Year of double-digit Epic

Rule. First two words express the number of the year of double-digit.

1924→ 24 →2 (2 letters) 4 (4 letters)

In(2) 1924(4), Death of Lenin; Stalin rules as Soviet dictator.

To(2) ruin(4) Ottoman empire (founded 1290) is Turkey.

In(2) jail(4), Adolf Hitler is.

In(2) hope(4),Summer Olympics are held in Paris, France.

At(2) dawn(4), Mongolian People's Republic starts.

Ah(2) sigh(4), the Dawes Plan is accepted.

In(2) Alps(4), the Winter Olympics open in Chamonix.

If you try to make this, "number of letters" is on the Internet with the word "cross word".   
