocked.

○A view of the big picture.
Partial optimum is not the whole optimal. We make the opponent take advantage in the part and make the enemy disadvantageous in the whole. One gets any worse here with another better. Use the whole.
We attack after we are fully prepared.
An attack in short term < on a large-sized move that tastes good in the big picture.
Win by piling moves rather than one move.

○Theme and problem solving.
Current status analysis, features, +、-. Think about the direction and the essence.
Compare +with -.
Trade-offs, contradictions, if there are incompatibilities, give up something.
We devise to make both. Don't forget the essential purpose.
A device that enhances the advantages and erases disadvantages.
〇Only one move can be moved at a time. We squeeze a reading Which one prefers and omits what?
Effectively bundle minor ideas.
○Find a good shape and a way to be active in the future while dealing with the current situation first with an urgent move.
Connect the loose pieces. < the move to seal our opponent's aim.
〇Gather power in a key point. Use the whole. Apply pressure with the whole.
With all our heart and soul, without attacking on wall of the opponent, we keep shaking and destroying the opponent.
Balance, pressure, and power efficiently.
○ Leave the possibility to respond to the opponent's response. Look at the opponent's movements and response to them. We look at the opponent's way of move and decide the shape.
Think of the opponent.
○ Decide the shape and force to the opponent’s decision.
Limiting the moves can narrow down while others will disappear.

○Our turn, move efficiently, and speed.
Move pieces with initiative.
Move to a good position. Exchange the pawn before rook or bishop line. →Good position of rook or bishop. Sacrificed pawn(course) → Knight jumping. Run and attack in the faster move, next we aim initiative, the faster move remains even if we temporarily lose initiative, hold our turn though the piece loss, make the control without running away , and think about the attack without ignoring when the escape move is not a good move.
We force opponent and exchange a major piece for a minor one before the move that goes to the procedure of defense. 

win at speed
Adjust the speed with the accelerator and brake.
Attack of the opponent< Attack of our side
Slow down our opponent's attack slower than our attack.
×We aren’t late for moving.→ We can’t attack and defend in time.

☆ Win faster. Let’s make our attack continue.
Don't be late for attack.
☆ Faster
Win faster, our opponent can’t defend.
Win faster + slow down opponent’s attack.
Win faster. → the opponent defends→His attack slows down.→Our slow attack is in time.
There are multiple aims. →Choose faster moves.
Fast attack → It is prevented → slow attack continues.
 Whether the attack and defense are in time or not.
Whether promoted pawn is in time or not?
The plan which takes a lot of moves has to be faster than the opponent. Do not do what opponent wants to do easily.
Our defense should be in time so that never be eaten out our defense.
・ Think faster move when our attack cannot be in time.
We use the power of the opponent.
the move of the battle with attack and defense.
Seal our opponent's fast move.
・ Assemble the procedure to attack without ignoring.
- It is not a hurry deployment → Make a slow move in time.
○ Lose because of slow
delay or prevent our opponent's attack
Offensive and defensive move.

☆ Delay our opponent's attack
Mix moves to largely delay our opponent's attack.
Try to twist each other to beat our opponent so that our speed is faster.
Make sure that our opponent's attack doesn't get in shape. We attack after the measures are taken.
Before the aim, keep our pieces dodge. / We erase our opponent's control/ We control through / We make control /so that we don't get taken or be threatened to take by the procedure.
Run away quickly.
Let opponent take the piece and earn a move.
・Do not pass dangerous pieces that will accelerate our opponent's attack/Keep good shape.
×Our fast attack will accelerate our opponent's attack.
☆ Do not lose initiative.
× Move that is not urgent.
While our rook is not threatened to take, but it is inefficient only to withdraw the rook.
×A concept that takes a lot of moves to use pieces.
× Not worth one move.
A move that is not offensive or defensive.
・× The move to withdraw is aimed at because of the loose piece. → 〇Liquidate even if our king is thin.
☆ Moves faster than our opponent. Search.
Main plot and alternative.
Slower than our opponent. (1) move with attack and defense.
(2) Seal our opponent's move → our attack in time.
◎Aim for even.

○The check, absolute initiative.
the check of the opponent → Our king runs away, we take the piece, and the interposed piece.
・Our king does not be checked. → We checkmate the king/ absolute faster move. Check.
・The opponent is not checkmate + the self-king is checkmate next. → Prevent threatmate to escape the opponent’s threatmate.
・The opponent is not checkmate + next the self-king is not checkmate → threatmate
○ Accurate speed calculation.
Confirm exactly what is checkmate or not.

〇Move loss, one-moved pass
Move over our move without breaking the shape.
There are good and bad losses of moves. Even if we lose our move, we can seal the opponent's aim.
A rook goes to the battlefield.
Bishop exchange and move loss become ambiguous.
It is better to make the opponent weak point (like pawn pushing) by losing the move.
We don't lose shape though a move loss.

○Force opponent. Is it better to force or not?

Priority = Emergency + Future

What is the priority? Key point / strike (drop a pawn right in front of an enemy’s piece)./ Sacrifice the pawn to promote. / We push edge pawns. Check.
Faster move than the opponent, threaten to take, pawn tactics, take in, take fork in the next /next overwhelm.
A move that does not run away by threatening to take. A move that we force ―without taking fork.
Dropping piece (rook, etc.) is the first.
The striking pawn. Sacrifice to promote.
Sacrifice the edge pawn. Attack the key point.
Drop the pawn threatening to take the bishop→ Knight takes it. → the opponent's rook does not become a protection when we unload the rook because of knight block.
Dropping a pawn threatens to take the bishop. → bishop runs away. → the retreat of the rook disappears when we chase the rook with gold.
Attack of the pawn → Invite (target) → threaten to take with initiative. 
What's the best way to force while our rook or bishop with enemy’s control?
Thinking about the ideals and challenges of the future. → Is this necessary for the future?

☆ The time

Get it with initiative. In time. Control remains. Before it doesn't defend. We can attack in conjunction.
☆ Efficient procedures.
〇Take the pieces to the procedure with initiative.…with work or threatening to take while taking a piece. Let opponent defend.
〇If we have some moves we want to do, prioritize them so that we are faster move to the procedures.
〇Attack without ignoring + good control → Pieces can't come there.
○Efficient move in exchange for taking.
○A pair of moves < approaching the key point.
〇Achieve the aim while taking the initiative by forcing move. Prevent the opponent's aim. The attack of the key area later. Make or erase fork.
〇Force opponent. Threaten to take/Check with Basis Making / Make control / Control through / Block the control/Make or erase Space / Make a way to escape/ Target / Divert control
[ Chase and prevent opponent from defending control. ] /Let opponent Use the Captured pieces / Move to work places(with escaping or taking pieces).
A continuous attack. Later a good move.
The opponent becomes a bad shape.
〇Accelerate the target plot with forced move or make effective. 

〇It becomes a good shape.
〇Forced move to make a good shape or the piece to go to active places. → Defend. ×Pass the pawn carelessly.
×Enemy has another measure if we change the shape.
× if we attack without ignoring, the opponent is in good shape or the inactive piece begins to work.

☆ Emergency moves.
Making a Good control with Knight Jump » Castle.
・Before being taken of the basis of the pawn to the procedure, we drop the other piece and liquidate there.
〇We exchange a major piece for a minor one before opponent defend to suppress the major piece.
〇Force while control remains. →Pieces move. Exchange a major piece for minor one.
〇Liquidate while basis remains. Force opponent before a pawn is taken.
Enemy’s control to our bishop. → It works(peep and pin down (make unmovable piece by control through.)) Attack before it is taken. The move taking piece becomes impossible in time.
Build a basis on the edge by using the pieces of the situation.
〇Finish for the kill before the opponent recovers.

☆ Aim for a win faster
・Lose by slower attack→ Delay our opponent's attack and make it in time.
Threaten to take pieces→the move of speed winning. 
○Drop a piece to take the initiative and connect the narrow attack.
○Don't take pieces. → Threaten to take, attack, defend, and devise without taking them immediately.
Attack a key point before we take.
Defend our key point, which remains enemy’s control to each our piece.
Think about how to attack and defend without ignoring before we take the pieces.
○Slow and fast according to the situation.
〇Open the war edge while inactive are the opponent's pieces.
〇The opponent's defense is erased by attack without ignoring.

☆ Take the initiative
〇Even in the wrong form, the faster move remains.
〇We leave a threatening to take and do it to another piece.
○In order to prevent the threatening to take of the piece, other compensation may be requested. Check and threatmate are given priority.
Play the effective move in exchange for one move to take the piece, approach or defend the key point.
○Once run away → the faster move remains.
Fork → the opponent threatens to take → We run away once. → Fork remains.
〇We defend to threaten to take with initiative. Gold threatens to take the dragon king and we defend it by the faster move.
Take the lead by threatening to take one's opponent's piece.
○Run away by faster move from threatening to take.
Eliminate the need to escape with the faster attack.
○Force. → defend → the faster move remains.
The opponent also defends even if the late move remains for us.
・The pawn threatens to take the knight at head → striking pawn to the gold → take the pawn of opponent’s knight → silver takes the pawn of knight head → Dropping the pawn of the opponent's knight head remains.
○Bishop aiming of multiple promotion → drop our bishop to promote→ let the enemy defend → bishop blockade in the silver going.
○Threaten to take our piece.→ Attack without ignoring with the pawn. → take it(target) → run away to the faster move.
〇Sacrificed pawn(control through) →The movement of the bishop becomes the check.
○Push and sacrifice a pawn. → Pieces escape. →We threaten to take a rook. →It escapes. →We make course.
○Let our opponent take a pawn → make our opponent a bad shape. Don’t lead to the next attack.
〇Opponent takes. → We can take it back to check/ to the faster move.
〇We take the lead later./Pieces work later.
〇Exchange a major piece for a minor one → For enemy taking is only a move and our turn remains.
Stop the vertical of the rook / the pawn of the continuous stroke / Drop lance.

Run away with faster move.
Let the enemy take a piece → Defend with initiative by threatening to take.

Next, The Attack of the Key point, Squeeze, Fork, Kill the piece, Exchange a piece for two, Take the Piece.
Make control/ basis / erase escape road / block the control/ control through / put away of obstructive piece.

× bad control by being shifted / Target / Space Filling / Making Space / Control through / /blocking the control.
/ ×Forcing is a one-moved pass.
The opponent's attack without ignoring is more severe, Forcing doesn't sound/ when exchange a major piece for a minor one and the piece is back/not checkmate/ not threatmate/inactive./
Give pieces (pawns). ×I can't drop(a pawn.) Control changes and the piece becomes unusable. Bad form. × Become a target. × Disturb the own piece. The opponent becomes good shape/ works.
× Chase in the procedure and disappear the control.

☆ Slow down the opponent's attack by attack without ignoring. Pawn strikes. → Lance takes it. (bishop road stops) → The rook can escape.
Dangling pawn → Rook can't get away with the line in the steps.
〇The defending move greatly slows the opponent's attack.
○Earn one move. Edge pawn goes forward, piece-filled, sacrifice, fast escaping of the king, procedure and pawn tactics.

☆ The forcing of the check.
Rook runs away and takes a pawn with check → let the enemy defend by a pawn → the rook goes to the side.
Check by bishop → pawn promotes and next the bishop promotes at our camp.

〇Attack of the faster move. rook escapes, knighthead's pawn remains.→ defend → it is difficult to defend by the turning rook.
× One-moved attack is delayed if it hardens and improves the shape.

〇The initiative is taken.
Threaten to take. It attacks faster, and it is shown the attack of the point. Check. Threatmate.
Two-move to checkmate.
We drop to the place where enemy wants to drop.
Defense at being threatened to take while attacking without ignoring. →it is defended with threatening to take and it becomes both threaten to take.

○ Postpone
〇Make the multiple ways and make it possible to react the opponent, and leave the aim.
〇A piece that cannot be moved.
〇Always we can take it. → Think of postponement except when we want it immediately./ when there is no other move.

〇Stop attack without ignoring
○We defend first if the attack lasts. Eliminate the bad form. Do not be threatened to take in the procedure.
Keep the target dodge in a good position.

○Possibilities. (The difference in the possibilities of) the piece gain, the more pieces, the more possible we are. There is a pawn/ the file which can be dropped → the tactics of the pawn is available. Control by promoting increases. Control through. Erase the disturbance. / Erase the extra pawned pieces, the opponent's offensive move and tactics. We attack without ignoring by checking.
the move with defend and attack,
× Give the extra piece, become a bad shape, the king can escape, let the piece taken with the opponent's piece / drop where opponent wants to drop → erase the course or the place to drop.
〇take one step further

〇Increase our potential,
Narrow our opponent's chances, reduce our chances less than our opponent’s options.
include variations → choose the best one,
If we increase our potential, it increases our opponent's potential, exchange pieces → tactics of the pawn, etc., it promotes or not. Have multiple aims.
Leave an unknown good move.
Where to focus?
We take a piece that takes advantage of the circumstances.
We make pawned pieces.
Possibility of moving pieces (opponent and ourselves)
Good control in the key point. the difference in value.
The difference of the procedure and one move.
The tenacity of two waists that does not break the ring. (Sumo, Japanese wrestling)
I can move freely.

〇Do not increase the opponent's choice
Don't give a lot of captured pieces. Reduce to threaten to take by the opponent and pawned pieces. Let our opponent's pieces drop uselessly, limit the work of our opponent’s pieces, attack and weaken the pieces that our opponent is working on.
Chase our opponent's piece to erase another possibility.
We make the enemy’s decision on the shape.
We impose restrictions on our opponents.
We erase the opponent's multiple aims.
Erase an unknown crisis.
× mark shifts, × Make weak points.
Moves where all the opponent's response becomes bad.
Move to seal all opponent's aim.
Make the enemy use pieces.
We make the enemy drop uselessly on one's pawn.

○ Placement, where, good shape, do not make loose pieces, interlock, connection.
Try to put it in a nice/better position. Colocation. A good arrangement of our opponent and our own position.
Placement with higher points than our opponent.
A form that efficiently meets the conditions appropriate to the circumstances of placement. Natural beauty.
Beauty piled up rather than intuitive beauty.
The beauty to solve the logical problem, the beauty to be logical to take advantage of a hole and to repair the weak point.
The accumulated system also collapses with a new axis and is made into a new system.
The rationality of form.
It corresponds to various offensive or defenses. It is hard for opponent to collapse.
Meet/optimize a variety of parameters. I don't break our good form.
(Except when there is an emergency or a decisive factor)
The piece which is working in a good arrangement does not move. / The dragon horse of the defense is not moved, and the bishop is dropped and it attacks by promoting.
I'm going to pick up on other pieces without taking it in a good position of a promoted pawn.
Respond strongly to chaining or expanding collapse.
Make space → advance/ drop.
Get out of the obstructive pieces.
We drop where enemy wants to drop. The tactics that takes advantage of the position. A trick that responds the opponent's position. Shift the opponent’s piece that is working on. Compare the placement of pieces that shift a little. It is hard for opponent to attack the king, stable, well balanced, no holes, offensive and defensive aims, the pieces work together (support and help with each other), the pieces work well, and we add pressure to the opponent efficiently and efficiently. We put pressure on. What about the loose pieces? What moves and becomes fork? What's the weak points? How do I make an inactive piece work? How do I make our opponent’ pieces inactive? Good connection. Efficient placement. Don’t make inactive pieces. King is difficult to catch.
We are away from the pressure of our opponents' offense.
The piece works for attack and defense, and there are a lot of courses of the pieces/ The piece can go to as many places as possible.
balance, beauty,
A relationship. 〇 good relationship. × Bad relationship. The combination is consistency. Harmony. The parts cover with each other.
〇We know where we work hard or not.
〇Increase the number of options. Increase our chances of being able to move more than our opponent (pieces gain, exchange gold and silver with promoted pawn, erase the opponent's dragon horse or dragon king, promoting, increase the number of the file that we can drop a pawn, increase the number of (captured) pieces, increase the number of pieces we can go/ control through, block the control). Increase the course of a piece by sacrifice to push the pawn. The sacrificed pawn pushes. → silver goes to the basis with taking the pawn next.
We approach the king.
◎ Good and bad shape in the situation is different.
Arrangement to stop the current lateral of the opponent control of rook.
To aim at weak knight head is not in time.
〇Determine which pieces to move or not.
× ineffective elaborate type. Poor cooperation. Floating pieces, Pieces are blocking the course of our own pieces or our control./ walls, and the possibility has been erased. Pile up inefficiently and there's a lot of obstruction at the end of control.
× Work our opponent's pieces to the full. Placement when getting a piece, the major piece dies. Arrangement that becomes disadvantage at the time of the piece exchange after.
Think about the pawned piece and the placement.
× not linked / There are loose pieces. × Block the course and control. ×King is easy to be caught. × arrangement of pieces to be destroyed when passing the dangerous piece, × arrangement that is threatened to take in the procedure, × placement to be aimed as a target, × arrangement that becomes fork if some pieces move.
×Rook, bishop and king approach.

◎Brake The rook turns to the place where the rook promotes in case of bishop promoting and rook can exchange for bishop.
◎Move the piece in a good position. The work of the piece is good. Cooperation / Threaten to take / Basis / Key points, Offensive and Defensive control, Control through, block the control.
Create the possibility of moving pieces and be able to respond to the moves of the offense and defense.
Next, allow to move to a good position later.
◎Logistics. What where when/ we send the pieces we need at the right time when we want them. We can supply offense and defense in time.
Prepare for the possibilities of the future.
×Flow→ There is no uniformity, and does not lead to the next attack and defend.

〇The value is different from the quantity of the piece.
○The work of the piece
See the whole impact.
Strengthen the working of the piece.
Maximize the workings of our pieces.
Minimize the workings of our opponent's pieces.
Spread the difference with our opponent.
☆ Placement of control
Where pieces are working, control is strong or weak or nothing, the pieces is connecting or supporting.
Threaten to take.
Destination to a good position.
Pieces that block the control.
・ Can respond to multiple destinations / aim / act according to the situation.
◎The piece that supports the piece/ It blocks /the unmovable piece.
〇The whole is made to work.
Work a piece that doesn't work.
○Cooperation and attack / defend / attack cannot be cut / it does not collapse easily.
〇Pieces work thoroughly. It does not overlap.
Pieces work a lot in an important area.
○Cooperation. Harmony. Attack and defend in conjunction.
Role to each.
〇It works when it connects, and it works in conjunction.
〇Switch on a variety of switches.
〇Before the opponent's piece begins to work, we attack.
○ Make effective control in a good position. Pieces make effective control. The bishop control is multiple.
The line of the rook + the edge attack.
Don't give our opponent a piece that control a lot. Use our own inactive pieces, and Make enemy’s inactive. Let our opponent inactive by attacking or defending them.
We chase the opponent's piece and the course of the opponent's piece is disturbed. The whole use, it isn’t late, and the whole is linked. The Wars are pieced together in the whole. Jointly attack and defend.
Connecting pieces → A huge system
Work <major > pieces at a key point.
Chase our opponent's <major> pieces from the point of the game. × Caught in one aim, the piece is left behind in the future, and the attack piece and the defending piece are left behind which does not work.
One goal is when the opponent can't prevent it.
× elaborate type. A shape that it is hard for opponent to use pieces.
× Own piece blocks the course [space filling / blocked] The constraints of the piece’s placement . Increase the number of pieces our opponent can't move.
I try to be able to move freely.
× It is driven in so that it is not able to move or to work. The gain for the time destroys the whole.
For the time being, we miss our chance and we're in danger.
We drop a piece to work. Does the bishop only take the pawn work later?
If we drop a piece just to protect it, it will not work or be targeted.
a monotonous attack < Good shape
Leave the possibility of captured pieces and of offense and defense.
Increase control. Promote pieces. Control through.
〇Do not hold it down.
Rook floats so that enemy oppresses the rook.
〇Weaken the workings of the opponent's (major)pieces. Block by our own piece or opponent's piece. We make control and chase a piece.
We soften the work by shifting enemy’s pieces(that have multiple good control) /by threatening to take / sacrificing / the tactics of the pawn./Letting opponent’s piece move.
We lock our opponent's rook by a bishop.
〇Remove the working pieces. Eat off a working knight with silver.
〇Work in the future.
Act on the piece before being left behind in the future.
〇Don’t make our opponent's pieces work now or in the future.
・Gold blocks the bishop road → Make gold control at the right time + bishop line through.

〇Make a piece control
・Make more control. More pieces on the board. Promotion. Control through.
・Make good control. Around the kings. Clue to attack. Defense. Basis. Tie strings to defend. Connect with each other. Threaten to take.
Don't Let our opponent go or drop there. We put a string to defend. To be connected.
There is a good control to put the string to defend when moving there.
Take. Threaten to take. We can't let our opponent go or drop there.
Increase the control around the king.
Next, a piece can move to the place where it works.
Control in several good positions.
Move obstructive piece away and control through.
× Be a target 

〇Let a piece escape.
Run away while taking. (Next) kill pieces/ run away to fork. Run away to be in good shape / to work / to threaten to take. Make control / control through/block control / / do not become a pawned piece / do not become a hindrance piece / make space/The piece is not a target.
I won't let enemy take any important pieces.
Does our piece have to run away right away?
Is there attack without ignoring? Counter back?

☆The use of the piece is in the beginning and the middle. and the speed is important in the end.
〇What are the issues at present?
・Speed we attack faster than our opponent,
Our side < opponent
Our opponent's fast attack → the slow attack, in time while sealing the opponent's move,
move worth more than two moves when we play, harden / connect, edge pawn push, quick escape of the king, entering the king, sacrificed →Let enemy take) earn a move.
A move that erases the attack.
Important pieces run away even if we lose initiative.
・gain and loss of pieces and exchanges → possibilities increase.
Use of pieces.
In the right place.

Give the strike of the attack more than we have weak points by attack.
Work pieces. Operate effectively and efficiently.

〇Make control./Threaten to take/ Basis, Add control, Force not to move enemy, Defend Offensive Piece/ Make Control on The Attacking piece to strike the Opponent's Piece. Attack at the key point./
To Make the opponent's piece useless/ Move to the working place, next move to the key point, next fork.
take pieces / disturb our opponent / stop working or moving, make them a wall/ weaken or thin our opponent's kings
Allow us to move to a good position.
threaten to take + threaten to take , threaten to take + don't let go of the opponent, threaten to take + basis' control, threaten to take +take , take + do not free opponent, take + control of the basis,

Take pieces, make control, move to a good position.
〇 It is hard for opponent to defend.
× Easy to defend. We disturb our opponent.
It's hard for opponent to put it together.

〇The clue of the attack is made.
・Make control → basis, enemy cannot move or drop a piece, there. /
・Go forward the offensive pieces, Remove the attacking control of pieces with taking, threatening to take, shifting, sacrificing, or pawn tactics.
・Go to a place where our opponent has control → Make control that supports our piece so that it can't be taken./ If enemy takes it, there will be a turning back/ it will become an inactive piece. Divert the enemy’s control. → Our pieces can go there/ we can promote or drop them. We divert the control of a basis.
We cut off a connection.
Threaten to take(next), a promoted pawn, take up a vanguard position, basis now or next.
Do not deal with the position to prepare for the attack.
We go to the procedure with threatening to take.
Threaten to take → Chase a piece → Target, take a piece, it works.
Disturb the cooperation of the opponent / make a loose or inactive piece, let the king be thin. / remove the piece, narrow it, get the captured piece, next fork,
Always prepare for enemy’s aims.
・Chase the pieces → fork / kill / threaten to take in procedure / control through / block the control / make it a hindrance piece
Take the piece and make it a captured piece. Create a battle. We lure out the opponent's defense.

〇attack the key area or phase emphatically.
Attack the essential pieces and the pieces of the attack and defense.
Attack our opponent's best defensive or working piece.
Attack the key area.
take a working piece rather than an inactive one.

Build a basis in a vital part.
We attack near a king
We take off pieces around a king

Don't give a sticky move (erase the space, shift the control, erase the string to defend, block the control/ move the piece to eliminate the lateral attack of the rook ).
(1) Create clues to the attack
(2) Spread the wedge. Increase the number of basis.
Put the king in danger.
(3)Ending game. Win faster.

☆ Attack in conjunction with the Division into cases.
We attack the weak point by being linked. 
○Attack places where the opponent is weak and the place where it is defeated in number, and control is thin.
Align the entire piece.
Shoot the loose pieces in the process, attack the targets, weaknesses, and key places one after another.
Attack → shift the mark → attack the weak place.
Make multiple control → defend one side → attack the thin one.
Pawn tactics/sacrificed piece → shift marks → attack the thin places.
It is not acceptable to defend both by the control of the basis and threatening to take.
If our opponent’s control is not good enough, we can threaten to take or move the pieces, Don’t attack the places enemy prepares. If we defend it, there is another weak point.
Defend the knight by pawn → the horizontal control of the rook disappears and the bishop can be promoted.

Chase our opponent's pieces.
We chase two to one.
Chase the pieces → threaten to take + control through / A pawn to block control.
Block the exit by sacrificed pawn or Focal pawn.
We control on our opponent's exit. Kill enemy when he blocks his exit.
Aim/Kill/Fork/Threaten to take to The Procedure /Attack without ignoring/Make Opponent's obstructive Pieces/Do Not Work his. / Block by The opponent's Pieces.
Aim at the floating piece which cannot be defended. Attack the pieces that are supporting them with a string to defend and attack the floating pieces.
Aim at a piece to pin down (that can’t move because of passing through the control), make it endure instantly, and later make it a bad shape, wall or inactive piece.
Sacrificed knight → take it and the retreat of the rook is blocked.
Show opponent the next attack and let our opponent defend.
The next silver-pincer, fork next, the next key attack → Let him defend.
Use the attack by captured piece or pawned pieces efficiently.
Exchange our defense piece for our opponent's offensive piece.

○Attack the weak point or thin place. → attack the made hole / shift the opponent pieces and prevent multiple attack from defending,
Find and understand weaknesses → Attack key locations in the appropriate order according to the situation.
Multiple aims. If he defends here, attack there. Little by little, we attack and shifts the mark and make the opponent's pieces without balance. Attack while expanding the front → even if he defends there, the attack here remains. There is still another attack. Attack by interlocking. Attack so that we can drop multiple pawns.
Chain of decay.

The attack is carried out in a timely manner.
・ Attack a thin place that cannot respond by showing multiple attacks.
・ We will find that we should look at the whole and attack it in conjunction with here and there.
・Even if it is strong in one direction attack, it is easy to add the attack from various directions.
Pushing various spots at the right time.
Use the entire power effectively and with well balanced.
Apply strength of force and distribute it in the right place.
Balance of attack, interlocking, combination with multiple of aims.
・Make a shape that the opponent cannot defend. → drop a powerful piece.
× Attack force → 〇 devise and break down finely accurately.
No matter how he deals with, we can attack skillfully. Focal pawn / silver back / block/ overlap the control / fill the escaping road or space / distracting control / die even if we take it in either / target/make space.

Leave the enemy’s wall. Block the king's exit with our opponent's piece.

〇The opponent's piece is taken and is a captured piece.
Thin one's defenses.
One peels off the pawn like peeling off the skin.
〇Take advantage of the opponent's attack. Aim for holes by his attack.
Fight back with the pieces we got.

× Offensive monotonous. × Attack is heavy.
A piece that interferes with our control. ×The attack is shaken. → We can make a hole. An effective blow is not given. Not linked. No next good move.
There are no continuous attacks.

〇Effectively Striking to the key point.
Interlocking attack continues.
We attack enemy’s attacking piece.
When we can't get close to our opponent's king, we want to ease our opponent's attack, or erase an offensive piece, we have captured piece, we stop the king entering.
Lack of strength → clue base, disturb by tactics. Supply captured pieces.
〇Lure by weak point, if we deal with this, we are turned back.

〇The attack which does not cut.
We can make the basis not to get away by the king while taking the pieces.
We can attack with no guard.
We add a piece to our basis. The number exceeds in the important spot. Make pawned pieces.
The attack continues.

○Carefully attack precisely × Careless, not enough, We don’t attack well at once.→ precisely

Cooperation, leadership.
Attack, defensive coordination, and accuracy
Protecting or attacking with teamwork.
There's a cover.→attack.
Weaknesses, losing → go to support.
We take control of an opponent's weakness.
Increase our power.
Continue shaking and making holes→ spread the holes skillfully.
Take advantage of the strong points.
Work together to protect and leverage powerful pieces.
Strengthen both cannons and supports. A piece that doesn't move. Brake.
○Placement and positioning where teamwork works well.
Good relationship.
We cover with each other.
Improve our overall strength.
points over the sum of the parts. Interlocking control.
〇―〇 Combination, matching, synergistic effect.
Stable. Position/distance that can be coordinated.
We can cover. Be able to deal with the opponent/ make it in time.
With good defense, flow comes, defensive stability.

〇Cut off teamwork
We break up and cut off cooperation.
Attack in various directions and shift the mark.
We leave an opponent at speed.
Don't let our opponent be free.
There is no hole. → develop / change
Shift the mark by continuing to attack various places persistently.⇔ We can respond to changes and developments.

○ Protection
The hardness of the king, the thickness, and the range to escape of the king.
〇Make control.
Cooperation, Cooperation of own pieces. Make enemy’s pieces loose.
Connected/ Opponent's pieces can't come or drop.
Don't let him be free.
・ Interfere with the opponent./block / fill the space
Make a piece’s control. → One can't drop or move there.
We are not defeated by a number.
Eliminate the opponent's attack. We keep the battle away from our camp. We don't go ahead too much. It is not targeted by a lower pawn.
Keep the king away from the battlefield.
〇I can't protect all of them. → Defend the key area.
Enemy can’t attack where we can control.
○Give fear and let him protect.

Escape + defend
Work + Run Away
Next Move + Run Away
Run away + don't work our opponent's piece/ get stuck by the piece to pin down by control through.
Defend + Defend
Threaten to take + Threaten to take
Run away + threaten to take
Escape + Take Pieces
Make a way + threaten to take
Making a way + Defend
Threaten to take + Defend
Take pieces / Remove + Get Protected Pieces
Make a defensive control, make an unaggressive control, control in the battlefield, threaten to take the opponent's offensive piece/ take it.
A dragon horse's control through and later dragon horse go back to one’s camp.
Move up the bishop and run away from the target + stop by the pawn before the rook against promoted lance.
The gold pulls back and harden + block the attack of bishop’s fork at the time of exchange.
Block the control + away from the basis of the pawn.
Gold moves sideways / Connected + The Bishop opening through threatens to take Rook.

Castle the king, < connect the pieces + erase the weak point.
Get support for our defensive basis in time.
Don't let our opponent free.
Be able to assemble pieces efficiently.

Multiple effect
Defend + threaten to take/take control of the key area to Attack and defend/ cooperate/ escape pieces/take pieces. 

take pieces, make control, run away,

○ Pieces
Make enemy’s pieces lost. We make enemy’s pawn out of use.
Don't give our opponent any dangerous pieces.
Erase our opponent's offensive pieces (threaten to take + check or take initiative) or drop a sacrificed piece, exchange dangerous pieces to erase them. or erase by using captured pieces.
We make an enemy’s pawn dropped not to drop a pawn.
Make us strong so that it's okay to give a few pieces.
Get or exchange pieces that we can defend.

〇Make space by moving our pieces.
One’s piece can go or drop there.
〇Control through
Make our pieces control through.
Make opponent’s pieces’ control block.
Get a piece for defense. Be able to drop the pawn.
Make a way of a piece.

Tie the string to defend, make the horizontal control of the rook by taking away the own piece. Strength of the king, the number of escape paths, thickness, and exchange a pawn. → anchor pawn. Prepare the defending with captured pieces by priority. Corresponding to multiple attacks.
Opponent’s attacking is linked. → attack one side and shift the piece.
〇Defend to threaten to take pieces.
It runs away/ to the place where the opponent's piece to pin down cannot move by control through // and the string to defend is applied /to make control or control through or block/
・The piece is killed next,→ defend, and make control to the place where it escapes or tie a string to defend <so that enemy can’t go there.>, Enemy’s piece can’t move or drop there,
Erase or divert or block the control. The retreat is made.
Drop where one wants to drop.

〇The faster move. Initiative.
To attack without ignoring,→ to make a path for escaping, a path to send reinforcements string to defend there, to eliminate the control of the pieces to threaten to take.
Without defending to threaten to take, we attack or defend the important point of area, faster attack. A high-value move.
We may not get away from fork.
When the opponent takes it, we counterattack faster and makes it to the attack of the point.
Do not threaten to take or take a piece to the procedure by opponent.
We threaten to take and defend it.
Defend by dropping silver or gold to threaten to take a major piece and throw it around the king. (unless a major piece exchange it)
Threaten to take + control in the defense / the control to prevent the promotion / the ability not to move or drop the opponent's piece / the control of the basis. 

〇Seal opponent's aim
Defend before one move. Eliminate the easy-to-understand attacks of the opponent.
We kill a move by sealing a thin attack.

〇Prepare for the future.
When we liquidate, we put a string to defend at the missing our control of string to defend.
Keep the floating pieces connected.
Seal the next aim / Next fork / Kill next /Next Attack of the point. / Seal the major piece works
〇Next put the string to defend, next drop or move the piece to the place where it made a space, block the control, control through, → move or drop next.
The opponent attacks. → defend by leaving measures, erase the aim.
The opponent's piece comes/ Control through,/block /make space / fill the space → fork, / exchange a major piece for a minor one → clean profit/ the target by disturbing / killing.
We threaten to take an opponent's piece or make captured piece.  
We make opponent’s piece unmovable. / pin down by through control / mark shifting / making enemy supporting / space when moving / a hole when moving
Through the bishop line→ the opponent can't push the pawn.
Don’t make opponent’s captured piece drop.
Leave our captured pieces and pawned pieces. → brake our opponent's attack.
(The opponent takes → the control is shifted and we can take it back,
Fork, attack faster, check to force.
Leave the captured piece. The counter-attacking pieces or interposing piece,
We attack to threaten to take with initiative, Exchange a major piece for a minor one. → Kill a major piece by it./drop it to defend/Work inactive pieces.
If one takes a pawn, opponent can drop a pawn in the file.
Cut attack.
Fork→escape in first move. (We can get away with initiative.)
Set up a castle so that enemy puts into the decisive battle at any time.

〇 Failure × The check takes, and × pawn is taken and it is shown the promotion.
The piece becomes incompetent. × Call in the opponent's attack.
× Make one hole → other places become thin for respond there.

〇Change the placement of the pieces.
The opponent cannot drop or cannot move.
Drop where opponent wants to drop.
We make an opponent's piece obstructive one. We make opponent drop the piece and block a course.
Make one's rook heavier by dropped pawn.
〇Make control → The opponent cannot come/ erase the aim.

○Leave the opponent's pawn and erase the line of the bishop. We don’t make opponent drop a pawn.
Take a pawn. Erase a basis. Erase a pawn to promote.

〇The king is safe. 
The king goes to the opposite of the opponent's attack.
×The king approaches the attacking place.

〇Build a basis
Send reinforcements to the basis, and make a basis with more pieces.
We make more bases by promoted pieces.
Pacify. We make it impossible to take it back.
〇Support bases.
Send a piece of support.
We make control of a distant dispute with a major piece.
Build a basis and wait for the pieces to get.
Keep the basis free from being taken/ Keep it at the bishop of the distance / If one erases the basis, it becomes the target or pass the dangerous pieces.
Support the basis behind one’s piece to control through(lance, bishop, and rook).
One advances the pawn and add the pieces. → If opponent exchanges at the basis, a promoted pawn remains there. We push a pawn in order to make a promoted pawn.
Support the basis with promoted pawns. Support the pawn with rook, lance, and so on.
Add a piece to the basis unless we abandon our pawn to promote.

○Approach with piece losses
Sacrifice the rook that is taken to distract the opponent's control at the basis.
We drop a piece at opponent’s pawn head,
Exchange a major piece for a minor one to reduce or divert our opponent's base defenses.
Drop Bishop of the head of the silver. → The basis advances even in piece loss.

〇Cut back
When the opponent takes the piece, the taking piece is taken back so that our piece comes in a good position.
When the basis is liquidated, the bishop peeps or the counterattack of the fork.
Each basis is balanced. → We attack at next to there.

〇We exploit a weakness
The control of the basis where the opponent's pawn is short.
Take the opponent's pawns and control.
Aim for the head of the bishop and knight.
Add a piece where our opponent has escaped. Threaten to take silver with knight → it runs away → threaten to take gold with a pawn.
While making control in the key point, we threaten to take the opponent's piece and chase it. Aim for a basis that has become thin. 
Aim at the place where the opponent's piece is deflected and become thin.

○pin down …Make control through behind the piece. If it moves, one can get behind piece.
Add the piece to the basis while making a piece to pin down in the bishop.→ An unmovable piece becomes.
Make a piece to pin down so that the pawn doesn't take the piece.

〇Threaten to take + Control of bases
basis with control behind the bishop + threaten to take.
Add a basis with the lured pawn.
Threaten to take the bishop + control of the basis.
While leaving the pawn of the basis, bishop forks on the rook and the control of the basis.
Threaten to take an attacking piece + basis making.

〇 Threaten to take by untaken pawn.
Sacrificed pawn/target/fork/die/the course of pieces / control through → threaten to take in process/getting dangerous pieces /→Send pieces by a pawn control./the close pawn advance.

○ Procedure, on the faster move.
Gold and silver rise and advance.
Sacrifice → gold takes it→ strike the gold by the pawn from the basis.
Strike silver with a pawn → The knight takes it → rook around the battlefield.

〇Support Sacrifice/Balance. → Rook or bishop around to the battlefield.
Which pieces will advance or promote?
The piece that may be taken/ The piece that is threatened to take is escaped, / We leave or promote the efficient piece. /We leave the piece that makes the opponent's working worse. /when the standard conflicts, the offense and defense is compared.

Basis making → Obtaining and exchanging pieces

〇Erase the pawn at the basis
A piece erases the pawn at the basis → rook takes that. → the bishop attack through to checkmate(shifting the rook control).
If a piece takes a pawn around the basis, one will be a target.
→Threaten to take./Knight jumps to do so.

〇We liquidate a basis.

Liquidate and aim for the remaining pieces. Threaten to take/ fork.
Use the pieces we get.
If opponent erases our basis, we can aim.

〇Defend the basis. more pieces’ control
Two silvers from side to side are not chased by pawns, and it is not recaptured by the basis. We add a piece. The rook move around to the basis. Make a basis with a rook’s sideway control.
Wait for reinforcements and getting captured pieces, make control by the inactive pieces or loose pieces in the basis. Chase our opponent's pieces from the basis. Prepare for the place where the opponent attacks, control through, erase the basis by the piece loss, and erase a promoted pawn for the knight loss. Recover. Protect and fill the basis without taking a piece. Make it hard for our opponent's offensive pieces to go to the basis.
× The basis is recaptured by exchanging the pawn from oneself because the mark is shifted.
Drop silver or gold at a promoted pawn’s control.
Threaten to take + base defending
Don’t give the pieces to drop. Exchange a major piece for a minor one→ We remove or distract a piece of the basis.

○ Attack and Defense
And ☆ Attack, threaten to take / attack of the opponents' attack piece / +
☆ defense, defending control - make the unattackable control.
Move to the place where pieces work/ Make control on the battlefield/ Make an unaggressive control/ Take a piece(next).
Push a pawn at the bishop’s basis + make a bishop exit.
Watchtower bishop to make the basis + defend
The bishop shuts out the control of rook + the offensive control.
Sacrifice → Fork (with check) take off the opponent's attacking piece.

Send-off sacrifice piece + defend to drop where the opponent wants to drop.
Add a piece + block + kill the rook next.  

・Attack to ease the opponent's attack / attack → defend → let the pieces use and pull → Cut the attack, make up the slow attack in time,
exchange a major piece for a minor one → Be sure to take it. → defend with the getting piece.
・Defend → Let opponent attack → get pieces → Counterattack
・Reverse the opponent's attack.
Let one attack → Get the captured piece, divert the control, block, to be able to make control of our own pieces, control through, to break the connection. to become a target, to fill space, to make space, to be able to drop a pawn, the opponent will not be able to drop a pawn.
Attacking out of opponent’s pawn (Drop lance)
・Force. → Continuous attack or returning to defend.
efficient procedure
× attack, pass the piece → counterattack
・ Let the opponent drop a pawn and eliminate the attack of the pawn. 
Make our opponent's king thinner and he cannot pass the piece.
・Sacrifice the piece and opponent’s piece goes back or erase the opponent's attack or defense. → Attack, take it back.
× Attack → make a hole → counterattack ⇒ pressure, return to defend.
give up the attack move and seal the opponent’s attack.
× Defend too much → We can’t continue to attack, or we invite attack.

○ Brake by the construction of the mechanism.
Next, the attack of the emergency or at the key area, threaten to take, aim at the pawned piece, force, (check), fork, exchange a major piece for minor one. Exchange a piece to two.
clean profit, kill the piece, the piece is removed, the fast attack, the first attack continues, the control, the piece is run away, opponent move cuts back by a good one, and our piece is left behind/inactive.
We will not be able to attack in time, we will be attacked without defense, our opponent's attack will not be cut, we will lose the speed, our attack will be cut.
We are attacked by the move to kill two birds with one stone, miss.
When we take a piece→ target/ attack accelerates /the attack can be used in reverse, / opponent can be taken back / the piece does not work / the defense is thin.
When opponent gets our piece back, we cut back with the emergency or strength.
If we don't defend it, we'll get a dangerous move on the piece we were taken.
"Grasping dangerous pawned pieces on each" …to divert the control, filled space, block, control through, and to make space.
Keep holding captured pieces.

○ Concept
Understand the opponent and our strengths, weaknesses and character.
Where is the point? What are the important pieces? What pieces do we need? ・Pieces are restricted, including pawned pieces and counterattacks. Don't give our opponent a pawn. We won't let enemy take our pawns conveniently.
The exchange of the pawn before → the pawn is enough later.
〇Identify characteristics and develop a plan that makes use of them.
〇Maximize the workings of our pieces. Minimize the workings of our opponent's pieces. Optimization of the status quo.
Efficient placement.
〇Take advantage of our strengths.
We blame our opponent's weakness.
〇Take points.
We can't be taken points against opponent.
〇Make our moves vs get on opponent’s move.
Release the tactics at the optimum timing.
Prepare → create a context → perform skills according to the situation.
Make a move(initiative), make a hole → attack it.
We work together the whole.
Get on move (flexibly) Let opponent attack wall or an impossible attack.
The formation which does not lose easily is made. 
The concept of working <major> pieces.
〇It is possible to bring it to the sudden war and the endurance war according to the opponent's way of moving.
〇The best formation. Maximize the workings of the pieces.
We beat our opponents.
Optimization of logistics. Which way do we want our king to go?
Which pieces to attack or defend?
- Friendly formation, castle against the opponent's formation.
〇Foreshadowing. Influence after what we did and what we didn't do.
Do not push the edge pawn. → edge king
〇The concept of assembling the decisive factor.
〇 The minor move with big picture.
〇The battlefield is changed by the situation. The basis is converted from in front of the rook to the center and king’s head. 
We chase the piece so as not to work. → and it converts to the center.
We ignore the move that is not the main plot.
Respond. It's fast.
The concept of getting high-value pieces depending on the circumstances and shape.
A strong concept for easy-to-get pieces.
Ready. Leave the movement of the piece which can correspond to the opponent's hole and the opponent's attack. In time.
The balance of the combination of attack and defense. A combination of good offense and defense and compatibility with the opponent's formation.
Know the combination of patterns. Can be linked. Attack or defense is in time. I don't have a hole. Attacking that cannot become holes. Is it better to exist or not?
Combination, efficiency, effect. Blended.
〇Ease opponent's attack
Cancel threatening to take in the order.
We soften attack to take by rook floating.
The bishop to promote swings out by the lance rise.
Attack to avoid risking the defense of our own camp.
Restrict the movement of the piece/ prevent opponent from moving freely.
We are sealing our opponent's attack.
Erase the line of the bishop before.
The bishop of a good position continues to work.
Bishop peeping is good.
The rook control through while the gold moves on the side and it hardens.
Opponent control to threaten to take the silver by the bishop in two places, gold defends both.
×The war is opened while the gold or silver doesn’t work.

〇Specific examples
The second move player aims at even.
We invite a mistake.
Knight jumped. 〇attack ×thinner ,to target
Take knight → the opponent extends the pawn to knight head → drop knight in the space that was made.
Silver crown that does not push the edge pawn → the knight aims at the silver taking
There is no quick attack from the opponent → recombination to the silver crown /Arrange the silver.
Exchange a rook for a minor one. → the bishop threaten to take silver + control to the basis.
the lance under the king → king dodges and control through with working in the attack and defense. Exchange of pawns before the rook. → lock it up and kill it.
The bishop takes lance or gold→ kill the bishop or the rook by it.
Erase a pawn in knight → knight or silver takes it →kill with the pawn.
Rook in front of the pawn → Kill it by the bishop , gold , silver , or the pawn .
Our king is not to be caught. →Continue the attack which does not cut.
Attack edge. →prevent bishop from going there/ when the bishop is chased, we exchange it for a minor piece.
Move gold closer to the king and drop a pawn into a made space.
Don’t let opponent make a clue of attack.
The basis of the pawn becomes a burden vs. live.
Sideways pawn Gain vs. Move gain.
Take/threaten to take with another piece.
go to pick up by pawn instead of gold and silver
Saving on our own pieces.

× Attack and opponent fights back severely because of congeniality of the defense.
× The situation is chained to bad.
Pass dangerous pieces in the current arrangement.
×The plan to stop working in the future.
×It takes time to use it in time.
× Not worth a single move / hardening does not become hard.
× Only the defensible move, there is no winning taste.
× Loss piece arrangement / self-pieces interfere with the control. / not tougher than the opponent / too determined shape. × It does not harden even if the number of moves is put.
The attack move gives the opponent a clue to the attack/ push the pawn → Knight jump becomes the course. The attack is cut. × Heavy attack that is left in inactive places.
× Offensive pieces are left behind.
× Make it easy to attack in the end phase. / a king thinner than the opponent.

To stab the silver with a pawn. → aim at the knight head after.
We are eaten to one side. → So is opponent. 

○ Strategy win.
Only we become stiff, we make it hard for opponent to attack, and there is an offensive plot only for us.

〇Pieces arrangement
☆ We will stack with priority on high-value moves. 
Understand which pieces are working, which is not working, and which are in the way and decide policies
Ourselves  - → 0 → + → ++
Opponent  - ← 0 ← + ← ++
Decide on the shape according to the opponent's way.
We are condemned to decide shape too much.
We move the order in advantage after the opponent decides form by passing our move without deciding the form.
prepare/ attack the hole. Pacify.⇔ in time/ Defend and attack in the future , in time.
Complete the castle while turning off the hole, do not create a weakness.
Prepare ourselves to attack/ Use of inactive pieces.
Flexibility. We can respond to the opponent's attack and defense.
Matching of the form with good compatibility. Self, Enemy.

Efficiently and effectively work. In key points. We can supply pieces to the offensive and defensive places. / move to the place where they work.
Make space → the piece moves there. /We work a piece. /push the edge pawn. Make sure the king doesn't get check/prepare the king moving. The shape is arranged by the recombination of gold and silver.
Making space. Controls are working together. Parts cover with each other effectively.
Distance. Compatibility. A relationship.
〇We do not give the clue of the attack easily.
Don't make loose pieces. It's not easy for opponent to check.
◎Make control. Connect, gold and silver around the king, and dodge continuous attacks.
Control through, block,
◎Control through or make space in the procedure.
We move the piece <gold, silver, pawn > and control through/ make space/
the rook go to sideway / the bishop peeping through,

◎Plan the future while we prepare it with the current situation.
The attack or defense is in time.
・Figure-out the constraints of offensive and defense. Shape to reduce them. Captured pieces.
It is not easy for opponent to attack. Force the opponent to devise.
・We can respond to the opponent's way of appearing, corresponding.
Show the attack and let the opponent defend it.
・Pieces that do not make big wounds so that we may be attacked at any time.
Make it possible to attack at any time.
× If we move it immediately, we make holes and be targeted.

〇Before the arrangement of pieces that move, we take measures to move other pieces.
If we move the piece that makes a hole, we move them later at the safety time.
・The moment the control block or defense makes a hole, there is no attack from the opponent. Make a flow. Ride the flow. We take the lead in the middle with making it in good shape.
Take the initiative → The next move can also take the initiative.
Take the initiative while turning off the holes. / create a posture of attack. Make use of Now.
Try to turn off the hole.
〇Take the initiative/ threaten to take / →  harden /attack / basis / make space or control through / block control / make control 
〇What if we push a pawn ?
We can make control or space/ control through, and we can make a path for the piece.
Space fills/ Bishops can't be dropped.
Block control /The opponent's bishop does not control at the key area.
Pawn is the target.
〇Hold on. It is made to put two moves on the edge pawn to the opponent without defending the edge pawn.
I can't open a bishop road.
We don't move gold.
The possibility of either attack is left without ranging the rook.
〇Take points.
The difference in accumulation comes out later.
Pushing the edge pawn. / Push the pawn to threaten to take bishop → after the exit of the king.
・Make a basis / take control with gold, silver and pawns→ exchange the inactive piece / castle the king.
・ Seal of opponent’s attack. → Castle the king.
・Win the battle of power. We can respond so that we do not lose.
Catch up with.
・Piece gain< the opponent is a bad shape
Show the attack and keep our opponent's gold away from the king.
Make a variety of pawned pieces
・Make our opponent's piece work worse/ make the shape bad/ wall/ make inactive/ block the control
・ Increase the number of pieces that our opponent cannot move or give.
・ We should move to the procedure efficiently.
Make space/go forward/Take/Threaten to take/Make control.
〇Move the gold, silver or king to the basis of the opponent's attack → become a target.
Rise the camp. →It is aimed up.
〇Keep the sitting(default) king.→It can go to right side or left side.
〇Edge pawn
Both don’t push edge pawns. → Edge king is defensive.
Push a pawn→ Spreading space, Knight, lance, bishops, silver, king’s path or exit.
/Edge pawn prevents the edge bishop which aims at the rook, and the knight which aims at the silver crown from attacking. ×Rook’s exit is erased.
Attack the edge and take the opponent's pawn with the pawn, lance, knight silver, gold, bishop and rook.
Aim lance by the knight, silver or bishop. Move up the lance, → Drop dangling pawn, bishop, silver, gold, or rook
☆ Make it in time.
Use the inactive pieces to seal our opponent's attack. We harden a king.
Connecting pieces.
〇Seal the opponent's aim even if our shape is temporarily bad.→ Arrange it later.
〇Show attack to defend.
We push the pawn before the rook to attack and make a path to move up the rook in order to defend.

〇We skillfully make the favor form.
○Choose the type of war that eliminates the aim from the opponent without making a hole.
〇Freedom and discipline.
〇The opponent is not made to assemble freely.
〇Make opponent’s arrangement without free. Make pieces that opponent can't move.
Brake. We have alternatives. Constrain the opponent's piece.
When opponent move, the string to defend disappears, the defense is thin, the fork, the target, and the subjection.
We make control and do not let opponent’s piece go or drop there.
We can't move pieces that are in the way of each other.
The formation which we think about the captured piece and the pawned piece.
Pushing a pawn→ control through / making space / making control / block / push next

〇Work our own pieces in the procedure.
〇keep the opponent's working pieces out of the work.
〇We make opponent a decide on a form.
・ Make the pawn pushed to chase the silver → erase the bishop drop.
〇Opponent seems to get a dangerous piece. → We prepare measures.
Attack faster than our opponent.
〇Fantastic timing
× Loose piece / silver crown is set to a loose piece → fork on the king and other piece by the rook to promote, × inefficiency, × hole, × unlinked pieces,
× Self-pieces interfere their course or control.
× Do not make a hole easily. ×The piece is inactive/ it is diverted, it is late, and it takes time to use, / the target.
× Bad balance / bad chemistry between attack and defense /Gold or silver is separated.
/ silver crown of the bishop exchanging. × The arrangement that is aimed at fork when the piece moves.
×The piece’s arrangement is constrained.
× Useless move loss × two moves of edge pawn → center lags behind.
×The piece is cramped, and the opponent is free.
× Do not make a bad form of compatibility.
It was made to the shape that the knight head was aimed at by the silver and pawn.
× There is nothing what we need.
× It is better not to exist.

○ System
Prepare a good counterattack. Attacking opponent,
We bundle a variety of aims.
Measures to the opponent's aims. We have multiple aims.
Respond to the opponent's multiple aims. Logistics. We make the supply of pieces in time.
We set a piece combination without making the hole.
Priority. Optimization.
Create a team that is compatible with the opponent's formation.
I can handle all the aim. We make a hole in our opponent and push it.
Don't make our own holes.

The combination of formation is good balance. It is stable. The linkage/compatibility of individual forms is good. The work of the piece is good. Aim for the form that all the pieces work. Don’t make inactive pieces and a hole. Attack and defense are in time. Balance. It is hard for opponent to catch the king or hardness of the king. We can respond to the opponent's movements and mark. We have multiple implication of the movement to a good position. Control of important bases. There is a move to play. Progressive. Aim. We can respond flexibly to the opponent's aim. The king and the rook in the opposite direction. Rook at 1st rank escapes to threaten to take by promotion.
Right king → We don’t make a clue of battle. → make opponent think
As the offense spreads, the defense is firm. We invite opponent to spread the defense.
The king is a low position → it is difficult for one to enter the king.

Focus on balance.
Focus on attack.
Focus on firmness.

There is a correct answer → breaking the formation and approaching.
There is no correct answer → arrange the shape.

Merits and demerits.
Knight jump. plus. Good for attack, minus, weak at edge and knight head.

Elimination of wall silver. Push the pawns before the rook → the silver or bishop is not moved. The position of vanguard pawn is secured after it is possible to send reinforcements.
The exchange of the pawn or the lance. →the edge attack.
Aim for the head of the bishop or knight moving up.
It is easy to do the speed calculation by the bear in hole, and it continues to attack, vs. attack is cut out. Exchange a major piece for a minor one with connecting the attack.

〇It is dangerous when a certain piece gives.
When silver fork from behind, knight's fork, lance pinning up( threatening to take and control through back piece).
If we give a pawn, a lance, a knight, a silver, a gold, a rook or a bishop, it's mate. /fork/give the clue to attack/squeeze, /attack the piece, /kill the major piece.
A dangerous piece is likely to give → measures / attack faster than the opponent.

〇 It does not collapse even if a certain piece is passed,
and it is strong in dropping the bishop and the rook. It does not take fork and check.
opponent can't make a clue to the attack.
Strong in pawned pieces/ pawns / lance / knight / silver / gold / rook / bishop.

〇The opponent or our formation is strong to ○○, and is weak to ○○.
Strong in rook/ Mino castle. Weak/Snow roof.
go to exchange the pieces to win.
Don't trade unfavorable.
×Weak formation when each other’s major pieces are active or exchanged.

○ War type
Strong for giving pieces and pawned pieces.
Optimize balance with our opponent's castling.
Take a side pawn vs gain a move → × Endurance battle
Static rook vs ranging rook
Urgent battle
Make pieces active or exchanged. vs. hold down
Endurance war
Firmness with continuous attack vs. the king to enter, cutting off the attack or balance.
Bear in hole
We give up bear in hole with other moves like central moves.
Opposing Rook vs Bear in hole. Make our strong shape against dropped rook and then the rook exchange.
Vanguard Pawn vs the Bear in hole /
Bear in hole does not check. → make the shape that the attack does not be cut.

Attack the edge with a pawn. We lure out a king. The entering king. Turn off the attack. Make opponent attack irrationally and counterattack.
We attack and do not give the clue of the attack.
The move is killed by forcing the opponent to attack.
Fujii System.
The gold is raised and the rook is returned to two files.

Bishop exchanging ranging rook stop the quick fight and the Bear in hole.
Right King vs The King at Center Residence
Sitting king…I'm not going to have to go to the target of the opponent's attacking situation.+ attacking formation.
We bring the sitting king near mate with splendid tactics.
×enter opponent king.×Shut out our attack.
× Erase knight's course by Pawn.
× when the bishop is peeped or dropped/we can’t prevent it from ( promoting )
Different File bishop. Do we want the piece to work or hold it while we're getting a pawn?
We take the vanguard position and block the bishop line.
Do not push the edge pawn → edge king
The vanguard of the pawn of the 7.5 cannot make the opponent's knight active.
It is pressed if we exchange a pawn before the rook in the Ishida style. 

〇Take a piece
Take our opponent's piece and block our opponent's potential/ increase our chances.
Aim for the pawns we can take it for free.
Take the piece → Next fork/Kill the (rook) next.
While taking a piece, we threaten to take, we kill the pieces, we put a string to defend, it works on the battlefield, make control, or our pieces move to good positions.
Removal of the opponent's control.
Take a piece → Attack or defend by using the piece.

〇We drop a piece
make a space to promote, move or drop.
◎With multiple aims
A vision that works now and in the future.
We can correspond to various situations.
We drop the piece in the place where it is possible to move variously flexibly according to the opponent's way.
Defending to seal our opponent's attack, add around the king, attack the attacking pieces,
The interposed piece,
Attack. threaten to take, basis
・Make control. Attack / Base/defense / Fork / Exit blockade / Stop going or dropping there. Connected. We put a string to defend.
Drop where opponent wants to drop.
Brake. × Let the captured pieces go, and no attack nor defense.
× Threaten to take our pieces × We have no choice but to run away by threatening to take.
× Target When the opponent's piece advances, the procedure is threaten to take./is targeted.
× bad shape × obstruction × block× does not work × it takes time to use × left behind
×Bad control × There are few places to move/ Can't cope with our opponent.

〇What about pawned pieces?
which is a pawned piece? Imply to take a pawned piece.
We exchange the opponent's defensive piece for the offensive piece.
Work (threaten to take → move,
/ sacrificed pawn push → dangling pawn, make space, make control, block, divert the control)→ exchange a major piece for a minor one →fork, kill, make a basis, rush to basis, threaten to take and defend / the opponent's piece is out of the way , control through, block, pieces can float, made or filled space,
What kind of pieces do we want in the circumstances and form?
Sacrificed pawn to promote → (1) The king takes → knight floats / (2) The Silver takes → the move to exchange bishop for the gold is (threat)mate.
Change the pieces we exchange a major piece for a minor one according to our opponent's response in the craft.
・Lance is floating → bishop exchange → bishop aims it.
・If we take a piece with the piece, the opponent's piece will work.→We take the piece with another one.
〇Pawn / Lance / Knight / Silver / Gold / Bishop / Rook → Pawn / Lance / Knight / Silver / Gold / Bishop / Rook
Get the pieces we want in that situation. The value of a piece changes with the circumstances.
Silver< promoted pawn
Get high-value pieces in circumstances and forms.
What pieces can I give enemy? Knight / lance, knight → pawn → pawn tactics.
When we don't have a pawn, think about the pawned pawn. We want a pawn when there are no pawns.
・Bishop → Lance → Rook Killing / pin up by Lance.
・ Bishop → Silver → Rook Killing
・Bishop → Knight → fork on Gold and King
・ Bishop → Gold → Bishop or Rook Killing
・Rook → Gold → Bishop killing
Attack of silver → Knight → Knight’s attack
・Silver / Knight / Lance → Pawn → Kill /The Edge Attack / Take a pawn in the edge by knight

◎Get the pieces that lead to the next attack and defense.
Get a piece that exploits our opponent's weaknesses.
◎If there is 〇〇.
Sacrifice → control through → take the pawned piece.
○ Make pawned pieces in the procedure.
When the pieces are threatened to take with each other, we think about the state in which the pawned pieces are getting.

〇Create a target
Exchange / Exchange a major piece for a minor one / Liquidate / Pawn tactics / Chase the piece / Control through / Block /Make control / Make Space / Turn Off The Opponent's Counterattack → Target / Threaten to take + Threaten to take
/ Control in the Key point of <attack and defense> / Make the Basis / Control through/ Block /Make space/ Consolidation
Compulsion of exchange
Threaten to take to the procedure.
Draw to the target location. → aim at the piece of fork/ pin down.
Liquidation → Control through to threaten to take /We can drop or move because of erasing of obstructive pieces.
Let opponent attack and silver floats. → Aim at the cross fork by rook from the tactics of the pawn.

Same kind, different kind of(needed) pieces, and captured pieces and they are used for offense or defense.
It can be a chance or a risk.
Exchange a piece that is safe to give for a piece that we want, and exchange our inactive pieces for our opponent's main ones and exchange our cheap pieces for our opponent's expensive ones. Exchange our attacking piece with our opponent's defense piece.

Don't carelessly exchange our opponent's offensive piece with our defensive one.
It is made to lose when exchanging it from the opponent.
If the opponent responds to the exchange and takes it back, we take the initiative.

Bump the piece where our piece controls. Press for an exchange as the piece advances.
At first, we chase the piece and exchange pieces so that opponent’s pieces don’t progress.
Push the pawn before the rook →× the pawn takes. /The basis is made with the silver by taking it, and it rises at the time of pawn to promote.
While exchanging the pieces, our piece escapes.
pawn threatens to take knight. → exchange rooks at knight’s control. → The knight runs away by exchanging.
Dodge the arrangement of the fork.
The piece approaches the exchange so that it runs away. (When opponent threaten to take dragon horse or bishop → exchange rook each other at its control. → It runs away. )
We exchange at a place where our piece is approaching or where we are going forward, and where we can threaten to take.
× I place the piece so as to be threatened to take to the procedure.
× Bring in the opponent's piece.
Draw in our opponent's pieces by pawn. → use them at our basis to exchange them.

× When the piece moves, the arrangement of fork (control through, make control, the opponent’s control is lost, the piece floats, make space, and block), Fill in the place where the opponent wants to drop by exchange. Move the pieces in exchange not to make opponent’s pawn dropped.
Make room for ourselves to drop after exchange.
I exchange a major piece for a minor one and make a promoted pawn in a key point.
×After the exchange, opponent forks with check.
Take pieces with each other at our opponent's piece in a place where it doesn't remain in a good position.
Arrangement, space.
What about pieces that can't move? Is the piece protecting by the string to defend?
What is a piece which prevents the pawn to promote? / What are the unmovable pieces?
What are the pieces that are block the control?

Make the pieces stronger.
The exchanging will be connected pieces or harden the defense to procedure.
In exchange, the opponent's defense piece can move away from the king,
or become a loose piece, or stop working, or make holes to drop pieces.
Later, we take together on a position where control through.
Before the exchange, the string to defend with each other.
Erase the pieces that our opponent is working on (exchange the promoted pawn for the gold, silver, bishop, and so on.)
Let opponent take the inactive rook while we threaten to take the active rook.
Erase the dragon king or dragon horse in exchange,
While opponent takes the gold or silver, we make a promoted pawn in exchange. Exchange pieces for promotion or making promoted pawns.
Exchange our inactive piece.
×exchange with the opponent's inactive piece.
×Our piece is inactive or a target because of a floating piece.
Exchange so that it is a good arrangement.
Don't make obstructive pieces. / don't block the control. Efficient coordination.
We make a course for a piece.
Make our opponent's placement worse.
After disturbing the cooperation of the opponent → take the pawned piece which aims at the fork / let it be inactive.
Exchange of the opponent's defensive piece for our offensive piece. / take off the opponent's defensive piece.
Make our piece active by piece loss.
We sacrifice a nuisance piece.
Sacrifice with check and let the rook control through.

〇When we can take some pieces./ When we threaten to take
Take the pieces that we want or important ones.
Leave pieces that don't work.
(Take only a move to exchange a major piece for a minor one)→ take two pieces.
Take the one to eliminate the control of the basis of the battlefield,
・multiple threaten to take → take one to be the only move that the opponent runs away.
☆ Exchange a major piece for a minor one when opponent’s piece threatens to take ours.(two are not taken at the same time)
☆ threaten to take without running away against fork. (not to be taken at the same time)
Defensive control to both of the two at the fork. / put the string to defend / control through / block.
Think of taking on other pieces or striking with a pawn.
Erase pieces that are behind time.
Leave opponent’s pieces that it takes a long time to use or that are delayed.) 

〇Send off. 
Rook , dragon king/ bishop, dragon horse with gold, silver or a prompted piece.

〇Take with the other pieces.

The piece moves and fork them. it goes to take it by the bishop promotion instead of a pawn, or the pawn instead of a promoted pawn.
we take it with other supporting pieces without getting them back immediately.
Think about how to take the piece efficiently and effectively,

〇Check / Prevent from checking.
Opponent must take a piece in exchange for check.
Strike a king with a pawn in the middle of an exchange.
In the middle of the exchange, erase the check of the procedure (block the control).

We use the initiative by check and exchange pieces.
We don’t take back the piece soon, after check, we exchange it.
Remove the piece threatened to take our piece in the exchange (of check)/ get rid of the opponent's offensive piece.
A piece escapes by check in the middle of a battle to take with each other.
〇While exchanging, we move obstructive pieces away.
〇Threaten to take or strike by a pawn to an enemy’s piece in the middle of exchange.
(aim for a piece that can't move, /a piece to pin down/ a piece with a string to defend), or fork, A pawn strikes a piece that is linked.
○In the middle of the exchange<not to ignore> the attack of the key point , the fast attack of the move / check / threatmate / <next> fork, <next> kill, threaten to take, a pawn strikes. Increase the control of the basis to threaten to take the dragon king by the lance.

While check, in the middle of an exchange to escape the piece that is taken with check or exchanges a major piece for a minor one.

○The exchange of the pawns. If we have pawns, let’s use pawn tactics. Move to a good position.
Control through. We can make a path for a piece.
A pawn threatens to take. → Force that we can take back when the pawn moves.
Aim at the piece that supports the piece. Press the exchange with one piece in the place to pin down.

We shift one side by the pawn, when we fork but both cannot be taken by pinning down.
Push a sacrificed pawn and let the piece float and force it to exchange the pieces so that we can fork.
It is compulsion of the exchange to threaten to take by the pawn at the basis.
Break the linkage and go to pick up (to strike with a pawn or lance),
What pieces are supporting the one?
The opponent's pawn is made to go forward by the exchange so as not to drop there.
The pawn threatening to take knight.→ The pawn strikes to the silver. → If taking, control shifts and the knight promotes.
Think about the force of the pawn to the opponent’s arrangement which does not shift the control.
Take or imply multiple aims at the best time to take a pawn that can be taken at any time.

〇Wanted piece.
Preparation for the future. A piece that leads to the next attack, or a piece that prepares a move to defend or that can aim at the moving piece by getting in the exchange.
A piece that prepares the move of the attack and the defense and brakes of the opponent's offense and defense. Get a piece that will take in our opponent’s arrangement.
×We give a dangerous piece.

Compulsion of exchange
Take the pieces we want by opponent attacking.
We exchange to erase the pieces that our opponent needs.
How to use it effectively. / We drop it to the basis after the exchange.
・Exchange pieces and push weaknesses.
The opponent's desired piece is erased by the exchange the <gold or silver> and it is made not to defend.

〇Add one piece in the middle of the exchange to increase our defense.
We add one piece and go to get a piece.
We pick up an important piece in the middle of liquidation.
Exchange a major piece for a minor one → Control is sifted. →We can make a promoted pawn. 

The initiative
☆The faster move remains after the exchange, we can control the basis.
It is made to threaten to take by the pawn because in exchange the anchor pawn advances.
Take so that the initiative remains to the procedure.
Take with check, mate, threaten to take, the control to opponent’s pieces remains.
Threaten to take in the procedure → (to force only a move to exchange a major piece for a minor one.)
If our opponent takes a piece, we will threaten to take by the procedure.
While we take with each other, we defend. → the initiative remains.
×We defend. → our opponent will recover.
○Wait in a form that can fight back after liquidation.
Before exchange a major piece for a minor one, we make a form with a next attack or a shape to mate.
I exchange a major piece for the gold or silver of the opponent's defensive piece and secured the lead.
Target the left pieces after the exchange. Threaten to take.
・Exchange a major piece for a minor one with check, If we do not take it, opponent will get a piece for free. If we take it, it is mate/, or control of the key point.
Chase the pieces → it becomes the arrangement that threatens to take in the procedure.
◎Threaten to take and defend. → Exchange compulsion → Get pieces. / Pieces are erased.

Take a piece so that a good control remains in the procedure.
Control of the basis, threaten to take there.
We can make control while exchanging.
・Threaten to take with knight jumping + control through the basis.
Apply a string to defend and make a place for exchange.

Which pieces can we kill?
We exchange cheap pieces for expensive ones.
We make opponent cramped.
Aim when there are few exits. 
Kill without making room for taking or making pawned pieces.
We lock in a major piece or erase the exit→Kill it.
Dance pawns, lance is killed by the basis pawn.
Silver pincers, knight head’s pawn,
We exchange a major piece (think about which pieces will die when we get) with a minor one.→Kill a major piece.
Strike a sacrificed pawn to lure so that we make the shape of fork on the rook and gold after exchange rook for a minor one.
Give the rook and get the gold → kill the bishop by gold
Get lance exchanging for knight, or the bishop → kill the rook by it.
Get a pawn by exchanging a pawn for another kind of pieces → The pawn kills the major piece.
Bishop control through by sacrificed knight and kill the dragon horse next.
We chase a narrow floating rook.
We don't use pieces in hand and go to kill a major piece with pieces on the board.
Kill the bishop or rook with dragon king or dragon horse pulling back at the self-camp.
When we get the pawn, we invite the silver to the position where it dies. → go to exchange the pawn.
Drop the pawn aiming at the silver pincer. → the rook takes it. → chase silver → the retreat of the rook is blocked → We kill the rook.
A brake by killing. If the rook takes a pawn, it is killed by locking.

〇Take with each other
Deal with the key pieces/key pieces of our opponent's defense.
We take with each other with a more important piece or we threaten to take without running away. When opponent threatens to take, bishop peeps and it threatens to take and aim taking with each other.
We drop a piece to threaten to take behind the piece that rook controls through and aims to get it back.
Think of a move to take with the other pieces.
Add a pawn and go to pick up by one.
Take it back with a fork at check. 
Do we take with each other by a pawn or Knight?
Threaten to take in the procedure.
We can make control in the procedure.
Don’t deal with being threatened to take. → Go to the basis.

〇Sacrifice first → take it back
Sacrifice → invite it and target it → go to take it by the pawn.
Sacrifice → invite to target → fork / quasi-fork
Sacrifice → invite to the bishop line → go to pick up the piece to pin down.
Silver sacrifice → Take it. → Knight head's defense shifts and the pawn is dropped there.
Lose first → fork
Sacrificed→ control through + Push the pawn and threaten to take.
Take → erase the control / control through / block / make space(We can drop a pawn there)/→take back.
Threaten to take and sacrifice at the unmovable piece to pin down → Take →Control through and take it back.
Sacrifice a piece for blocking piece. → take→ Control through and take back.
Drop a piece at the control of the piece that is blocking the attack. → take it → Control through to take back.
We sacrifice the piece threatening to take the piece which is supported to string to defend. → Take → The control of the piece which was supporting is lost and we take back.
Sacrifice the piece with fork.→ Take → Fork on the king and rook while bishop takes the knight.
Take for free. → kill and take back.
A major piece takes the bishop for free. → Pin up one.
Kill silver with a pawn. → liquidate and kill back silver in the pawn.
Take a pawn with silver → The Silver takes back → The silver is killed by a pawn.
Take a knight with silver → kill with a pawn
If we make up a clean profit and opponent take the piece, we'll get it back.
Silver sacrifice of the pawn head → the pawn takes it→ crossroads rook to control through.
・Sacrificed (shifting the piece that is attached to the string to defend, or move there to make it a loose piece) → take it back, fork/ dragon horse or dragon king and so on makes control more than one, control through, block, lure king or other piece, erase control, or make space)
Exchange for a pawn and take it back with a pawn.
sacrifice → take back by pushing the pawn.
・Sacrifice the piece and target there. → threaten to take in the procedure / fork / control through / clean profit to the check / aim to pin down / erase the string to defend

〇We make major pieces active and go to opponent’s camp.
◎We attack with each other on one of the straight line.
How about the move which refuses on the way, and the move to attack without ignoring, or the move to cut back?
Exchange a major piece for a minor one and kill / fork / attack of the key point.
◎When we are more favorable than our opponent, we attack aggressively.
we will attack aggressively by exchanging when opponent has a hole.
We make pieces active or exchange even if we lose our pawn.
Let opponent attack and make major pieces active by going to opponent’s camp or exchanging it at once.
(when the opponent's rook comes close to us and becomes in bad shape.)
Make use of our opponent's attack for our attack.
○We make major pieces active and go to opponent’s camp largely.
There are no holes in self-defense camp.
Tougher than our opponent. Even.
・Make our opponent in a bad shape/ disturb/ make an opponent’s piece loose or inactive and then make major pieces active by going to opponent’s camp or exchanging.
×Do it though it is thinner than the opponent. 
× Do it when we have a hole.
×Only our piece will be left behind.
Rook takes knight. →Silver takes back the rook.→ Each bishop exchanges. → Fork on king and rook.
We will be in good shape. Our pieces are connected.
The hole disappears.
〇 A piece that is likely to inactive or aiming.
The piece is locked in. Make it a necessary captured piece.
Don't give opponent dangerous pieces.

Division into cases.

The pawn takes back. → Each bishop exchange → bishop attack
/ The Silver takes back.→ Drop a pawn to control toward silver exit.
→ silver pincer is not defended.

〇We force opponent not to make major pieces active by going to opponent’s camp or exchanging.
At the time…
Our piece lags behind more slowly than opponent. /Our pieces don't work. /We have a hole.
/Thin king.

Lose initiative.
〇Refusal of exchange.
block. The piece gets away.
Make sure the piece isn’t taken by our opponent./ Make a piece to pin down./ Move it, we'll control through or the basis will be close to the point.
If we pass a dangerous piece, compare the merits with the demerits.
Work of the piece, ourselves ≫ the opponent
The opponent's attack is sealed,
The piece runs away and it works, it is good form, connecting, it becomes tough. We prevent opponent from becoming a good position. …We can invite or rush our opponent's attack, only our opponent makes major pieces active by going to opponent’s camp or exchanging, next go to kill the piece, make space.
If we take it, we'll get through the control. We block control.
Dodge the continuous attack. dodge and solidify in good shape. If we dodge it, We'll
leave threatening to take.
If we dodge it, our opponent's piece will be a burden.
Arrange our camp so that we may pass dangerous pieces.
〇We avoid taking with each other of the straight line if the rook’s control is block and the rook is not promoted at exchanging.
〇We run away to get the faster move. / threaten to take.
○We'll go to the basis without liquidating everything, adding one to the basis, adding one to take it or drop the piece not to escape the king.
×Lose the initiative. (pieces run away)
× When the piece runs away, we have a hole, become a target or inactive. 

〇Take measures and then take back.
× Take back the knight with a pawn → the opponent gets a pawn → silver dies by pawn.
→〇control on the head of silver with a bishop first. → Take back the knight
〇Interpose the piece of refusal to exchange.
While we make control or bases, we threaten to take, attack without ignoring, or fork.
〇When the exchange of the pawns, opponent can use tactics. → do not exchange the pawns from us.

〇We let opponent exchange.
If opponent takes it, the procedure will be in good shape.
If we take it from ourselves, the opponent will handle the procedure in good shape.


・Filled space in the procedure, made space, control through, block, to make control, to threaten to take, shifted control , invite → aim.
To exchange pawns.
Take so as to become an unattackable arrangement, take to seal the next aim, 
○What are the high-value pieces in the circumstances?
The role of the piece changes in the situation.
The promoted pawn ≫ The Silver out of The Key point.
○Use of pieces suitable for shape and circumstances
○What are the pieces that work in circumstances and form?

○ Defending of the next exchange
Silver pulls down. → pushing the pawn → bishop exchange → The Silver takes back.(Good shape)

〇Exchange a piece for two.
Exchange a major piece for a minor one to the check → clean profit.
Do it to erase the pieces opponent is supporting. → Take the floated pieces.
Do it. → Kill Pieces / Fork.

○High-value moves

○ Moves to enhance overall power and create good shape.
Move so that the piece works. A move that slows down the opponent's move or inactivate the pieces.
A move that can control in a good position or can move next or later.
Moves that can have more effective control at once…. Make control. / threaten to take / add basis / show the promotion / make a string to defend / connect / eliminate the loose piece / move to the next good position / erase the course and piece to drop. / make a piece to pin down /
+ α, block+ control through + drop the piece where opponent wants to drop.
+ take a <needed>piece. + move to a good position / create the possibility of correspondence or moving+ make control. / work
Create multiple offensive and defensive plots at the same time.
・The moves of the attack and defense.
the moves faster than the opponent. / Mate.
Move with multiple moves, move that increases the possibility and decrease opponent’s one.
The amount to read increases when the option is given.
Multiple aims → Opponent cannot cope at the same time
direct move or the next both of two aim.
・Moves with multiple aim to be realized, moves with multiple effects/ moves that have a good taste, moves that seal multiple aim of the opponent.
Moves that can live in the future while dealing with the current situation.
Use of inactive pieces and the whole.
Pieces that are likely to be inactive begin to work.
See the details, the parts, and the whole.
・ Threaten to take in the procedure.
While taking the piece, threaten to take / work to a good position / show the movement to a good position.
〇Sense. the main plot. Essence. Reasonable. Balance. I don't overdo it.
View the whole.
○ Efficient procedure.
Try not to lose our move while attack without ignoring.
× slow attack → be made a one-moved pass.
〇 Moves worth more than two moves. 
A good move of taste.
Multiple effects, aim, attack, multiple defense, multiple targets of the attack.
Make control. (threaten to take, check, string to defend, connect, support the basis with reinforcements, control to defend, prevent the promotion) or take the(needed) piece / make or fill space or control through or block the control or run away or the check prevention or sacrifice (Induce, destroy, distract, make space, fill the space, control through, block, pin down,)
work place/ or move to the key place where the piece works/ make control to work. We make space to work the moving piece, or to take initiatives or opponent doesn’t do so.
Let opponent’s pieces not go to the key point or not work or use the useless piece.
To-block + knight's advance,
multiple control-blocking,
Rook move to make a space and exit + attack,
threaten to take + string to defend
solidify with gold slide + make an exit of rook.
A pawn to promote and sacrifice by pushing, sacrifice to take away → We can drop the pawn.
Make the pawns dropped → Opponent can't drop them in the same files, leave a pawn.
Castle the king/ get the castling. We add a piece to the castle.
Run away quickly.
The move that makes opponent’s piece work worse./ Suppress bishop and rook.
Sacrificed pawn by pushing, and the peeping of the opponent's bishop ends in the misfire.
Work our pieces/ handle the bishop and the rook effectively.
Let our opponent use pieces.
The exit of the king spreads. Edge pawns push. Run away faster.
○Create an efficient and effective formation.
○Do not control the opponent a move worth more than two moves/ seal.
The move of the battle with attack and defense.
× Attack → Harden while opponent runs away.
× Attack → Opponent’s inactive piece works.
× attack → Lose the initiative.
× attack → opponent's good move.
〇Remove pieces that are blocking multiple pieces even if we take two moves.
〇Some are merits, others are demerits.
attack + call in the attack of the opponent
〇Move with a higher value than the opponent. → We should do it.

What if we're going to attack? What if we're going to protect?
We'll think about two moves.
Attack → Attack
Attack → Defense
Defense →Attack
Defense → Defense 
〇To make it happen while taking the initiative efficiently with various aims.
○Faster than our opponent when attacking?
Is there an opponent’s good move to defend or attack?
○ When defending, do we miss the chance to attack?
Can't our attack continue? 
- Only defensive move in one by one?
Do we have any initiatives left?
○One moves from the move of priority and the emergency.
The move contains the short-term plan and the long-term one.
・ The king gets the castling after winning the strategy.
・Efficiency and making the flow of what we want to do.
・Create a combination system to attack a hole according to the shape and circumstances.
・Work together to attack and defend in conjunction
・ Attack and defense is not enough. → Support.
Systemization and scenario scan to deal with all kinds of moves.
Make it a procedure for getting high-value pieces in the circumstances.
・Measures and "if opponent takes it" counterattack are prepared. We leave our captured pieces. Keep our pawns drop at any time.
Faster moves.
○The attack continues to the procedure
×The position that the opponent's attack lasts in the procedure.  
○Step by step. Aim at each step.
・In the beginning, the middle, the end game, everything is linked.
We couldn't have a pawn. → We couldn't prepare in the beginning and middle.
・Think one by one in turn. It reads with the first move, the second move, and the third move.
We combine our aim and the opponent's.
Tactics → combining (scenario and systemization) setup. Minor things pile up.
・A minor one-move accumulation allows a phase → with a Minor aim
・Respond to situations. Role in one move.
・Combination. To get pieces → Procedures to make use of the pieces.
Shake → Shift / Target / Basis / More In Number / Make major pieces active by going to opponent’s camp or exchanging

〇Placement and flow
・We realize the preparation and the aim, to lead to the next stage. The difference in the taste of the accumulation of judgment and the selection
・Gradually we make opponent crumble, keep shaking, shift the mark, and realize the aim.
We destroy various places in conjunction. We attack the right place in various combinations. We work together to create moves through teamwork.
Think about the order and combination in which the attacks work together one after another.
・ The opponent defends → expands to another battlefield.
・Fold various aims efficiently.
・Efficiently organize ideas and various ways into a single line to win, make good shape and activate pieces. Combine ideas. The combination of the move is good.
The procedure makes the moves we want to do.
・Good combination and synergy.
・The overall judgment of the axis, the direction, and the work of the piece, faster, the piece gain, and the good shape.
・Chop up the main plot of the opponent's aim.
We leave our opponent's piece behind.
Keep our pieces up.
・○○○○ ○ ○ ○ Stacked line
One of the inevitable moves becomes a straight line story.
I don't decide on the shape. Leave room to respond to changes in the opponent.
We won't make our opponent use pieces.
give a piece or drop (a pawn).
the position of the piece shifts, the control shifts, control through, the control is blocked,
It goes to the mate by the inevitable procedure. 
・Force opponent or not? → to threaten to take in the procedure at the location of the piece.
Is at the file exchanging pawns good or bad? Do we make or fill in the space? Do we exchange pieces or not? Do we want to let the piece loose? Is it a form that controls through or a form to block?
Do we want to shift the control?
・Think about the combination to clear the constraints by elaborating.
・ Do not win immediately → we will build the domination little by little.
Lack of captured pieces →We go to make up the pawned pieces. / Activate the inactive pieces.
We make the next step.
・The previous move will be affected later.
A slight difference effects on later.
・When attacking, pay attention to the whole without looking at only a part.
Focus on more than two places.
Shift to primary attack → secondary attack, consider the effective order and timing to attack by connecting various areas. We connect a baton.
We skillfully change the battlefield.
There seems to be no moves. → Link the ideas.
Let opponent defend one place and attack the place where opponent’s guard gets thin.
We make a clue.
Sacrifice and push the pawn →The bishop peeps while taking the pawn when the exchange is refused.
The sacrificed pawn →The rook runs there.
Make our opponent a bad type or inactive piece → attack of the change of direction,
Sacrifice the edge pawn. → can run to the check by lance or to get the piece.
Exchange of pawns → Attack / defend with the tactics of the pawn.
・Efficient procedures.
The rook moves sideways with the edge attack →We can drop knight in the made space.
I'm going to build a basis and get the pieces I need.
・ Leave the attack while persistent defending, prepare defense while attacking.
・Make opponent cut our meat and we cut one’s bone.
Fight back by overtaking the opponent's attack carefully.

〇Rules → Pursuit of possibilities
The pawn is exchanged and it doesn’t exist in the file. → the pawn can be dropped,
The captured pieces.
the possibility to move,
read up to one break, AI reads all possibilities, human, by intuition.
Leave our captured pieces (secure the move of the attack and the move of the defense)
・We can cope with the movement of the opponent not by deciding our shape and leaves the possibility.
Mate the king faster than our opponent.
We can't drop where the pieces exist. →We move it away. We drop where opponent wants to drop.
We can use the pieces we take, we can use them, we can drop wherever we have a space to go, (we can drop a pawn without a pawn in the same file.)
We have more captured pieces, we don't give opponent to them.
If we shift a blocked piece, the control passes through or it blocks.
The control changes when moving. → Aim to make the cooperation of the opponent's pieces worse or diverted, or to make a loose piece.

○Changes in conjunction
Multiple parameter, there's just no way to take it out.
A slight difference / change in conjunction with one change → measures with a high probability.
The type of piece in hand and the number. The number of pawns?

・Shape, arrangement, space, control
・Possibility of movement of pieces, can we drop the pawn?
◎What do we change and what results will be expected?
○Optimal combination in circumstances
Compatibility with our side and opponents.

 ○ Timing
When? Do not miss the chance. Good taste.
Move that serves as preparation and aim.
Preparation → Aim + Preparation → Aim + Preparation → Aim

Change the timing of moving and taking.
The situation and the shape are different by one move.
I won't lose chances. Wait. We do not cut our attack.
We make a mess at opponent’s arrangement.
Prepare/ Wait for the time to ripen.→ the best timing.
Device→ Aim / Simply The Aim
Capable of handling multiple possibilities or different moves.
We are in time for attack and defense.
While there are opponent’s pieces that do not work, while the opponent is not in order.
If we miss to attack our opponent's holes or let ones go, a bad move will become a good one.
The fight begins when we are in our favor.
The battle is started when the attack and the defense is ready more than opponent.
・Turn off the hole so that we may be attacked at any time.
・Make it easy to attack at any time.
At any time, we can attack → erase the hole, activate the inactive piece , and then castle the king / the opponent makes the hole → Attack.
・When we show the hole, there are no attack from the opponent/ there is a turn back.
Aim for the first move of two sets, we do not miss a fast attack, erase the inactive piece, get the pawned piece while ○○, and cannot put off.
The technique takes the moment the piece moves.
We can always think the force of the check.
the first attack without ignoring, the priority, and the emergency move. What can be postponed is to think of. (Pieces that can be taken at any time may be later.)
Make opponent attack when the opponent is not ready
○Nonguard. Attack or take our opponent's piece, when we can win at speed.
○The former move affects later, do like this. Exchange a pawn, get the captured piece, prepare, and make a good shape.
〇The attack and the defense are in time.
〇When various effects come out.
〇We continue to give the effect in a good timing.
× Miss timing. The target runs away. It does not threaten to take in the procedure.
The attack is empty.

Fight with the weakness of the opponent and our strengths.
Don't fight with our weaknesses or our opponent's strengths.
Look at the whole and attack by combining our opponent's weaknesses efficiently.
After we are ready, we will attack and work together to keep the offense going.

〇The aim.
Think about how to deal with what opponent wants to do, reinforce our biggest weaknesses.
◎Consider covering all the elements that become fatal.
○ We can deal with the opponent. To mark. 
○ To achieve what we want to do efficiently, and to do what we want to do one after another while taking the initiative. We attack opponent’s weak point one after another.
◎Attack our opponent's weaknesses through the procedure.
Focus and attack our opponent's weaknesses.
×The attack is separated by putting the move in various places.
Carefully select effective offensive combinations.

◎ Evaluation of candidates.
◎Short-term move, on-the-spot response. Long-term vision, a way to anticipate the future.
◎Think of division into cases and change, possibility and evaluation.
Examine the superiority or inferiority of the candidate's move in detail.
We play the move which we put out a lot of ideas, and cut them down and it remains.
○Thinking of
patterning tactics, focus, training, other people, computers.
〇Give up the looking like a good move (somehow correct → proof of reading).
There is no progress in the second attack.
It's severer to fight back by opponents. The opponent is faster. The merit is smaller than the demerit. We break the formation to exchange a piece.
If we set up our own camp, we give our opponent plenty of room to recover.
Become an elaborate type, pieces are inactive, weaken our own camp, move to pass dangerous pieces to the opponent, × the mark of the defense shifts in the attack of the single piece.
〇To choose is to throw away.
Leave the move.
Pick up from good information to choose. Do not choose from bad information.
High valuable move, fastest move, faster move than opponent,
check +α
good move of taste. Reasonable. The thick move. Moves that has multiple aims.
good move to leave the measures, merit is better than demerit.
Activate the whole move.
Move to get the piece that we want.
Gain move.

(5)◎Evaluation → (6) Narrow evaluation comparison → (7)decision

a big picture
Direction of thinking from the recognition of the status quo.
How to activate that aspect.
how to play that aspect will be alive later
Think about the key point in the situation.
The order in which we will benefit.
We don't choose the order in which we are at a disadvantage.

〇Gain and loss account
ROI. A reward for an investment.
Effort is rewarded.
I try not to make mistakes rather than make a hole and attack.
With the option of the phase to be assumed. Material to think about.
Full of ideas.
Simulate various assumptions and connect them with the real world.
Choose from the choices. We put our main plot in choices.
Make a comprehensive decision in a combination of different criteria. 
What is the value of the present? 
What's the key point in the situation?
The priority.
(1) Speed. (2)Maximize the activation of pieces.
Which conditions should be given priority? Optimization.
Choose a move that will do the whole best as well as part with priority.
Choose the one with the highest score with the merits and demerits. Maximize our strengths.
Minimize demerits.
Improve our overall strength.

☆Comparison with the opponent
○Think from the opponent's point of view.
What's our opponent's aim?
〇Comparison with the opponent to win.
Ourselves, our opponent's +/-/claim/aim?
〇Speed Win
Our attack is faster.
・Attacking with each other where the king is less likely to catch than the opponent.
・The opponent does not have a fast move → We make a sure slow move, such as attacking with a promoted pawn.
Slow our opponent's attack → Our slow attack is in time.
〇Only we have a clue to attack our opponent, block our opponent's attack (get rid of our opponent's offensive pieces/ chase them).
We attack while sealing our opponent's attack.
・Defend once and make sure that we only attack.
・Don't make that only our opponent can attack so we make attacking move.
If it is not possible to shut down the opponent’s attack, we show the attacking plot.
× Defend the opponent's attack too much, then we call in the opponent's attack.
→ Don’t defend, and attack with each other.
〇We respond to the opponent's way.
We react the opponent's move.
〇The compatibility of the war type and the defense. Optimization.
○Decide the policy by comparing us with the opponent.
(1)Decisive factor→Decide. Prevent.
(2)Speedy battle→We aim speedy attack. We seal opponent.
(3)Slow battle→We send the reinforcement so as not to be cut the linked attack. We take advantage of enemy’s attack. We seal the enemy’s attack. We make enemy’s arrangement worse. We get points.

・Pieces are working more efficiently than opponents./ Inactive pieces are less./
Pieces’ gain. / King does not be caught faster than opponent. /King is hard./ Attack faster than opponents.
○Merits ≫ demerits.
There is a move which is better for the opponent. to exchange the pawn.
The disadvantage of letting go of the bishop rather than the merit of a pawn -gain.
×Kill rook < silver giving/don't pass dangerous pieces,
Bear in hole’s defense → bishop < gold and silver
Consider both thoughts
Compare opportunities with risks.
Don't miss decisive factor, considering risk.
× A strategy that has no return for the risk.
×Continue to be attacked because we don’t take risks.
〇We take advantage of the opponent's weak point while erasing our weak point. 
What are our weaknesses and our opponent’s?
Compare our aim with our opponent.
〇Potential/ More potential than opponents,
Pieces gain, more pieces, good working, able to move to key places, control opponent.
○ Work our inactive pieces.
Only our rook or bishop does not work. → stickiness and put it out to the world.

○ Efficient procedures, placement.
Combinations to eliminate our weaknesses and attack opponent’s ones with the best procedures, locations, and pieces.
"Why is it effective and efficient?" considers the meaning of the combination.
Create a good arrangement to beat our opponent in an efficient procedure.
Seemingly effective but more essentially effective moves exist.
Pay attention to good procedures, placement and shapes.
〇Seal our opponent's effective/efficient move.
Set of moves.
Keep one's initiative moves.
Place. Don't let the opponent want to arrange.
Make opponent's work worse.
Take pieces, make control, block, drop where opponent wants to drop, a target escapes, make a cut back, let opponent play uselessly with a faster move.

Efficient formation, effectively affecting on each other, and coordination between offense and defense. Compatibility with the opponent.
×Uneven distribution and division of pieces → Do not work until the end.
×When the opponent's piece advances, it threatens to take in the procedure.

◎Aim effect.
Only defend → defend while attacking.
Think of more efficient moves, attack while making the control of the defending, attack so as not to block the control of the rook.
×Make a piece that does not work both offensively and defensively.
・Don’t make our opponent's pieces work/ Let them inactive.
Piece gain < the pieces work efficiently in the key area.
Seal our opponent's pieces so that they don't work efficiently.
×Drop a bishop that doesn't work for a pawn gain. /gold and silver go away.
Efficient procedures. We can do what we want to do with initiatives.
Be able to respond to our opponent's offense and defense/in time.
Create an effective formation with a variety of aims with fewer moves.
We can control a move with multiple aims. Good moves that taste good.
While working/ efficiently taking pieces, the pieces move to the point.
A move that has multiple aims.
Direct move + set of moves.
Think about how to make our moves effective and efficient.
If we want to do A, do B.
We arrange well and do what we want with faster move in the chronological order.
Safe and efficient process

○Piece loss vs piece work / attack speed / claim.
The beginning and middle game avoids a piece loss.
If we control a move that is fulfilled in the game theory, we don't care what the opponent claims.
◎Work our own piece
It is a piece loss, but it is a self-camp dragon horse or a dragon king.
It is made to take the rook and it makes a promoted pawn to the key place.
The piece is made to be taken, and we approach the king, /the edge pawn for edge king/ the piece is activated by the piece loss, rook goes to opponent’s camp without taking pieces/ We activate a major piece by exchanging rook for silver. Opponent takes a dragon horse and we activate a rook/ Break the destination of the rook by the bishop silver exchange. Even if it is a piece loss, the attack of the initiative is not cut.
×Attack without the price of a piece loss.
Central control by silver knight exchange.

◎Opponent is inactive.
After opponent dropped pieces in vain, our pieces die. Sacrifice and make the opponent's piece work worse.
◎Emergency moves without taking a piece.
Move the dragon horse and the dragon king to a good position without taking the piece, the opponent's pieces cannot be activated, the pawn to stop before the rook , erase the dangerous moves / We delay the opponent’s attack by attacking the opponent's attacking pieces, and , the rook which attacks the key point is made to be taken by some moves.
When we are dangerous, we don’t take back the piece and defend.

〇To make the king safe
Exchange the rook for two knights,/Bishop knight exchange → castle the king away from the opponent’s basis.
○A bigger value than immediate gain and loss.
Partial loss also controls the whole gain.
Prevent a point area. > Let our opponent take the piece.
take a piece < attack the opponent's working piece.
○Piece gain. Cut the opponent’s attack completely by taking the opponent's offensive piece.
Exchange a piece for two.
I take the two pieces by a piece exchange of the basis. Exchange a major piece for a minor one →Clean profit.
Take pawns as many as we can. Take for free.
Exchange cheap pieces for expensive ones./and exchange promoted pawn with other pieces.

〇The attack without ignoring which becomes a piece gain (Don’t be done. )
How not to be taken it back.
Control shifted/make space/control through/Block/fill space/Target/ Hold The Basis to the(Top) key point/ give a severe pawned piece.
○ Threaten to take + move at the key point / check / threatmate / attack clue
〇The piece is taken to the procedure and it works or threaten to take.<Sacrifice not to work or to make a loose piece.
○No quick move in piece gain.→ defend completely.
○Our pieces are not in place.→ Seal our opponent's move and set ourselves-defense. We set up the attack while sealing the opponent's aim.
Don't make a hole.
○ Demand a bad move from the opponent. makeshift moves. Moves just to protect. Let opponent’s pieces inactive. We force opponent to attack irrationally.
We force an attack on passing a piece.
〇Take a piece → Target
/ Threaten to take / Aim for a piece to pin down by a pawn, control shifts or disappear and we can drop a piece or move in a key place, control through, or fill the space.

〇We work pieces.
Move or drop a piece in a good position.
We activate a piece that is likely to be inactive. Don’t make an inactive piece.
Draw back the dragon horse before it is locked in.
〇It does not stick to one piece, and we pay attention to the piece which seems to work by the situation.

〇We can't get our opponent's piece to work. 
Let opponent’s pieces inactive. Hold down or seal the<major> pieces.
〇We approach the king. We attack a key point.
*Always aim.
×Don’t be broken near the own king. Make opponent take pieces that are even a little farther from the king. Fork to take away at more important piece.

We prepare to attack and are ready to attack at any time.
The possibility of various attack combinations.

☆Win Faster
☆First attack
○The opponent has a hole. →Attack. We don't give them room to recover.
Before the opponent set up, when there is opponent’s inactive piece, we attack.
〇The war starts when we are advantageous.
〇The attack is arranged. The opponent’s move is loose.→ We attack at first.
○Attack the key point. ×Lukewarm attack → Opponent's attack is in time.
× The attack that does not sound.
×The move that does not work only to promote.
〇We attack with the faster move and it does not give room to recover.
〇The opponent has a thin king. →We find a hole. The discovery of the decisive factor to exploit the weak point.
〇We attack a thin place. Attack without a strong defense.
〇We attack at the moment when the opponent's bishop’s control is stopped.
○Clear winning plot. I'll mate the king first. There is a decisive factor. → exchange a major piece for a minor one without fear. Ease of victory.
○Attack with continuous attack, prepare the next attack with the piece we got.
〇If it loosens, continuous attack are lost. → Step to attack.
If we decide to attack, don't flinch.
○Make a slight hole.→ Combine to condemn.
・With the hole → Attack and be attacked in conjunction.
・We will break down in effective order by interlocking various places at the right time.
Chain or expansion of collapse.
〇The opponent is divided apart. It's hard for opponent to put it together.
The possibility of various attack combinations.
☆Attack even if it is not good.
× Only the opponent has the form of attack.
○Only the opponent gets better and better / the next move of the opponent is more valuable → attack.
〇Attack before we get poor.
〇If we are passive, we will be attacked. →Before our opponent's attack continues, we prepare for our attack.
○Not be able to defend / multiple attacks do not be defended.
◎Even if we defend, we can’t do. → attack with each other. / the road to the attack and defense move.
〇Unable to cut the opponent's attack → the form of the attack with each other.
Attack against the opponent's attack, more battlefields.
〇We force to attack strongly. →Attack delicately.
〇We attack various places and make holes.

☆Look at all dangers.
〇A war. We rush to our opponent's weaknesses without defending our hole.
We can win by attacking with each other.
○If we leave the possibility of defense even in danger, we will aim to win.
Let opponent break the edge and fight back with the pawn, lance, and knight.

☆ Choose an attack that does not cut.
We attack in conjunction so as not to be cut. Work efficiently. We get pieces in the procedure.
Don't waste our pieces.
The battle starts after the attack is prepared so as not to block.
Prepare for the attack, and then attack in conjunction.
We send reinforcements. We save an attack. × Single piece → Teamwork.
Prepare to attack with the change of direction of the attack.
Attack with a piece that seems to be inactive. Increase the number of bases near the king.
We make a move that can't be sealed up against the opponent.
・The attack seems to run out.→ Get the piece / exchange / make pawned pieces / work the piece efficiently. Unless we give opponent the decisive factor, if we are disordered, we use the pieces in board.
・Attack as we get the pieces in the procedure.
Attack the attacking pieces and get them. We can get the attacking pieces by defense. Exchange our opponent's offensive pieces with our own defensive pieces to get them.
Make pawned pieces in the procedure. Take pieces efficiently.
〇It is not decisive at a time. → attack to put on the clue, attack slowly, attack vaguely.
○Thin attack →cut , attack attacking pieces ⇒ Attack thick , get pieces , exchange the protecting pieces to get.
Cut the attack vs connect the thin attack.
〇Before opponent holds down our pieces so as not to use, we utilize them first.
〇Even if the attack piece is killed, the attack continues while it is taken.
〇There is no second attack. → The move to send the reinforcement and the pawned piece are made and we go to get the piece.
○Fast attack is not clear.→ slow attack in time, the opponent is hasty, fast attack is also tough counterattack.
Leave the opponent’s choice. / Ask if the opponent has a better move than this.
・Pass our move in a form that can fight back, when our opponent attacks and gives pieces. 〇Even if the attack of a place is cut, the foothold is made in another place.
When one is defended, the other attacks so that it becomes thin.
We continue to sow fire.
〇Attack a distant place. It attacks while defending slowly.
We use a captured piece in a key point.
〇Slow and fast.
A fast attack is dangerous or nothing. → Move to prepare and pass a move.
〇The attack cannot be cut. → the first attack by stepping on.
○It is tougher than the opponent. Our king isn’t caught.
Even if the attack is thin, it is not cut.
〇The opponent comes to cut the attack. → find a thin attack.
〇We attack without the opponent’s move that the attack is greatly delayed by a good move of the defending.
〇Let opponent attack and we get the piece and aim to attack back.

☆ Attack with thought of defense.
○Destroy the shape and attack. → I think about shaping better rather than attacking.
Be careful.
We build an offensive attitude.
〇The counterattack of a fast attack is severe.
Don't give opponent a combination of pieces to attack effectively.

☆ Policy
〇There is no victory only in the mate. → Think about the mate anyway.
〇I have no choice but to keep threatmating.→ Threatmate.
〇We can’t mate. → Take the piece/lance and so on to mate.

☆Don't lose slower.
☆ I do not have a fast attack.
○There is no fast attack → attack surely, save the attack → realize the aim, seal the opponent's fast attack.
〇The attack without the second attack. / The attack which is cut. → The attack is set up, with the defensive move, a slow attack is in time, and the value of one move is a move which is bigger than the opponent.
○Unsound attack < Defend completely.
Bishop threatens to take rook. → × immediately rook to promote/ ○ pull back to threaten to take the bishop.
○ There is no decisive factor. → attack slowly but surely. We will do not give a decisive factor. We maintain our own camp and efficient arrangement.
Do not go at once. Earn points.
We use our opponent's power to do our skills.
○There is no attacking against the opponent. → Improve the work of our piece and erase the opponent's target and wait. When there is no effective offensive move, we prepare defense thoroughly.
There is no hole with each other. → long-term concept. The first is not to make the hole.
×Attack while being disturbed. →〇Without a hole, we would attack.
〇The attack is cut when attacking with each other carefully. → devises, and we go to cut the opponent’s attack.

☆ Opponent does not have a way to attack.
○ Pass a move.
When the opponent plays one move, it is disturbed. → We pass a move with an effective one.
〇The next move of the opponent is bad taste. → Play the move with high value./ maintenance of own position.
〇There are no effective moves in opponent’s turn. →There is no need to attack immediately → Control a slow and reliable move, erase the wound (erase the move of the aim when the piece moves), slowly build the lead in comparison with the opponent, use the inactive piece,
There is no way to approach from the opponent. → We use of the inactive piece or approach slowly. Kill the move.

☆ There are no clue to attack.
○Breakthrough delicately.
○Completion of the best form.→ Do not make the bad type to move in detail without collapsing too much.
〇The top of the piece arrangement → advance the piece arrangement so that it does not make a hole even if the move loss is done.
〇There is a restriction to move the piece → Pass a move without breaking the form.
〇The shape is arranged by rearranged silver so as not to be left out of the point.
〇Compared to patience. If we make a mistake, we lose.
〇I look for a hole according to the situation.

☆ Erase the hole.
〇I erase the hole. Apply pressure → It is not easy for opponent to attack.
〇If we erase the hole, we won't lose.
〇We have an inactive piece.→ Let it work. We don’t make another front.
〇There is a hole. → Erase one. Find a move that can cope with all attacks. The move with attack and defense.
〇Separate the connection.
The problem is erased when our castle is thinner than the opponent.
Seal all the plots.
○The wound to us. → Erase the wound to ourselves.+ The piece escapes to an effective place.
〇In a pair of moves, we choose a safer order.

☆ Do not collapse / seal
〇Moves that do not crumble. A move that greatly slows down our opponent's attack.
〇The opponent's attack plot should not be easily done.
We seal or suppress an opponent's piece.
◎There is no way to attack with each other.
We pass our move under pressure without collapsing.
〇We look at a situation and opponent’s way.
〇We are not disturbed little by little. We give no decisive factor.
☆We do not put the opponent in the end game. → Let our king get away from the opponent's attack.
〇When the opponent is tight, we oppose it by the tightness.

☆ Seal completely.
〇The opponent is a light attack. → It is defended strictly.
◎The opponent attacks thin with iron wall. → Closely sealed without making pawned pieces. 
○Cut the opponent’s attack thoroughly
〇The opponent is forced to attack → We make it cut.
〇Kill the opponent's move.
○Opponent’s Attack is not in order.→ We make it cut.
〇The opponent lacks the war power. →We does not pass the piece. We erase the clue.
〇The opponent's attack is made to be not enough.
We make opponent without a captured pawn.
○When holding it down, it is thoroughly sealed, we do not make the hole when obtaining a merit, and we do not attack at a dash even if we are superior. We let our opponent attack and think about fighting back.
〇We don’t make the opponent understand where to attack seeing from him.
〇Have our opponent attack (iron) wall.

☆ To make it hard for opponent to attack in the end game.
〇It is made to run away to the one even if the other is broken.
〇Run away early to the place which does not have a clue.
〇Move the king to the power area of our own pieces.

☆ The opponent is faster attacking. → Return our move and defend, stick, with defense and attack. Seal a fast move.
○Operation loss / piece loss → Do not give a decisive factor, do not collapse.
The persistence which has a possibility to win.
○We must not break through near our king. Even if it is a piece loss, it is a death guard.
・Even if the attack becomes thin by dropping a piece, the death guard.
×We go to cut the opponent's attack though it is strong.

☆Erase the opponent's offensive plot. → There is only our own attacking plot.
○ There is only a slow attack by me. → Do not make a problem. The rich don't fight, but we defend it thoroughly.
○When in our camp opponent doesn't bring our king near mate, we, don't rush. Our piece run away from threatening to take, don't be haste.
○I will seal the opponent's easy-to-understand move. A pawn that blocks the bishop line.
When the opponent has the decisive factor, the wound is erased→ Always make the opponent think. We attack while sealing our opponent's attack. Show attack, assemble procedures and make room for recovery.

☆The opponent's attack is faster and tougher.
Non-sounding attacks. → Preventing attacks at key places.
If opponent’s attack is faster, we defend even if we feel regrettable.
〇Defensive move,(Add the pieces, draw back dragon horses), and seal the opponent's attack.

☆Remove danger.
Before the opponent's attacking piece takes a trick, remove it.
Attack after we have prepared our camp so that we may pass dangerous pieces.
Don't give dangerous pieces. We attack while sealing the opponent's turn back.
Protect multiple target at the same time.
〇Prevent our opponent's attacking plot. → measures.
〇Move the king to avoid the pressure, force of the opponent, or dangerous tactics. Go to a place where our power is strong.
○Our own camp is thinner → defend without attacking with each other , do not give the piece by attacking
If there is one hole, it collapses.
○Keep the king away from the opponent's offensive basis, and the king will move away from the battlefield in the procedure.
Run away and let our opponent's offensive piece swing or go out of the point area by taking.
〇If we attack, opponent will fight back severely. → We are patient. Measure and attack. Refuse to exchange. Prepare to drop a piece(pawn). Escape. Seal the aim. Erase holes, loose pieces and inactive pieces.
×Unless it is a large difference, safety measures are not necessarily safe.

◎Attack and defense
To create the form of attack while erasing the opponent's offensive plot.
I'm going to attack while sealing the opponent's attack.
We attack without giving a decisive factor.
〇We bear being attacked and attack.

☆ Work
○Continue efficient attack by exchange a major piece for a minor one rather than being held down.
☆ Counter aim
The opponent attacks. → We get pieces. /Our opponent makes a hole./ inactive/ target //We threaten to take./The piece is in a good position, working, and make major pieces active by going to opponent’s camp or exchanging.
○ Get our opponent to attack and make his defense thin or a hole, make balance of attack and defense worse, target, block, control through, erase the course by our opponent's own pieces. We get the piece and the pawned piece. There are no defensive captured pieces for opponent.
・If we attack, the counterattack is severe. → We make opponent attack our hard castle and we aim at the counterattack.
There is no way to attack from us. → We defend firmly and aim at the counter.
If we attack, our piece is left behind.→ We defend firmly and aim at the counter.
・We gain a piece in sitting king, → We castle our king. →We let opponent attack. → Aim at the counter.
〇We apply the technique when moving.
○Slow attack. → Opponent moves. → Counterattack
○Show a sure attack slowly. → force the opponent to attack.
〇Let the opponent attack irrationally → It is cut. A tough counterattack.
〇When we return our move and defend it, the attacking remains.
☆Attack after taking measures of severe attack, fight back and faster attack.
Attack after preventing fork, fast attack, attack of the key point and check.
・Attack after activating pieces that are likely to be inactive.
Close the gold and silver to the castle before attacking.
・Attack after making the king safe.
Harden castles/ Quick escapes/ Make controls/ Create interposed pieces/ Remove pieces.

☆We make a win faster
○Govern. → The gain of us remains, seal the opponent's attack. → Knight killing is in time.
・To seal the opponent's attack → and in time a slow attack such as a promoted pawn attacking.
Only we have a clue to attack.
○Let opponent defend → lose opponent’s offensive plots / delay the attack → in time our slow attack.
Let opponent use a piece. → We cut his attack.
○Attack while erasing the hole. It is sealed so as not to attack to break.
Attack with each other. < We hold down only the opponent’s attack.

☆Make it harder to bring our king near mate than our opponent.
〇It makes it to the shape that it is not easy for opponent to approach and we make major pieces active by going to opponent’s camp or exchanging.
〇We do not give the clue of the attack easily. Prepare the offense and defense while creating a form without a hole.
〇It is easy to bring the king near mate from the opponent. → Attack while arranging our camp. Play with the attack and defense.
Make it into a form that doesn't bring the king near mate even if we pass the piece.
→ We exchange pieces.

〇A luring hole.→ When we attack it, opponent counterattack.
Fork→ Defend well. Don't withdraw at the fork.
○One aim is not clear.→ Consider another aim.
○Seal our opponent's true aim.
〇We read the change exactly at the time attacking with each other.
There is a sweet case a little away from the basis.
○Primary prevention (preventing mistakes), secondary prevention (not made worse) do our best without pessimism.
〇We will be upset by one move and fear that we will be under the illusion of the best move.
○Best selection and schedule change.
◎Move other pieces when it is better not to take one with each other.
If our opponent takes a piece, we can get back by control through.→Don’t escape and we take another.
We'd better get opponent to take the piece.→ We move other pieces without running away.
〇This is the only way to put our life on the plot.
〇There is no effective move.→ Pass a move without collapsing.

○Repetition draw.
Other moves would be disadvantaged with each other. Second player waits for the repetition draw./ The power is balanced and the move is made not to be put out. Opponent gets away with a repetition draws. If we change our move, we will be at a disadvantage rather than to be the second player.
If we can expect an advantage in other moves, we should change moves.
〇The strategy which does not let the opponent exercise power.

Upper pioneering.
〇The retreat is opened to the upper part.→ The piece is made to be taken and the king runs away.
〇The upper part is developed by making the promoted piece.
〇Attack attacking pieces and developing the upper part.

○Enter king.
Earn a piece score. The rook which seems to be taken is exchanged with sacrificing by the gold fork on the dragon horse and dragon king.
We exchange three minor pieces for a major piece. Even if we lose a piece, we enter a king surly. Add the pieces to the opponent's camp. Aim when we don't have a chance to win. Aim when our opponent’s king enter. We attack after without losing by the king entering. In exchange for gold and silver, we give knight, lance, and pawn to opponent. Don't give a piece easily. We erase an opponent's piece.
Attack and exchange gold for silver. → Gold is lost to the opponent and the king enters.
○Let opponent fork to take unimportant piece, and king goes to enter.
○If we attack, fight back, and when we can't see the prospect, think about entering king.
○Stop the entering king.
Attack an opponent's offensive piece.
We erase an opponent's piece.
We can't make opponent drop at our camp.
Add a piece to our own camp in the procedure, don't chase the king up.
○Show entering king and let opponent use the pieces.
○The posture of undefeated.
When there is no move, the upper part is developed, the situation of the undefeated is made, and when the mate is not clear, the situation of undefeated is done to the upper development.
It is easy to attack when the form does not lose.
○Create a basis for attacking enemy camp. → We enter the king by aiming there.
〇Do not enter the king in case the self-king is lower. → Even if piece gain, don’t make opponent enter the king.
×I were caught sticking to the entering king too much.



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