How to think on shogi 2020 1

How to think on shogi.

Muraki Tatsuo

What's important is the ability to be amused.

The person with good taste has good intuition. The intuition is nourished by learning a lot and thinking a lot. There is a passion for learning things that are complex and diverse, such as shogi. The driving force is to notice the fascination and attraction. I have summarized the "shogi thinking method", it exceeds 180 pages. It seems that shogi is very deep and the paper increases more. It takes me 30 years to make this, so you will have understood this for 30 years.
 If you notice the fun, passion continues. It comes to work intuition by bringing out the motivation that consists of the charm, and the excitement, learning and thinking make the intuition work. You will learn without being forced. The person who can enjoy searches and learns by oneself in the net age. The most valuable talent is the ability to be amused.
  People try to teach people. It is more important to show the way of study and to make the charm and the enjoyment of oneself than such a thing. Let’s increase the people who can enjoy.
 That will make society smarter. When Fujii 2 crowns was a kindergarten child, Shogi class was the lower one, but he solved mate problems silently alone, and the class was on the top. Fujii 2 crowns was not strong from the beginning either. But there was another talent to be amused.

○What to learn in shogi

・Courtesy, greeting, Say, "lost" purity. 
・Communication (if we don't know opponent, we can’t win.)
Think best from both perspectives.
・ Exchange. Connecting with people in the community.
We make a place for somebody.
・Exchange and meritocracy that touch with each other beyond gender, age, social status, race, and disables.
・Shogi is a dialogue.
It is thrown at the opponent that it is not possible to think only by me, and the idea does not become self-satisfaction.
・The control to think, imagination, Logic to judge different standards in a comprehensive way.
It comes to be able to think efficiently and rationally.
Come to think of multiple options.
・In difficult situations where we don't know what the problem is, we will Chase the path of answers from the infinite possibilities.
・Precise thinking.
・Sweat in the brain and come to think about complex things accurately in the main plot.
・Patterns are combined according to the circumstances.
・ Set constraints and optimize them with priority.
・We can get into the habit of thinking.
・Come to think deeply.
・Be responsible for our decisions.
・Improved thinking skills while having fun.
Aha Experience(Ideas flash).
Amazing Experience.
・Contact with talented people.
We can see the wisdom of the past and the present.
・Build a way.
・We try to find the answer by human beings difficultly.
・What makes us grow?

ⅠHow to think
ⅡShogi theory
Ⅳ End game force
Ⅴ Try not to play badly

ⅠHow to think
There are various things to think.
☆ Scientific decision-making
〇Appropriate awareness
To flow consciousness appropriately.
Erase one's prejudges.
Direction of reading. Situation analysis. Conditions.
Repeat while changing.
Go one step further.
Multi-point of view.
The main plot to the choice in the audition form.
We judge good ones and bad ones.
Status quo is the countless differences in choices.

There is an answer→ decide
There is no answer → good shape. Maximize the workings of the pieces.
Expand the difference of the work of the piece between the opponent and us.

Scan all the way. Essentially picked out.
sharp moves.
Efficiency, speed.
 The opponent < We
 More than the opponent's turning back → step in.
The opponent's turnover is more severe → give up.

☆Environmental development
Perception in environment influences us.
Create a good environment that we want to spend.
〇Design, environment, illuminance, coloration
music→ Healing. Calm down. Relax. Comfortable. Sit in a circle.
We flash ideas. Study. Concentrate. Work.

○Create a mechanism for obtaining information that leads to results.
〇The information which is not necessary in the information overload where superiority does not exist, it is block and carefully selected information is input.
○Information can be organized and used according to the circumstances.
Unorganized information is of little value.
〇A mechanism to absorb new things. …Meet environments, people and information.
○Organize / decide the address of things / return them /
/ one bag or box in the same item. / Throw away, take a picture and dispose of the paper. Make the distractions invisible/ put away. I put up the thing which improves the flow. / × pile up.
It is comfortable.
Make sure that the thing we're looking for comes out right now. I put it away while I listen to music. I'm going to clean it up one by one. Place it near the place we want to use.
Beauty, playfulness, Visualization. Not taken place.
Vertical or horizontal?
Don't get too many things.
〇We can start to study soon. The environment lifts me up.
○Place ourselves in a high-level environment.
〇Create an environment where ideas are born, organized. Words spring up if we have a desire.
Interacting with intelligent people.
Something is born while colliding/ Ideas are born and spread by/ Environment / Group / Communication / Way of Thinking / Algorithm.
We can’t get a new way of thinking and wisdom in the narrow group.

○Play against strong people with good taste. We refer and learn with each other.
〇Fight against a person with precise destructive power and artificial intelligence.
○Make the best use of artificial intelligence support.
It's mate or not? →Change the conclusion.
Combat. Inspiration. Search. Evaluate move whether ideas are bad or good.
Know the good form and how to play, which is not bound by preconceived notions.
We can study from a designated phase, analyze our own record of the game. Case study. We come to the conclusion with AI.
AI plays against each other, organize, good data processing, and grasp the knack, move that is easy to win by making it to 100 rounds with Ai vs Ai. A floodgate that arranges the scores of games between computers. Elmo. Heisei Shogi Battle Ponpoko. Akiko lawson.
We can move our moves.
Bonanza 50000000 parameters.
Relationship among any three pieces including king → relationship between four pieces including king.
Yaneura King. Published Mark 100 Trillion Move Analysis.
What is the reason for the judgment of artificial intelligence?
Artificial intelligence enriches ideas.
What is the value of human beings not found in artificial intelligence?
〇Shogi training. Checkmate problems.
○Improvement of the game ability.
If the information spreads, big picture, the accuracy and sharp reading of the needle can make a difference in the perspective, logic, evaluation → policy, and reading accuracy.
○Enhance our essential abilities. Know wisdom. Spread the world. People, the Internet, books, brain science.
Use our brain creatively.
If we rely too much on artificial intelligence, we won't learn it.
〇Trigger → Breakthrough
◎Spread the world.
・ Know the world. A good book.
・Get in touch with wise men in various fields.
Incorporate knowledge from other fields as well as shogi.
・Tell an interesting story, a story that enhances ourselves, and a story that changes the world.
・Try new things. Creating an intellectual environment.
・An environment that increases the aha experience(inspiration).
〇Keep our room comfortable.

☆ Best performance. Good habits.
We do what we take for granted.
Keep doing good things. Best mix.
Improvement, Sustainable.
Enrich our life by changing our consciousness, thinking, behavior, habits, and environment.
Keep thinking, keep acting, keep learning.
Habits make abilities. Manga.→ Looking rapidly. Playing baseball→Attention. Reading.→Linguistic ability. Knowledge. Shogi→Thinking ability.

We do not absent by sick.
Dental treatment.
Adjust the glasses.
We condition our body.
Load to the bone. → rejuvenation hormone.
Resveratrol, rejuvenation.
Sterilization of green tea.
Immunity by intestinal flora by yogurt
Dietary fiber…Diversity of enteric bacteria
Massage Palm, sole of the foot.
No smoking, no drink.
A glass of beer kills a million brain cells.
Breathing. I'm in nature. Air purifier. Forest bathing.
Phytontide /Relaxing Effect/Activation of Immune Cells
Laughter → Activation of immune cells.
Rich imagination
Non-audible sound / natural sound, orchestra sound →dopamine is out.
25-50 Hertz. Cat purring strengthens our bone.
・ Efficient, effectively focusing and priority on time, things, information, and people management and organizing methods.
Use of space time. Think/remember while waiting for a traffic signal.
Place important things and pending things where we can perceive.
Normal mind.
a calm mind without clutter.
・ Erase the daily anxiety.
Do not leave a rest of the previous failure.
Relax. Good smell, good sound, good space, stretch.
Stimulation. Strong smell, strong sound, wash our face. Walk.
Good posture.
〇Physical condition management Health
Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise, Hygiene
Life Rhythm
Physical and Mental Maintenance
Environmental improvement
〇Know that our condition improves.
Understand what kind of environment we can concentrate on and make an effort to create that environment.
We make the situation in which is it easy to do. 
Is it better to have music or silence? Whether we're hungry or not? Is it better to have a person or alone? What do we eat and drink and we get better?
What kind of exercise should I do?

How do we learn? How do we understand and memorize vividly?
Look, watch, write, read, talk, speak, remember, repeat, organize while thinking, We put out ideas in a group… We optimize these combinations to suit ourselves. The efficient and effective way is different according to individuals and situation. Try various ways and pick up good ones.  

Wright down a map of our interests.
Know our aptitude and develop training methods and environment.
Create the atmosphere and environment to study.

We know…
Our own characteristics. Ability, good ability, bad ability, knowledge, experience, proficiency, interest, likes and dislikes, environment, habits, and ways of thinking  
How can I make it interesting, easy, and fun? How can I maintain our concentration?
Quality study x quantity
What should I aim for? 
 How do I study or train to suit ourselves?
Find a way to suit us through trial and error/ improve.
Developing the environment that suits us.
What are the habits/lifestyles that make us grow?
Optimize ourselves. Find a comfortable way to do things, environments, and habits.
Convenient, ready to do soon.
〇Increase the performance of the hard part. Maintenance and training to enhance the workings of the brain.
We raise our brain’s performance.
Sweat on our head.
Fast processing. Increase the speed of the brain.
Training, habit, words, and theme setting to think about complex things in detail.
Intellectual life
・We can challenge to be difficult.→ dopamine → brain changes.
Exercise, sleep, nutrition.
Exercise → Reduce stress. Capillaries are made and waste products are removed.
Metabolism. Nutrition and white blood cells spread to prevent diseases.
Memory up. Concentration, attention.
・From short-term memory to long-term memory when refreshing by changing the environment.
Reduce stress ← GABA
Sleep. Fatigue → Sleep.
Low repulsive pillow.
DNA is repaired while we're sleeping.
I can't concentrate if I don't sleep.
Warm up and sleep chilled I'll go to bed right away.
Quality sleep.
×Caffeine, meals before going to bed.
I can't sleep. →I don’t memorize disliking things.
Develop training and thinking methods that take advantage of our own strengths.
To establish our own weapon.



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